Apollo is my second submission to the 2v2 Dust Up competition. Although it has been overshadowed by Citrus with attention and care, it is still a decent map that is fun to play. The map features a Sniper, Saw and Speed Boost, running horizontally across the map. The Saw is very powerful, so it only has one clip and spawns every 2 1/2 minutes, while the Sniper and Speed Boost spawn every 2 minutes. Control of the top platforms is vital, but very difficult to do consistently, there are many routes up to the top and there is not much cover, forcing you to give up your position to avoid death. Thank you everyone that helped me test and gave Feedback See you later <3
Another great looking 2v2 map! I'll have to give it a Download to get a closer look, but from the pictures it looks like it will be a great competitive map with nice tactical jumps and intentional LoS. Nice work man.
this map was good the first time I played it, but needed improvements to make it playable by most types of gamers. Elliot did exactly that, and the latest version I played was absolutely amazing gameplay. I recommend this to anyone looking for a 2v2 or 3v3 map for smaller groups to play on. EDIT: to say that i actually liked this one a little more than Citrus, which is also a great map. just a personal preference.
Thanks man, I believe it could be better, but I would rather work on other stuff than update this. I'm really glad you like it though.
May I ask what the theme of the map is? I mean sure it looks like a space theme, hence the name Apollo, but what is the map's geometry supposed to look like? I love the textures you used on this by the way, super clean and super sexy. Don't think I've gotten a game on it yet, but I'm sure I will soon. Might be back for more feedbackz.
I think it's Baroque Abstraction. This is a really fun map. I have an issue with the SAW, and there are a few areas I can't think of at the moment that I would like to see tweaked, but I have had fun on each game here. I do hope you continue to make these maps, you've got a real knack for them.
Yeah, there is stuff wrong with it. I had to rush to make the deadline for Dust Up. My next 2v2 will be pruned a lot better. Thanks bro.