Apply Now For A One-Way Trip To Mars | Popular Science You can't make this stuff up. Apparently, a non-profit organization, Mars One, wants to send 24 up to 40 people to Mars by 2023. That's 10 years from now. And by "people", they mean literally anybody. Basically people have to do a Real World-esque application video (though there is a fee to submit it) explaining why you have the chops to make it in Mars. Mars One plans on turning the applications into a reality TV show in which the potential applicants undergo years of training to be able to be self-reliant, and they would have to raise A LOT of money for this to happen. So, provided you get picked among the applicants to go through training, would you actually want to go to Mars? It would probably mean instant fame, and I'm talking known for all time fame. The negative is it's a one way trip. At least for a long while until we have the technology to send a shuttle capable of reaching Mars and returning (it would probably require a refueling station to be built). Also we're talking about a few dozen people as well so unless everyone going are just the best kind people...that's a lot of time to spend with the same people. Then we get into the whole there are sooooooo many ways to horrifically die which all have fairly high chances of happening (especially when you factor time, people aging, etc). I would only go if I knew I could get back, so it's a no for me right now. Maybe when our level of technology is a good ways more advanced.
Seeing as this is appearing in science news circles just a few days ago I'm going to go with whatever Discovery was talking about then wasn't what is being talked about now And even if it was, I seriously doubt there were actual dates and other specifics mentioned. ...and on top of that, who cares, I'm talking about it now, deal with it.
Dealt with it, deal with it being old news. Dates were said on discovery channel, find it on youtube and look at dates posted.
....I feel like your not getting the concept of a discussion here. I don't care if at some point in time it was known before. I'm sure a lot of things in life were talked about at some point. This particular thing wasn't talked about here, so I'm talking about it now. BTW, wanna be less of an asshat about it? Buzz Killington up in here.
That's cool, you're the one that got so offended by me saying it's old news. Then you said dates weren't posted yet and they were. I really don't care if you make a thread about it but this was announced years ago and even Discovery channel did a big thing on it about a year ago. All I'm saying is, it's old. The only thing new is they are now starting to officially recruit for it. Just another step along the path of populating Mars.
ahem. well, to answer the question: I don't think I'd like to. I feel like I would be a waste of expenses to be sent up there, sure I'd like to I think, especially if the others were good folks. Still, there's something about me in space that makes me think there could be better choices for candidates in this mission. Scientists, physicists, maybe a magician. I'm just some university student who majors in art and writing. Sure, i could draw the surface, but that's why we have photographs. I could document in text, but we have video that would likely be better for this. I'd just be pretty useless, and while it might be awesome, I don't think it would be fair for me to go of all the higher potential candidates.
In the 10 years before the trip they'd train all the applicants in skills they would need to survive. Farming, engineering, medical skills, general education, etc.
It's more of a sacrifice. There is no promise of survival, no promise you will even make it there. Plus once you there, you... are... there. Permanently. Your only life left remains on a ship there, in a suit and bubble once you get there. That's it. Even if a 'normal' person signs up for this, I don't want to know what will happen to there brain and thinking after being suffocated in such a small space and not much interaction. No news, no meeting new people, no entertainment besides what you brought with you. Probably no sex, no personal freedom, nothing. NO THANK YOU, lol.
Things that can go very wrong (that I know off hand) -Explosion during take off -Explosion in the air after take off (lol) -Tech problems in route -Hit by space dust/debris in route that puts holes through pretty much anything built by humans (including humans). Holes in ship = bad news -Sun Rays and more sun rays (you no longer have the Earth's Atmosphere to protect you from sun rays and will scorch you like 10 billion Incineration Cannons firing at you at once -Mental Unstability in route -People going crazy there -Aliens (**** yeah, ALIENS!) -People going really crazy there and killing everyone (no laws there, no military, no police, who's going to do anything about it!? You're on an entire different planet that takes years to get to and those people will probably get wiped out en route anyways) -Getting hit by Asteroids/Meteors once you're there -People going absolutely crazy and event turns into 'Hills Have Eyes 3'
Well, since it's supposed to be a "for life" trip, and they'd have complete autonomy over themselves, there's nothing stopping them from having sex (other than a shallow gene pool after a few generations).
Animal Instincts will kick in once the mind starts to break. Even if every man is evenly 'equipped' with one female, you don't really expect everyone to be 100% loyal do you? What if some dude gets pissed b/c his girl cheated? ****'s going down, I'm telling you.
I'd imagine they will promote the applicants to have sex. I mean, what is the point in sending people up there if they are all going to die in about 40-60 years. I reckon their goal is to establish a permanent settlement over there. As for me going. Naa, I have too much to live for here, too many things I want to achieve. Plus, I heard they are not very well equipped or prepared.
I have everything I need on this planet, and I would not call it a failure of imagination to say everything I want as well, so no thankyouverymuch. I might have been all about this a few years ago, but philosophical shifting has occurred.
What if the females are equipped with males? As for the sanity argument, I think that I may be alright in the situation. Nothing you've brought up is really a huge bother.
You guys need to learn your galactic history.... Mars' atmosphere was ruined by an ice comet (Venus), what would be the point of going there? That was the whole point of the Martians colonizing Earth back during the times of Sumer/Sumeria. This is why Caucasian people have more of a 26-hour bio rhythm associated with Mars, rather than a 24-hour bio-rhythm matched to Earth. The technology they are allowing us to use to get there is like cave man technology. I wouldn't ride that crap.
As far as "the point of going there" just about every sci fi story depicting an advanced human society has involved us visiting other planets and colonizing them. So you got to start somewhere. I probably would have started smaller with putting a base on the moon but hey, why not Mars. And our level of technology might not be where it should be to guarantee the success of such a trip but I'd hardly call it cave man technology.