Space Domicile As iv been injured the last couple of weeks iv been at home, playing halo, forging, watching Dvd's and the like. The last few maps iv posted are the creations of this time spent at home. Would love feedback for this map. First one iv created on Impact. I loved the range of structures specific to this forge map. I hope you like what iv done with the place. At this point, 4v4, possibly a 5v5 map, unsure yet how it flows yet. No single part of the map should be unexplored as there are several routes that one could use to outflank and maneuver around to allow competitive game play. This map has adequate Space for battles, variability in those battles and cover for those players out there who like to stay alive. So it should offer all types of players a chance to enjoy the map. 3 Flag CTF might be a tad hard, given the length of the map. But at this point i have no idea. Weapons - Rockets, 120 second re-spawn, 1 extra clip (Spawns from start). Located top middle. - Sniper, one per base, 90 second re-spawn, 1 extra clip, (spawns from start). Located Level 2, end of walkway to the right of each base. - Boltshot, one per base, 60 seconds re-spawn, 1 extra clip, (spawns from start). Located front left of base. - Needler, a choice weapon for this map as it has some wide open spaces (in front of each base) to catch enemies by suprise. 60 re-spawn, 1 extra clip, (spawns from start). Located down narrow passages from top middle. -BR, DMR scattered around map. Random Ordnance - 2 x Rail Gun / Overshield - 2 x Damage Boost - Incineration Cannon. Located Bottom Middle. Figure 1.1 - Aerial View Figure 1.2 - Top Middle Figure 1.3 - View from Blue Base Figure 1.4 - Red Base Figure 1.5 - Bottom middle & Incineration Cannon Ordnance Hope you like the look of it guys. Iv been loving all the feedback lately. more for this map would be awesome. cheers tMULKS p.s. EDIT - File Share Halo Official Site UPDATED VERSION OF MAP!
This looks like it has some interesting contrast between room battle and longer sight lines. The kind of map that the BR is more useful. Looks good! I'll give it a look next time I'm on.
This map looks impressive. It looks a little too open in the courtyard though. I hate to tell you to detract from how great this looks by adding cover here, but it might help gameplay as there are no vehicles listed on this map. Other than that, I'd like to test this with you. Friend request Chronmeister. Very original, GOOD WORK!
This is definitely an improvement compared to your previous maps. If you're planning on updating the map and would want to test it, I'm willing to help you out. Add me on XBL if you need a tester. My GT: Zandril S312
just from the screens, mind you, this looks like it could be pretty good. only thought I have is that the station platform (round window pieces) arranged like that might cause framerate problems? But they may very well not, too. Also, this is not to badger or try to be a "forum vigilante" but, if you want feedback on your maps it might be good to create preview threads in the Halo Forge Discussion section of this forum sothat when people start actually downloading your map, it will be the final or close to final version with all the feedback applied.
I'm really liking the look and layout of this map from the screens. DLing it now and will try to give some more thoughts on it later when I get a chance to run through it, but from my first impressions it looks like it might be able to support a couple of Ghosts or Warthogs (1 of either one or the other for each team) pretty comfortably, and maybe more than just 4v4 or 5v5 as well.
i agree that it is a little bit open. i had an idea after i posted the map of a possible solution for creating a bit more cover in front of each base. some sort of "Ramp railing" splitting the middle of the map from high ground to low ground. The thought of having a vehicle or two in the map did cross my mind once or twice...but as i was making the map, the only way i was going to add vehicles was to have some sort of central "track" that the vehicles HAD to navigate through to give those player on foot a chance to stop them if say, they were carrying the flag. mongoose would be my pick. but when i had the basic layout set in stone the vehicle idea just didnt seem feasible to me. thanks for the feedback man! will add ya and let you guys know when im free to test! ^_^
thanks for the advice man. probably a good idea. new to the forge community so this whole thing is still a bit...well, new to me but yeah...ill post in the forge discussion section next time if i have another good idea for a map (which could be a long way off) haha as to your other point. im unsure if those round window pieces create problems in a map with more players as i havnt really had th opportunity to ask a bunch of mates to sit down and test this/any of my recent maps yet. fingers crossed it doesnt. thanks again...
