hi welcome to forgehub! I think this looks like it could play well for 1v1 or maybe 2v2, but I would think 8 players would be very hectic and spawning might not work so well... One suggestion I would make is for you to replace that floor with perhaps the colleseum walls because all those lines look messy against the other lines created by your 5x5 flat walls. Anything you could do to make it look less visually noisy would be good. Even just keeping your floor as 5x5 flats by flipping them over to use the less noisy side would be an improvement. Then, consider making the 5x5s flat wall pieces turn 90deg so the lines point up. It's a nice little map that keeps things simple, but I think you could improve visually. I don't mean any offense as this is just my opinion.
I agree with JKaddict. You used way too many 5x5 blocks. You can use what he suggested which are wall coliseums. You can also use the flat part of a ramp, stunt. Either one of those would be very good replacements to the 5x5 flats.
Thanks for the feedback. I will keep that in mind when i rebuild the map on different forge areas and test out new ideas.
Replacing the objects making up the walls is the most substantial suggestion you can come up with? What a joke. How about "give the map height variation and avoid making maps shaped like giant squares"? The walls dividing the map are just vast pieces of lazy cover and all sightlines are completely straight. This looks like nothing more than a somewhat elaborate warmup map. You need more depth and complexity. I suggest you abandon this project permanently and search inspiration in other maps. Or really, that you stop playing Halo because it's ****, but whatever.
Ignoring 95%of what hulter said, he's got a point about the height variation. There's almost none here. The map will play well enough, but it certainly looks dull and boring with just the flat plane and what appears to be some half-thought out central structure. Think about some of the other halo maps. They have lots of variation in height and a sense of structure. Keep these things in mind when creating a map. Those paper thin walls are also rather infuriating to me. try to make them more bulky. or better yet, form rooms out of them and give us a reason to go there. (elevation, weapon, cover, etc)
I would advise heavily against using Wall Coliseums for the flooring due to the way objects in Forge shift slightly after saving and loading a map. Because of that, any point where the edge of one piece meets another edge there will likely be a bump or something because they won't line up correctly, and it not only looks horrible but can negatively affect or distract from gameplay. You definitely need more height variation as well, be it in various rising/falling sections of the floor (using smaller floor pieces like the Ramp, Stunts, 3x3/4x4, etc. can help with your ability to do this), or building more structures into the corners, sides, or within the corridors of the map. As is it looks more like a Grifball court with oddly placed walls and obstacles.
Why are you accessing this site giving feedback yet also telling people to stop playing the game? Rather than irritating people, why don't you stop playing the game yourself and move on? it is doing no good saying this.
I played Halo 4 recently? I'll make sure to get myself fastened tightly to my bed before sleeping henceforth.
He wasn't asking whether or not you'd played the game recently, he was asking why you would suggest that people stop playing the game in a forum meant for constructive feedback. @OP You should try incorporating line-of-sight blockers into the map architecture instead of putting up pieces specifically for that purpose. Trying to do that often gets me around issues I have when building. You should also try adding more verticality. And of course the texture issues. The block repetition is pretty boring.
While I agree with what you said about this map, there is really no need to insult the insight of other members. I realize that Zandril didn't give the best feedback. He only mentioned how the map could be improved visually. And he was right about it. Too much 5x5 flats definitely don't look good. But you shouldn't take a dump on his reply just because he wasn't able to mention how the map could be improved gameplay-wise. I'm not in this website much but by just looking at a few map threads, I think it's safe to say that you're currently the biggest jerk here. I'd call you something else rather than jerk, but I don't really want to get infracted.
the reason I didn't give any advice about his layout is because I assumed that he wanted it that way. Sometimes, you just want to make a square room with paper thin walls. If that's what he envisioned, why shouldn't he make it? The key is to make it work, and I think with just 2-4 players it would work okay. but certainly, giving him advice to try more height variation is a good thing too, since he should continually try to grow as a forger... on the c-walls, the shifting hasn't been much of a problem for me in some time, plus his floor size is not large enough to create major bumps in the joins. IT would be relatively easy to cover the bumps or correct them. I use c-walls all the time and rarely have issues iwth major bumps.
That's what the casual maps section is for. Hulter's comment, although partially off-topic, was probably the most productive in terms of improving competitiveness. Don't attack him where he makes reasonable posts. That's a sheep thing to do. I agree with Hulter on the structural feedback.
Nobody is commenting on the structural feedback he gave, it's more about how he started the post by calling somebody else's feedback a 'joke', and ended it by suggesting that the OP should 'stop playing Halo because it's ****.'
You have an issue with meaningless feedback being called a joke and halo being called ****? And who added this profanity filter?
I'm sure noone would mind anyone doing anything to this "Hutler" of yours. Somebody tell OVR to drop his balls. People's christian, overly sensitive parents won't be watching these boards. Nothing to worry about.