See you all in a few hours.. I will be on at about 11 gmt if anyone wants to join me for some matchmaking warm up games!
Yeah, I can't make this. probably the next one too. Nothing I want to get into too much, but there's been a death in thefamily and finals are coming up at my university. No time.
Thanks, guys. I appreciate that. In all honesty though, it's best this way. The illness was just to the point of no return for the old lady.
Found a major flaw in my death race and circuit map. What I originally planned to make laps count isn't going to work. I need to go back to the drawing board when I have the time and fix it. Sorry guys, count me out.
Whats up dudes. My real name is Kalen and I am 30 years old and am married with a full time job and two boys. I am a carpenter in the Bay Area and spend most of my free time forging, playing Halo or playing disc golf. I went to college for three years trying for a psychology major, and art minor, but dropped out after becoming a carpenter. I make pretty good money now and work is alright so I guess shits ok. I really wish I was an architect or worked with video games in some sort of artistic way, but, I have already gotten pretty far with the job I have so I guess I should stick with it while my body lets me. I've come to the realization that I'm gonna hate my job no matter what it is, so I might as well stick with what pays good. I am really new to forge. I just started forging on Halo 4 and have been pretty much obsessed with it ever since I started. I sought out this website as a place to post my maps. I didn't want all those hours of work to go to waste so I did a quick search and found forgehub. I think this site is awesome. I never knew there was such an active forging community. I think the testing lobbies are great and couldn't be happier with my experience on this site. I feel like the work I do in forge actually has some sort of meaning now, and without that, I'm pretty sure I would have stopped a while ago. I hope people are trying my maps. I'd like to get a better list of friends that are always down for customs. I hate turning the game on to see the majority of people on my friends list playing something else. Anyone who can relate should friend request me. I can't find any other game as worthwhile as Halo so I don't really play anything else anymore.
Well chron you should have noticed by now that i only play halo myself. If the TCOJ lobbies get too quiet we can still run customs i am sure.
Unfortunately the Halo 4 population has really thinned out, and out of my full friends list, it seems like few of them are on much anymore. It's a sad state of affairs. But I'll keep playing the game, and am down for customs or matchmaking always. Only when September and GTA5 come along will I be absent from Halo, I imagine.
Well I have to give players a reason to do laps and I planned on doing that through CTF. I made the flag spawn point at the end of the circuit and then you take your vehicle through a one-way teleporter and cap the flag. Then do another lap, unlimited caps, 10 min time limit. The problem I have is that the flag spawns at the cap point and not the spawn point. So you can practically stand on top of the flag point and earn like 5,000 caps in like 10 seconds. I placed the flag point at pick up site with the 'CTF' tag on it and the cap point with the 'Flag Return' tag on it. I guess the 'Flag Return' tag also tells that point to spawn the flag as well. I have it designed for 5 teams of two, mainly focused around mongoose, hog, and rocket hog. The benefits of using the mongoose is better manuervability through turns, smaller target, and your passenger gets to blast away with infinite ammo from a increased damage produced SAW and Railgun with no reloading involved but your vehicle takes less damage of course. The main problem is setting up the lap system for these 5 teams and making it fair.
Sorry for not turning up again. I tend to choose real life over gaming when something comes up, I hope I didn't mess things up by not being there.
We soldiered on and had a full lobby (3v3 at first, 4v4 after a game or two). So it's not a huge deal. Going forward though, if you think this is likely to happen, I'd prefer to have you signed up as a reserve rather than one of the regular slots.
it would be really nice if people who played Desalination the past two weeks could give me some feedback beyond the quick comments in the lobby, because often times there are two people speaking at once and on the spot it's hard to describe what is meant by a comment. it would really be helpful to get some well thought out comments so that I can make some improvements before releasing this. THANKS! (I will type up some feedback in the next day or two)
I just love playing with you guys. I hope we will remain buddies and shoot each other in the face for a long time to come. Even if the H4 population drops off the face of the earth and Halo 6 never gets made I will always remember the awesome games we have shared in TCOJ lobbies. But I cant thinkof any game that miight divert me away from halo. I love the thing too deeply.
There are many great communities like this for other games that share and test custom content but ForgeHub is much more in-depth when it comes to community participation and feedback I think.
No lobby this week. Just want to let you guys know, I'm in the middle of a cyclone of insanity at work and at home. My job is crazy, my one co-worker (there's only two of us in my position) is on vacation, and my wife just took a new job that is going to mean a lot of home repairs and then selling the house and moving. So... yeah, cyclone of insanity. I'm taking Tuesday off from TCOJ and there's a good chance I may be unavailable more than available this entire summer. Will update you soon.