also just want to go on record. i know vehicles create another dimension to the game. but the thing i hate the most is when noobs jump in a warthog and/or ghost and mow me down. lol but i dont avoid them. if a map is better with a vehicle than i WILL put vehicles in a map. i just prefer maps without them. cant wait to start testing my latest map with y'all if we get the chance. tMULKS
Back from my 'investigation' of your map, and I've got good news and bad news. The good news is that it feels pretty good to run through and I don't really think the open spaces are "too" open. It's got a nice layout and some pretty nice variations in height and sightlines, and a good amount of routes that you can take to traverse the map. I also think I'm right in my feeling that this map could easily support each team getting a Warthog, as well as possibly supporting up to a full 16 players. It's a pretty good sized map, and aside from the bottom-middle area of the map (where it gets trapped because there's no ramps leading back out), a Warthog is actually fairly easy to drive around on this map, and the presence of Rockets and an Incineration Cannon can help keep it from being too powerful. The bad news is that this map is incredibly easy to break. I don't know if you intended for people to be able to get up on top of those various Station structures, but it's very easy to do so, and once you do it's just as easy to find holes in your kill zone placements and get out of what seems to be the intended playspace for the map. Here's an example: Spoiler There are other similar areas like this pretty much all around the map, even without the need to get on top of those buildings, where your kill zone placements are either too loosely fitted up against the intended map boundaries, or not large enough to keep players from simply running safely through them before it can kill them. There's also a few areas where it's possible to not only escape the outer boundary of the map, but also just get completely under it, and they're very easy to access as well, for example... Spoiler takes no effort to simply jump off of that platform onto the little ledge below (outside the map), and then from that ledge onto the asteroid, where from there almost the entire underside of the map is made accessible. Aside from that, there's a few gaps that you overlooked in the map geometry itself that need to be addressed as well, but they're fairly simple fixes which won't take much more than simply adding a wall, adjusting the placement of a block, or just rotating a piece a little bit. Here's the areas like that that I found: Spoiler ^^^ A wall piece turned on it's side should be enough to cover this hole. ^^^ This gap should be closed off as well with a wall rather than just kill zoned, otherwise it's possible to slip passed it and get under the map. ^^^ There a little gaps in the floor up against the walls where my Spartan is standing in those two screens. They're not big enough to fall through, but they're noticeable, and are easy enough to fix by just bumping the Block pieces over a few points to close them up. ^^^ Another small thing, and something you can probably just ignore if you don't plan to let people get on top of those structures, but that gap there is large enough to shoot and throw grenades through, so it could be a gameplay issue rather than just an aesthetic one. Again, these are very easy to fix by just rotating those glass cap pieces 90* so that they fit. The way they're positioned now they don't line up correctly with the Station pieces because 343i apparently didn't quite make their shape completely uniform. All and all, as I said, I like the layout of the map, and I think it would play pretty well and would be pretty well suited for Warthog play if you added ramps to the bottom-middle area of the map so the hogs can't get trapped there. There just needs to be some fixes made in terms of the actual boundaries of the map, otherwise it would be very easy for players to get of the map, especially with jetpacks, if allowed.
This is easily my favourite of your designs, Tom. Sup3rNo7a up there gave a lot of useful info, so I don't think I need to run through and check it out for myself, but I might anyway at a later time. The map itself looks interesting, if a tad open and I think Aesthetics could be approved in some areas (although it's much nicer looking than previous maps.) I'd actually like to play a game on this and see how it plays and possible changes and additions that could be made to improve on the map. Overall, very well done! Your most Aesthetically pleasing map so far. I'll download and checkout sightlines at some point.
Supernova! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA this made me laugh (especially the second photo). i love how thorough you are man. All great insights. Will definitely take some time to perfect the kill zones and gaps and ill think about how i can add a warthog for each team. Underneath the map looks ugly as hell though, but i can see how i will make the path for warthog underneath already that could possibly work. but will post more photo's when i update it. thanks for putting in the time and effort to bring me this feedback. i really appreciate it! Thanks Silent. doing something about the openness of the map today. i would love to have a game with everyone if i get a chance next week with an updated version of this map!
Oh, no no no, don't open up the underside of the map for the Warthog. The Warthog works fine in the actual intended playspace. I meant just add ramps to the entrances/exits to bottom-mid where the Incineration Cannon spawns, that way Warthogs won't get stuck there like they can now.
yeah cool cool. ill get onto that tomoro. wont take long. i corrected the kill zones and added some more cover in the courtyard area. then had to bail to my brothers.
In the next maps that you post, you should first post them as a Map Preview in the H4 Forge Discussion Forum. This way, all the feedback that you get from others can be applied to your map before you make it an official post.