My record is too damn clean. Suggestions on getting an infraction? I'm thinking maybe necropost a terrible music video in a shitty map thread. Or scream at a new guy for sucking at being normal. Or just post emoticon dicks on a map post. Nothing too bad, I still want off topic privileges because otherwise I have no purpose of being here.
Sarge gave me an infraction of 1 point that will never expire. It would take another staff member to reverse it. New goal: start new account and rise through the ranks till I am an administrator. It will take several years and lots of work but when I reveal that I am actually Grif it will be worth it. Or I could buy the site for... $29,000!!! There is no way this site is worth that much... site value: is worth $ 29,901 - Worth Of Web
Well I decided that I'm winning by a solid margin so I can cruise for a bit. My mind has turned to infractions. I can't decide where to put the incriminating posts. Don't question the man, he saved me from Sarge's eternal wrath.
I've been in that boat since Halo 3 died out. I can sometimes go here to assure myself other people still play minecraft.