Everyone here needs to take a chill pill. Arcasius, he was offering map feedback. Whether or not you choose to accept said feedback is up to you, but responding the way you did wasn't warranted. You are going to get feedback on this thread. You can't just freak out at a little negative feedback. @A Haunted Army: Just stop. All you are doing is provoking a negative response, and you know it. You don't have to agree with him, but there's no point in starting a flame war, especially when you can see he's easily provoked (as you can already tell.) Now, on topic. Arcasius, the layout looks decent from the screenshots. However I feel the map looks incredibly bland at most parts. That's probably due to Forge Islands ugly, ugly pallet, but I suggest working on the ships a bit more. It's hard to tell that they're ships (if they're not ships, you can already see how confusing they are.) and they seem to blend in with the rest of the map, taking away from the feeling of it. I'd be up for playing it at some point to see how it plays, but I'm not a huge fan of the Aesthetics.
This is in regards to another post on another forum where he was being an ass and slandering forgehub so I dont have to accept feedback from those people. Nobody has freaked out over a bit of negative feedback. Kindly, if you don't know the whole story, which you evidently dont if you just simply read THIS thread, then dont get involved please. Anyway in regards to the map, they are indeed not ships, they are simply rounded buildings and yes you are right, due to the forge island pallet they look bland and not much can be done about that. No problems, all I can say is I hope your opinion changes after some games on it. cheers
The map plays terrible, why? here is a long list of reasons. The middle so under powered that it creates stalemates and does not provide any incentive to move out of ones base. This map plays slayer like complete garbage because of it, along with every other game type. no reason you come up with in the world will change the fact that your maps layout is horrendous. The glass rooms on the sides of the map are dead ends and useless for game play. The long hall ways in the bottom middle of the map is a long death trap, going down there is like asking to get killed. SO a huge portion of the center of your map is useless. Regardless of what you think, that is how it plays and nothing you say will change that. Your respawn zones for flag are messed up, currently you can spawn in your enemies base, right in front of your opponents flag. This is stupid and no Halo map that plays good does this, and no halo map will play good like this. Just a fact, fix it or give up. This is a very simple technical issue that armature forgers make, to not fix it makes your map look like it was designed by a novice. You are a novice but still, you should have enough pride to at least make your map look like it wasn't made by one. The shooting angles on this map are so long and uncontrolled that your map is to open. I can stand on the flag spawn and see nearly 60% of the whole map. That is ridiculous for such a huge map, with a power position that is so high up. This is a fact, and it hurts your map, learn or continue to be a novice at map design. Your a novice who knows very little about map design whether you like it or not. The truth is, in comparison to those like myself who have been around since the beginning of halo 3 forge and always on the cutting edge your a bad designer. My account here may look new, but the fact is this is not my community, I am originally from the Halo 3 MLG forge forum community. I have been around way longer than you have, and I have contributed more to our understanding and development of map design then you will ever dream of. My ideas and theories and even in this communities top map guides, things I helped develop years ago. If your cannot handle the most basic criticism you are going to fail. I have seen many forgers like you come and go, you fail because you cannot adapt. Your to insecure to handle the nicest person trying to help you get better. Grow up and have more confidence in yourself, or you will fail like the many who were just like you are. Change or fail its your choice, I am done with you. By the way to the rest of the community, I usually do not act that arrogant and full of myself, but in this kids case he deserves it. Hope the rest of you do not think less of me because of it if you do I apologize.
ARCASIUS, add flag away spawns. I learned this whenever on my map that on CTF I was spawning right on the enemy teams flag making CTF play very odd.
i can be constructive, i promise...: looking at this map in forge.... oh god i prefer to look at the overly noisy images because the effects look pretty and hide what the map actually is, much easier on the eyes and brain. the main problem with the map is that your bases are the power positions of the map, they are the highest point with tones of cover and no counter able position or options available. i do see that there isn't any actual cover put there but the thing to understand is that verticality provides its own cover, the cover isn't in the form of a lazy wall/pillar put there for support but resides in the dynamic of how lines of sight works, simply put when standing higher up then someone else all you have to do is take a step backwards and you're in cover while the person lower down has to navigate the entire map. it doesn't help that the paths through the center offer no cover. i'm not saying the center doesn't have cover because the center structure and side buildings provide cover, what i'm saying is that there is no cover available when you're trying to navigate through the map itself because all the paths are out in the open. because of the lack of cover through the paths and the bases being the most powerful, actually over powered positions on the map the gameplay will be nothing more then camping on your base trying to cross map the other team. the center is a death pit quite literally because going down to the bottom part of the map which has no cover and is overlooked by both bases means a guaranteed death. there is no reason to even navigate the map, why go to the middle when its a death pit with no cover? why go to the sides when all the paths to it and out of it are watched and sniped at by the bases? there isn't. weapon isn't a strong incentive to move, its a subtle incentive and shouldn't be relied on for map movement, not that it matters on this map because going for one of the random weapons = insta-death. your recommended gametypes don't help but make this worse because they provide you with random weapons at your feet, at least with the community gametypes some movement is promoted because you have to hunt down weapons instead. the maps architecture isn't that pretty either, you have a few curvy buildings but overall its still very boxy and bland, good job with creating misleading images though see... constructive.....
The feedback that is unbiased has been noted. However by your logic does this mean that any position on a map that is elevated is considered a power position? If you stand on the roofs of the adjacent buildings you have a clear line of sight to both bases and you can kill anybody up there. From playtests the bases have not actually become a power position although from the pictures they may seem that way. The paths themselves I found didnt need cover as you yourself said cover doesnt literally need to be pillars of sorts, there is plenty of cover in the form of buildings and the centre structure. I will admit however that the paths at mid may need something more to block some Lines of sight from the bases so ill look into that shortly. All power weapons, random ordnance and most spawns were situated not in the bases and I did this to promote movement throughout the map which it did successfully in my own play tests. There is only one 'image' that contains effects so If the plain quote "'images"' unquote, are misleading then the fault lies in your comprehension capabilities and imagination and not in my ability to take screenshots You may not be a fan of the aesthetics but many others are and that's fine by me. Thank you finally for some constructive feedback, well until your last sentence or two anyway. You're making progress though
Hey man, after giving the map a few play tests/walk-thrus I gotta say that I really enjoy the layout of the map. Very original design! My only comment for improvement of the map is simply aesthetic. The "lights" that you have lining the passage at the bottom of the map aren't consistent. Due to the "phase shift" that occurs when you load the map, not every light protrudes enough from the wall to display the light. It's a minor change, but I think it would help to increase the immersion of the map if you simply pulled the "lights" slightly farther out of the wall. Anyway, these are only minor grievances. Great map! -Hydrolysis
Hey man thanks im glad you enjoyed it I am working on a rework of the map as I saw some areas for improvement as far as flow goes so ill be posting that really soon, and ill definitely look into the lights, they were fine for me but ill pull them out ever so slightly to remove any possibility of that happening.
You know what you said on THC about wanting constructive feedback and not blind praise for aesthetics? I find it funny that you were all happy with both this thread and the THC one up until you got one post criticising something and suggesting a change. IOW, you welcomed the blind praise for aesthetics and disregarded and resented the constructive feedback. Dirty little lier.