... So what's up with the BR? You'd think that as time passed and new technology was added, the BR would become a better weapon, right? So why has the BR regressed every game. Halo 2: BR55 Minimal spread even at long ranges. Fast fire-rate and kill time. Halo 3: BR55HB Reduced range and fire-rate. More spread and less accuracy, despite being a BR55HB, or "Heavy Barrel." That should make it more accurate, or it was pointless. Halo 4: BR85HB. The latest edition of the BR series. Now with more spread, less range, slower fire-rate, less bullet velocity resulting in less damage (13 bullet kill) and recoil despite being a Heavy Barrel weapon. I don't want to see this weapon without a heavy barrel, because I have a feeling it would kick more than the SAW at that point. So, canonically speaking, why has the BR gotten worse every generation and why would they continue to make worse models? I know this probably isn't the right place for this, but I can't exactly post it on waypoint at the moment so I'm posting it here.
I think 343 focussed more on gameplay rather than the fiction when creating multiplayer. Anyway, they will be beefing up the precision weapons so the DMR isn't better than them all. 4-shot BR apparently.
I know, but I'm talking more on a campaign level of play than anything. If they were really focusing on gameplay, they wouldn't have given the Second Slowest/Slowest killing rifle the most disadvantages, and the Fastest/Second fastest the least... They did say they were focusing on bringing story into multiplayer though (supposedly part of the reason the Elites didn't make a return) so given that (and them specifically saying that) it seems like an odd reason to make the gun worse, seeing as how according to them it's canon... It also doesn't explain Halo 3's BR.
Where did they suddenly get DMRs from? Why didn't Cortana fix the scars on Chief's armor when she magically transformed them? Why do the Spartans in the intro flashbacks suddenly wear the ugly Halo 4 armor? How did the Forward Unto Dawn grow 90% bigger over the course of 3 years? Answer: no1 curr
Developer Fiction > Fan Fiction Fan fiction is almost always overruled because when a new addition/removal/change is put into the game, developer fiction makes the story seem like the newest version (in this case, the BR) was the version that was supposed to be used all along in all the other games.
Except 343i said they were following canon with Halo 4, hence why to get a real understanding of the game you had to actually read the books. (As someone who didn't read the books, who the **** is the didact, why is he trying to kill us and why does he hate humanity... [Ok, I do know the answer to that, but only because I had to ask around waypoint for a while.]) Besides, previous games aren't exactly "Fan Fiction" seeing as they're technically dev canon...
It's not a movie or a book, it's a video game. If everything is realistic, then you have no video game. In reality thinking, that far ahead in time weapons will be on a whole other level of effectiveness. How can you have solid game on weapons based on that, you can't unless you want to change the game completely and not have your standard infantry battles in very close range arenas.
Wasn't that in reference to the story itself though? I don't remember them claiming they would ever prioritise canon over balance (and good, frankly).