What you think should be in the next major update for halo 4?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Mangochestnut, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. Mangochestnut

    Mangochestnut Promethean
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    I can handle everything if they just nerf dmr a lil and boltshot a LOOOOOOOT.
  2. RehnX

    RehnX Ancient
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    After some more time, they really need to change the weighting on certain power weapons for PO, I've played games where I was trippin' on Binary Rifles and Incineration Cannons, that shouldn't happen.

    I'd rather they nix the idea altogether, and just put weapons back on the map on timers, and the reward for going on killings sprees is, you know. . .winning. With random PO, it let's winning teams get too easy of an advantage, and comebacks become much harder when you're on respawn and the other team all has rockets.

    Also, whoever it was that said petitions don't do anything, you're wrong, H2 PC lives!
  3. Ryker61

    Ryker61 Promethean

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    Peg, you know perfectly well why players can't choose rockets for their loadouts. I was talking about the standard weapons.
  4. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    "Standard weapon" is essentially an arbitrary clsssification. The actual reason rockets aren't available in these standard loadout weapons is because it'd be unbalanced. And that's exactly what the argument for stricter loadouts is as well, just less extreme. Everyone starting with DMRs isn't nearly as detrimental as it would be with rockets, but you can't say that one is out of the question but defend the other on the basis that people should be able to choose what they want.
  5. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I think they should buff the pulse grenade. It's too weak.
  6. TMR Legend

    TMR Legend Promethean

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    The ability to disable sprint.
  7. FungalComic0

    FungalComic0 Promethean

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    I think we should spawn with two pulse grenades and one plasma.
  8. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    What if the Pulse Grenade would actually slow the movement of both Spartans and vehicles, and give it a slight Damage Boost?
    Then Spartans, or vehicles, would get trapped in the vortex, or will stay in it longer to be at least effective. Just a idea I had.
    I can pretty much deal with the other weapons right now, good kill times, and the new update looks nice to me.. Balancing it to even better.

    I agree with TMR Legend though, would love the ability to disable that.. (Would love a entire update dedicated to custom options)
  9. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    Halo 5 should be the next update.
  10. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    Six month development cycle? :p

    Also, big bump by Zandril there.
  11. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Dunno if that was just a comment or gesturing towards rules, but just in case: FH got rid of necro post rules a while ago on the basis that, as long as a post contributes to the thread then it's better to bump the old one than start a new duplicate thread, and if it doesn't then it can be classed as spam so necro rules themselves don't really serve a function.
  12. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    Nothing to do with the rules, it was just something I noticed.
  13. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    I just think they should stop wasting resources on Halo 4 and use them towards Halo 5. Halo 5 is probably still on the production board on how gameplay will be but I'm sure the script is already written. Focus on 5 and bring us something new that will capture their audience back. People have BR'd the **** out of each other, played on Lockout and Guardian enough to lay the blueprint out in our dreams, and can practically guess the script for Halo 5. So why even bother going down the road the everyone is so tired of. Halo needs a dramatic change or else it will become dormant for 10 years until some developer feels it is time to bring it back to light or remake it.
  14. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Yeah I mean if anything halo 4 is generally considered too conservative, right?
  15. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    People are just tired of the same ****.
  16. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    A Classic playlist in online matchmaking. By this, I mean a playlist that only has the best remake maps made by the community.

    Maybe even a classic playlist.
  17. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Could you point me towards these "people?"

    I hear two main schools of discussion on Halo 4. One is that it's deviated too much from the Halo formula, and the other is that they balanced change and old mechanics well. As far as I know, the people calling for much more radical change are negligible.

    If you want change that radical, why do you want it done under the Halo banner? Why not a new franchise?
    #57 Pegasi, Apr 25, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2013
  18. Noooooch

    Noooooch Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I wouldn't say people are tired of th same ****, because Reach and Halo 4 implemented more changes to gameplay and sandbox alone than any other Halo game, maybe except for ODST. I would say since H4 has a terrible population and neither Reach nor H4 can even TOUCH H3 or H2 in terms of XBL activity that it seems to be the opposite of what you suggested.

    The new **** sucks. People want the old **** back.
  19. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    Ok fellars, let's look at each Halo and why they did so well and then look at Halo 4, shall we? ;)

    Halo: CE
    First Halo, new game that brings a lot of new stuff to the table and draws the whole world's attention. Do I really need to go in-depth on this and explain everything Halo: CE did that the existing shooters didn't?

    Halo 2
    Online Multiplayer added, Battle Rifle added (primary weapon change), Dual-Weilding, SMG added and AR removed, larger in scale campaign with the addition to Brutes and Brute weapons, and a lot of smaller changes like homing rockets. The big one was Multiplayer though, they could of made none of the other changes and it would of still sold a lot b/c people wanted to play Halo against others across the world. All the other changes and bonuses just made this the best sequel out of all the Halo's including prequels overall, improvement wise. A lot wasn't added as well and was later added into Reach.

