
Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by orangedrone, May 1, 2013.

  1. TRAUMAjunkie

    TRAUMAjunkie Forerunner

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    I'm not following you here... Theses pieces rotate 360 degrees on all axes.

    You don't have to take my advice, granted, but this map is seriously lacking. Which is a shame to say because I had a lot of hope for it as remarkable as that first screenshot was. I implore you to reconsider my critiques. Isn't that why we're all here? Mess around with it a bit, its not like you can't save alternate versions as separate maps...
  2. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    Downloaded this and checked it out. To be honest, I regret spending that minute, especially when the feedback I'm going to give is very similar to everybody else's. Firstly - there's no reason to go outside. Every place you can get to outside, you can get to from the inside, and faster. The layout is so simplistic that it borders on being a warmup map. It's literally a circle on the outside and two squares on top of each other on the inside. The teleporters should be replaced with lifts to give the audio cue that a player is reaching the top floor, which is the most advantageous area of the map. There's no reason to leave the top floor apart from the sword, and honestly the sword's not a big deal when all of the lines of sight on the map are massive.
  3. orangedrone

    orangedrone Promethean

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    Can't be done. Take a bridge rotate it 45 degrees (like you see mine at) then, try to rotate it up or down, or at an angle while retaining the initial 45 degrees. Everything gets retarded. Can't be done. It's a known issue man. You cannot zero-out the coordinates. Period. Countless forgers cringe at this. And when they fix it.. look out.

    What's the point again in wasting one's creative energy to basically mock and imitate things that have already been done? Just for the forge workout or what? I don't do that type of forging. I would of thought that would be apparent already. But, please keep trying to beat me into conforming to biased ideals. "You can't do that" "You have to do it this way""That way doesn't work" "Only this way works.." Hey guess what.. you can do whatever you want. That's the point.

  4. orangedrone

    orangedrone Promethean

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    Seriously? people do that? Check out somebody else's creativity and then scurry back on here to say how much they "regret" doing so. LOL that's an entirely new level! Nice!

    Maybe I should say if you are NOT going to play the map.. (like trying to kill the other team etc.) Then save your feedback? Additionally, don't even think about downloading the map cause, you are going to regret it. It will certainly ruin your day. Maybe a disclaimer of some sort. Like WARNING This map may make you regret stuff! haha

    Such cool people to be sharing creativity with :)

    #24 orangedrone, May 5, 2013
    Last edited: May 5, 2013
  5. orangedrone

    orangedrone Promethean

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    Panopticon is an intense, symmetrical, arena-style map with 4 points of entry (RED, BLUE, YELLOW & GREEN). The layout is an unforgiving center structure surrounded by calm, scenic vistas.

    That's all it is gang.. right there.
    #25 orangedrone, May 5, 2013
    Last edited: May 5, 2013
  6. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It's funny, because when this garbage happened on 343i. I was blamed for being a ****. So when the exact same thing happens here with no involvement from myself, who's fault is it? Could it perhaps be an issue of someone not being able to handle criticism? I thought that we had come to an understanding on 343i, but it would appear that that is not the case. If you don't want to listen to experienced forgers, then don't. Just don't expect to become an experienced forger yourself that way.
  7. orangedrone

    orangedrone Promethean

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    Phychoduck. IF you created a map and people who hadn't even played were telling you to change it.. would you? And this isn't AT ALL what happened on 343. On 343 you were bashing it before even seeing it at all. Over here there is like one guy who keeps saying the same stuff over and over again. I told him the 1st time thanks. I meant it too.

    Not to mention we are kinda discussing some forge issues.. so, not a total wash.

    Seems like I'm keeping my cool better than you this time. And YES.. I most certainly did think we came to an understanding. You chiming in here says differently. It's apparent you are trying to bash me.. what your motives would be I may never know... nor care. Guess you want to insure that a gang-bang will transpire.

    Let the countdown begin,

    #27 orangedrone, May 5, 2013
    Last edited: May 5, 2013
  8. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yes, in fact. When I first started forging I was very open to hearing feedback from those more experienced than me. Whether they had played my maps or not, I knew that their feedback must at the very least hold some weight. Of course I would never simply make changes because someone else told me too, but I would take the time to analyze their feedback, understand where they were coming from, and then act upon it if necessary.

