The title says it all really. Anyone got any tips on making Forerunner structures or even better how to make them? Also any tips on using larger rock pieces in an authentically pleasing way?
Best pallet to use is forge island because of the grey color of the objects. Forerunner architecture is generally tall, very detailed and imposing so it is rather difficult to make well in forge. Also watch this, its a tad old from reach but gives you a good baseline. Essentially make your structures clean and stick a big ass tower on it. Google is your best friend As far as rocks go I don't use them much so can't really help. It's just a matter of mucking around with them. Just remember the last thing you want to do is put the same rock next to the same rock without altering its orientation, meaning tweak its height, and angles so it looks more natural. just have a look at other peoples maps and get inspiration from them if you get stuck. Check out mr pokephiles channel or thfe as they always feature forge island maps and people seem to use the rocks in really creative ways
Use colored base shields to accent the forerunner structure, rarely does a real forerunner structure lack a secondary color to it. Usually it is blue (or cyan) and grey, but orange and red work too. As for the rocks, never use coordinate editing, rotation snap, or magnets with them. Freehand every piece, this helps it looks less perfect, and more natural looking. If you use rock 5's as cliff walls, tilt them so the top is further away from the center of the canyon or whatever. For example, say that # represents the center, or the floor of the canyon. It sould look something like = \ # /. This is because the upper areas have had more time to erode away than the lower parts, so it looks larger up there than atthe bottom.
My new map has a lot of rocks on it. Take a look here. I tend to have the grain of a rock structure all facing the same way by having them at similar angles. Also, I never have them facing straight up.
for forerunner structures, use long angles and jagged edges, and as ARCASIUS said, make them big too. the "Artifact base" piece is really the only forerunner piece in any pallet, and you can make some cool stuff out of it. I had started to make a BTB map on Ravine using that as a theme, but didn't get very far w/ it. I may ret urn to that project lat er... who knows?
Take a look at the rock structures on R.1 and R.2 on my FS. These are CONCEPT maps only for symmetrical and asymmetrical sandtrap-esq map design. The very tall rocks with the wide "base" that allows you to stand on and shoot down from were inspired by the valhalla structure and the sandtrap edifices. Sorry I don't have pics to throw up right now. BTW, this sandtrap style map is the first time I would actually consider forging a modded map that has 10x more rocks of all varieties. But then... it would never find its way into MM....
In my opinion, it is possible to make SandTrap (RockTrap, GrassTrap, etc.) on Forge Island without using a modded map. You do run out of the big building rocks but you get many tall rectangular ones so it can be done using rocks as the basis for the 3 structures and hills, and using other pieces for detailing. I did a 30 min quick build test to see if it was possible and I think it is.