I'd just like to ask everybody's opinion. Basically im finding alot of peoples attitude on TheHaloCouncil is that we here on forgehub are blind ignorant praisers of terrible maps. I have it from 3 users in the past 4 hours and frankly i'm kind of offended as i've received some serious constructive feedback from people here that have helped my maps along really well. Is there some sort of subtle fight going on between the two communities or something? This issue just keeps coming up and I don't see the point of it. Both communities are fairly good at what they do, so why this attitude?
its not THCs fault that the people here are ignorant and refuse to learn. all the knowledgable that post here or used to post here came from the MLG forge forum, all the good forgers that grew up here moved onto other forums. THC guys don't have a problem with this forum, there is no fight going on. its just a problem of ignorance is all.
It's not so much that there's any sort of rivalry, it's just that FH has developed a bit of a reputation for caring more about the aesthetics of a map than it does the actual design. Additionally the "star forgers" of this community seem to think they're beyond reproach and are god's gift to the forge community. Unless you're part of a particular niche here, don't expect any feed back you give to one of the older forgers to actually be heard. Oh, and if all that wasn't enough, there's this awful bit of group think here were people actually think that there is such thing as a "casual" map for 4v4 play, where the laws of balance and incentives aren't necessary and the design can be rife for abuse, and that such a map is equally deserving of making it into the MM hoppers. LMFAO.
... Seriously? This basically translates to: we don't have a problem with you, you're just objectively stupid. You just branded an entire forum of people as ignorant and stubborn, then tried to make out like there you don't feel any animosity. If you can't see how ridiculous and inflammatory that is then you need to evaluate your social skills. Calling an entire group of people ignorant doesn't leave many people very predisposed to listening to you. By the way, I really can't see this thread going anywhere useful.
Hey man, I saw what happened to your thread at THC. If anything a lock was the best thing so hopefully more constuctive discussion can take place there. I'll just start by saying that most forgers at THC are cool guys, even the ones that commented in your thread. They're very helpful and are generally good forgers all around.* To answer your OP question, there really isn't any rivalry between FH and THC. There's only a general dislike by several forgers at THC for FH for various (some justified) reasons. But that's no excuse for being rude or spiteful. I've read your thread at THC and everything was going fine. Your thread was taking off well with plenty of compliments about your maps aesthetics and uniqueness. Then some criticism came along and your thread derailed. A few forgers said some negative (but not rude) things about your map and map thread and you basically said "No, none of that is true."* It doesn't matter whether it is true or not, it is simply their opinion, which they are entitled to. There's no reason to refute ANY form of feedback whatsoever, for any reason, EVER. Take what you can get and apply whatever you think is best. It definitely helps when a player has played your map but you can't accept positive feedback from players who have not played your map while rejecting negative feedback from players who also have not played your map.* In my opinion you could have handled it better. Hopefully this comment doesn't keep us from trying to start our GMT+10 lobbies...
the majority of the members here are ignorant though. they have know real solid understanding of map design and refuse to actually listen to people who offer help and advice and instead call them ignorant idiots. what goes on is just ignorant forgers praising other forgers bad maps because they "think" its good, it isn't helpful and doesn't help people improve. and, in reality is none-constructive. i wouldn't be so mean if the knowledgable people were still active here, but they moved onto to THC or just quit halo because halo 4 is a crap game which had just left this place as a pile of ****.
Hulter and A Haunted Army like to cause fights and picks on irrelevant things on almost every forum. My point was that picking on my artistic map thread presentation skills first off was wrong and irrelevant and just goes to spam my thread. Then when everybody jumped on the bandwagon saying that was constructive feedback when it clearly wasn't, annoyed the hell out of me so I blocked off and said to hell with all your irrelevant feedbacks. Basically the above first 2 replies to this thread ^ are the overall attitude towards me and everybody here on forgehub and that doesn't sit too well with me. So when people load up my map, apply gametypes I did not recommend, and dont even read the map thread properly then complain about map flow issues, it just doesnt make any sense and gives other random readers the wrong impression of my map. If they had put the constructive feedback in a lighter tone and not said "no your wrong, redesign everything" and actually read the recommended gametyes, I would have listened. Don't worry it doesn't, just people have to look at this objectively and not hate on the person who wants real feedback, not bs like what was happening ^
There is no rivalry or any negative feelings being shared between Forgehub and The Halo Council. I'm not entirely aware of the situation that you've experienced over on that site but you should know that the opinions of a small number of users do not represent the opinion of the site as a whole. At this point in time I share the same opinion as Pegasi in saying that I don't see this thread going anywhere useful. Because of this, I'm going to go ahead and lock it up.