    I'm not entirely sure when an attempt to help became known as bashing, but I suppose I'm done here. I've wasted enough of my time attempting to salvage the situation already. Cheers.
  9. orangedrone

    orangedrone Promethean

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    Nice! So, come in here all rude like you have something to prove. Only to agree with me right before you bail. I like that man. This is a new side of you Psychoduck. I must say I'm strangely both confused and impressed by it. HAHA

    Why don't you go make a map?
  10. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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  11. orangedrone

    orangedrone Promethean

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    Thanks man for posting that. For real. I just read it and it seems to jive for the most part. The only problem I had with it was when I got here:

    "Your feedback is invalid because you did not play the map, you only looked at it/ walked around it in Forge."

    On 343 you could even add "OR not even looked at it at all" </tangent> The argument is that even with the infinite possibilities an editor like Forge provides that there are still people out there who have played sooo many maps that their insta-opinion constitutes as feedback. To the point that if you don't change it.. then, all of a sudden you are quickly labeled as someone who absolutely cannot handle feedback. Then, you have people one-upping that coming in saying stuff like "don't expect to ever be a serious forger" unless you listen to me.

    That's a bit much isn't it? Can we not humbly request to save unbiased feedback if you have not played competitively on the map? If not, that sucks.. but, OK. It just seems to put the odds against the forger.. in a community that is supposed to support them.

    With that said. If anyone still must give me feedback based on preconceived, biased ideals formulated on maps of the past.. then, sobeit. I'll recognize it immediately for the type of feedback it is and "
    take it with a grain of salt" like your article suggests.. I can respect all that.

    #31 orangedrone, May 5, 2013
    Last edited: May 5, 2013
  12. Shadowcat AZ

    Shadowcat AZ Guest

    First of all, Welcome to Forgehub Orangedrone! I thought about what to say in this post long before typing it, so as not to add to the fray. I did download your map and I want to commend you on the way you Forged it, especially the openings at spawn, very sexy indeed! As for feedback, the one thing I want to convey is that I feel that you should have a block between the 4 different initial spawns. Maybe a rock 5 or something to break them up?

    How much budget do you have left? Possibly making another doorway like the originals on 30 degree angles from the original door that turn and go into the map? This would break up the outer access to the other spawns and allow two more ways into the center of the map? Just an idea.
  13. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, Orangedrone, you're OK with every part of his post and willing to accept his opinion except where it conflicts with yours.

    If I have the right to do so, I request a thread lock. This is going absolutely nowhere.
  14. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
    Senior Member

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    orangedrone, if you continue to turn down any feedback you receive, I'll lock this thread. I'm not going to give you anymore chances. If you don't agree with someone, just move on.
  15. MockKnizzle008

    MockKnizzle008 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    So I'm not gonna even attempt to join in the shitshow that is the commentary on this map, but I have a completely unrelated concern: what you wrote up there is a huge cop-out. OF COURSE you can make a ramped bridge on a 45 degree angle. You grab it, turn off rotation snap, and move it to the correct position. It takes all of like 20 seconds. It can totally be done, you just have to be enough of an adult to do it without training wheels.
  16. orangedrone

    orangedrone Promethean

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    Hey thanks for your feedback!
  17. orangedrone

    orangedrone Promethean

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    Yeah, that was actually the original design.. well, instead of the teleporters on the lower level.. it opened up to the outside.

    And thanks for the proper welcome man.. my god was that refreshing :)

  18. MockKnizzle008

    MockKnizzle008 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    No problem, bro!
  19. Shadowcat AZ

    Shadowcat AZ Guest

    Really not a problem! I think too many of us walk in here with a chip on our virtual shoulders when we anticipate good reviews for our maps and don't get it. Constructive critisim is good, until we take it the wrong way. The write up FlyingShoeILR did pretty much sums it up, we need to be the bigger person when someone is just tea-bagging our maps and such.

    Besides that, I was gonna use something similar in one of my upcoming maps as you did on yours with the doors, I figured I would put that out there before anyone accused me of ripping off your design.

    Yes, there is room for improvement, but we really all need to learn how to get along here.
  20. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Is this your first forged map or your first map posted here?

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