Hi guys, after playing Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, I came up with the idea of creating a gametype ispired by this game. The idea is giving a few players the ability to camouflage using the trait zones into the bushes while other players have better weapons but no stealth ability. I also edited the score sistem, rewarding players who play according to the metal gear saga, using Snake's CQC and stealth abilities to take down hostiles without being seen. 1 Point Standard Kill 2 Points Headshot Kill/CQC Kill 3 Points Assassination There are two teams: Snake Team(Green Team) Snake can use the bushes for camouflage, becoming invisible and hard to detect by enemy soldiers; He is equipped with a Magnum, a Soliton Radar(25 meters) and with a thermal vision(Promethean Vision); He is stronger than the soldiers, but his health does not recharge automatically; He must eat snakes to recharge its shields; I suggest you have a player in the green team every four players in the Blue Team for balancing purposes. The Soldiers(Blue Team) Blue Team consists of a few soldiers that have to protect a structure; They have better equipment than Snake; They spawn in a room inside the base in which there are some weapons(Assault Rifles at start, then even Binary Rifles and Shotguns). Some screens(Map in development) Suggestions? Ideas? Opinions?
I think this sounds like loads of fun! I haven't played any of the Metal Gear multiplayer gametypes, but Snake Eater sounds great! I like what you did aesthetically, creating the "bushes" and the satellite dishes. My only concern would be loss of framerate. I haven't played the map so I can't say with certainty, but it looks to me that there to be loss of framerate due to the amount of trees placed on the map. I'll have to give it a download and check it out for myself. Great work man. Can never get enough of a good mini game! -Hydro
I really like this idea. I'm a huge fan of the MGS series. Its kind of where my GT came from weapon+animal = codename. What is the gametype based on? Koth would make sense. Sneak to the objective without being seen to win with a limited amount of lives to do so.
I think he was saying it's slayer based because of the kill points... I really like this idea, and is similar to something I tried to make, but quit because it didn't work the way I wanted it to. Mine had nothing to do with MGS, though. QUestion, while the players are stealthy inside the bushes, can someone pan across the bush and see the red name pop up? T hat's what I hated about the idea I had. I wish there was an option to just turn that feature off...
Don't worry, there are no frame rate issues at all @GrenadeGorilla8: It's based on Slayer. @JKaddict: The name is visible only when you get in or you get out of the bushes or when you take some hit. There is no Metal Gear without a box
Since nobody's done it yet... Snake? Snake?!? SNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE!!!!! This seems like a great idea, though -- and I don't usually go for these custom gametypes. I typically stick to shootin'.