    Halo 3
    Multiplayer perfected. BTB was epic. Hornet, Chopper, and Elephant added. AR added back in. Theater added so now you and you're buddies can go re-watch your last battles together and turn it into a co-op matrix movie where you're the director. The climax of Halo where everything was done right in multiplayer. Maps were astonishing and well thought-out. The introduction to Forge kept the community interested. The official end of the original thought out campaign that everyone wanted to play and find out how the story ends. You got to play as arbiter in campaign. Bungie didn't want to kill the Chief, but they felt like they needed to sacrifice the hero in the end b/c that's where he belongs, in space somewhere, he has no life or meaning after war.

    (Not including Halo: ODST, it was an expansion of Halo 3)

    Halo: Reach
    Sooo what's new about Reach? hmmmm... DMR added (primary weapon change), Falcon added, Dual Wielding removed, Brute weapons removed, Armor Abilities added, Forge World (I guess it made up for all the other things lacking???), Only thing exciting about the campiagn is that you got to see how the whole story started plus no brutes, obviously or no flood. Oh yeah, you play alongside another Spartan in Campaign that has the A.I. of the bots in red faction(woohoo).

    Halo 4
    All weapons added back in except brute weapons. Forerunner weapons added. New covie and human weapons added. New Armor abilities added. Mantis added but other vehicles taken out. Sprint made into a player trait and no longer an armor ability. Forge garbage. Maps garbage. Campaign not very impressive, to similiar and repetitive. Takes 343 six months to get everything fully operational (title updates, ranking, etc.) Plasma Pistol now an EMP. Spartans are now way to powerful to make every vehicle practically worthless except Mantis, Scorpion, Gauss Hog, and Banshee. Co-op theater taken out. Campaign and Spartan Ops theatre non-existent.

    Even if they fixed everything that you guys wanted to be fixed can't you see a climax at Halo 3? People are just tired of Halo. The changes and additions through the first 3 were good. Reach only had Forge World and 4 ****ed up everything that Reach hadn't yet. Why change things back to like Halo 2 or 3? That's just remaking a game they already made with a few new weapons and a lame campaign. How would that bring everyone running back to Halo?

    BUNGIE KNEW they had to do some drastic changes to Reach, they did in every previous Halo but how do you make a game more perfect than Halo 3...? Everything they originally wanted Halo to be was done in Halo 3. Halo 3 was perfection to Bungie. You don't improve that, they only ****ed it up and knew Halo was a dying species so went on to something NEW. 343 is just bleeding Halo dry. I wish 343 would make a new 'Halo 3' and add the addition of a awesome Forge and make most of the online maps and gametypes focused off of Fan made creations. That's the only way I see them drawing back some fans that they already lost, but not all.

    People get tired of the same ****, period. If you want to argue with that, then cool, but I will simply back away. I've taken enough College Video Game classes where they preach change and originality. Repeating the same thing doesn't work. Everything has already been done before so what makes your version different? You have to do a drastic change to capture people's attention. Why do sequels never do good as the first, b/c the story is still based on the same characters and theme. It gets old and doesn't have the same impact on you as the first one did. It's cool to see more of a great story, but eventually you will put down the book and look for something new to read or play. Anything new to you, you will always compare it to something else, it's human nature. The things you ask yourself, is it better than the original or is it worse? If it is not drastically better, you really don't care. Halo 4 looked really promising before release, then once people got past all the fanciness of it, they realized it was actually worse than the original halos and lost interest. If Halo 5 isn't drastically better than all previous Halos, people won't pay attention. Halo is already starting to become a joking matter, atleast to every person I talk to outside of Halo multiplayer/fan sites.

    >An example of how the public's brain works: Look at Monster Energy Drink when it came out. People compared it to Red Bull and Monster was drastically better and came out with a **** ton of flavors very quickly. It was the first new take on an Energy Drink after Red Bull and it flourished. It not only tasted better, but it was more for a cheaper price. Many Energy Drinks followed Monster immediately but failed b/c Monster beat them to the punch and theirs energy drinks weren't drastically better. So in the back of the public's mind, Monster is the best and until something drastically different and better comes out, Monster will own the energy drink market. 5-hour energy was a good take on it and enough to do good but doesn't triumph Monster. Monster has constantly changed their product in little ways to grasp the viewers attention like Can size. Before they were constantly increasing the can size all the way to 'Big-****'n-Can.' Now they went the opposite route, making Monster 'shots' and minis. The same effect goes with Halo except instead of making small changes to a perfect product, they made big stupid changes and completely lost their audience and market. Funding for Halo 5 will be down b/c of it. To bring the audience back, they have to repeat the process all over again, start over on trying to track the viewer's attention. Because right now, they got nothing except die-hard Halo fans who are 'die'ing off.
    #59 Fenix Hulk, Apr 25, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2013
  20. Noooooch

    Noooooch Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This actually happened in Halo 2. You even got the active camo as opposed to the flashlight. The dawn of AA's!!!

    You've made some great points but I think the overall idea that Pegasi and I were trying to make was that Reach and H4 have strayed TOO FAR from the original Halo's. There's nothing wrong with change, the original trilogy did this well.

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