May Nominations Hello Forge Hub, I understand that it's been a while since we had a Forge Hub Favorites voting, but we intend to continue bringing these to you from now on.The staff have recently been spending a lot of time going through how we do things and figuring out some fixes to new conflicts. I'm sure that Tedium's recent site update is a far better source for this sort of information though, so I'll just let you read about it all there. For those of you new to the forum, FHF is a public nomination and then voting process that serves to highlight the maps that the community feels are deserving of a spotlight. You nominate here, and in the final voting you get to choose the single map you like the best of the final ones. Each month there is a new FHF period, so check back as these pop up I'd also like to bring to your attention that the nominations and voting will be undergoing a slight change. We'll put the top 5 nominated maps into the final voting, as opposed to the trial of putting any map with a few votes in. Also, because of an issue with the polls, we can't get them to be private at this time. You'll still get a final announcement of the to 3 winners, but you will now be able to see for yourself how voting goes before and after it is closed. We weren't terribly pleased by this, but I figure it's a small price to pay for bringing back the FHF. "So let's get this show on the road then shall we?" -Organite We will now be resuming nominations. Be sure to link the nominated map to the thread here on Forge Hub if it has not already been linked, and remember not to nominate a map that has alreday won. You can view previous winners here. If any of you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Rules Max. 3 nominations per person. Provide a link to each map's Forge Hub thread. DO NOT nominate your own map. DO NOT nominate previous FHF winners. DO NOT nominate Map Packs. DO NOT discuss nominations in this thread. DO NOT flame nominations posted in this thread. Nominations end May 20th, 2013. Voting will begin quickly afterwards. May the best map win, xAudienceofone
What u talkin' bout with this "sort of" crap? Also, Shadowcat, I like how you colored your link. lol.
Yeah, I get that. Unfortunately, we can't find a way to fix it. You can always discipline yourself to not look until the final results.,,