Halo 2 Sanctuary

Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by Heroic, Apr 2, 2013.

  1. Teancum

    Teancum Promethean

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    Having played it now I'll agree with everyone else that this is a great remake. That being said there's some semi-unavoidable z-fighting with pieces, and personally I would have gone with more of a Forge World/Asylum-style myself, but I get why people are more on the purist side. I tend to lean toward good aesthetics with close-to-scale recreations. Here a few cuts had to be made (the walls, for example) to have enough building pieces for the map itself. Not saying it's bad. It's actually amazing. I probably would have just used other pieces where possible to allow for more rock walls and better budget adherence.

    I will give one complaint directly on the map -- the trees need to go. They feel like they were artificially planted, and even staggered in a better way they don't really serve to enhance the map.
  2. Heroic

    Heroic Promethean

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    Thanks! Yeah I know I can buy them, but if they were available on XBL they'd be free(i've downloaded them before), so i was looking for a more free solution.

    I actually managed to boot H2V and load Sanc, and the blocked LOS is due to the carbines being higher, so i raised them a little. The LOS now seems identical to the H2 sanc.

    Well, even if I had all the rock walls available, they aren't enough to surround the whole map, so I knew I also had to use coliwalls.
    About the trees, it's all personal preference, I put them in order to spice the map up a little, and I believe they look more natural than in the forst version, more like small forests.

    Also, could you point out some zfighting occurences?If I find them I'll most likely fix them.

    Edit:I've made some more changes to the map(v3). Ring 2 and Carbine now look cleaner(thanks to SnR Zaelkyria for some tips), some z-fightings have also been fixed. Check it out! It's in my fileshare(Heroyc)
    #22 Heroic, Apr 6, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2013
  3. FTG Insanity

    FTG Insanity Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Yessss! You fixed it! Yayyy XDDD Thank you so much for listening to my feedback.

    Again, best Sanctuary remake to date!
  4. Heroic

    Heroic Promethean

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    No problem, now it just needs to be played ALOT :p
  5. GhostBomber360

    GhostBomber360 Promethean

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    @Heroic i made some changes to your carbine and just mad the map more V3 team Throwdown friendly (not saying yours isnt), hope you dont mind.
    File Share Halo Official Site

    Please tell me what you think
  6. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This was my favorite map in Halo Reach and I'm so happy to see such an impressive and accurate remake here in Halo 4. I hope you continue to Forge. Do you think that you can remake Pinnacle at Forge Island?
  7. Crimson

    Crimson Promethean

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    This is a very, very impressive remake of Sanctuary/Asylum. Hats off to you sir! Well done! :)
  8. Heroic

    Heroic Promethean

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    In my opinion, the carbines were fine before, now they're kinda too large :p Aside from that, what else did you change? I just took a quick look at the cars, didn't have time to check the rest out.

    This remake is my baby steps as a forger, I am trying to come up with an idea for an asymmetrical map. Also, I think there's already a remake of Pinncale on Forge Island.

    Thanks! :)
  9. GhostBomber360

    GhostBomber360 Promethean

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    The carbines are the same size as the ones that were originally there, apart from that i used different pieces so that the carbine's had less overlaying forge pieces, so there would be no z-fighting if any did show up plus the 3x3 or 3x4 whatever it were pieces overlaying didn't look aesthetically pleasing to me so i just tried to make it look better

    Note: also added weapons for V3 like pulse nades and AR under turret
  10. Heroic

    Heroic Promethean

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    I took a second look, not rushing this time, and I decided to redesign the carbine bridges using less items. The carbines now look like this:
  11. GhostBomber360

    GhostBomber360 Promethean

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    I edited the carbines in my edited version to lower them to make it feel right like halo 2 i agree with you saying they looked to high

    I also liked the idea of the tunnels for the carbines so i edited it again since the arch in halo 2 is near ring 2 side i based it more that way

    in my FS there is 2 files 2.1 which is the curved lower carbines and 2.2 which is the tunnel carbines

    FS: File Share Halo Official Site

    also I added the railings on ring 3 in reverse as well so it points in as well as out to give it a more h2 effect, and added needlers in rocks since they are quite powerful in this game i didn't want to add them to ring 2, i thought rocks was quite bare and in h2 the plasma rifle was there plus i wanted to keep within the v3 setting types of weapon
  12. Heroic

    Heroic Promethean

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    Now, however, the carbine bridges are too low, so you can snipe from back hut to the opposite base without jumping. Check out my fileshare version(v4), I kept the tunnel carbines and added a second set of railings. I think the tunnels are better than the previous arch, that was too open. Also, I lowered the carbines abit as well as the bases, so that you can't snipe without jumping. Thanks for the feedback!
  13. Heroic

    Heroic Promethean

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    The OP has been updated with screenshots and a walkthrough of v4.
  14. GhostBomber360

    GhostBomber360 Promethean

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    sweet i think this version is good (well they all been good) but this feels more like sanc from h2. In my fileshare there is a version (4.1) of your map the only difference is the snipers are in ordnance drop pods along with the OS these are on 116 second timers and needlers are added into rocks on 60 spawn time with 1 spare clip.

    would love to see this map in matchmaking eventually :)
  15. Heroic

    Heroic Promethean

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    Nice of you to include needlers and ordnance drops, although I feel needlers are too strong to not be considered power weapons in Throwdown, and also if the map actually gets picked, they will change the snipers to ordnance drops.The v4 has ARs and pulse nades, though.
  16. GhostBomber360

    GhostBomber360 Promethean

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    Edited it again still called V4.1 in fileshare only thing changed is spare clips in boltshot is now 1 instead of 2, Throwdown uses pulse nades and AR's on map anyway so that's ok. I know what you mean with needlers being a power weapon of type, I would call it more a semi-power weapon.
  17. Salix

    Salix Promethean

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    This is a very good remake. Me and my mates had a blast playing this. Since my favorite map in Reach was MLG Sanctuary, playing this map brought back a lot of good memories. Once again, this is an awesome remake!
  18. Heroic

    Heroic Promethean

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    Everyone, I've made a final update to Sanctuary(v5). I've changed the height of the bases, as well as the rocks, and I've made some aesthetic improvements.
    Feel free to download the latest version of both Sanc and Sanc Classic from my fileshare, or the links in the OP.
  19. ShamaL1ama

    ShamaL1ama Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I really like what you did to sword spawn. That is one thing that the remake for Halo: Reach didnt do among other things. Also instead of having the forge walls along the map do you have any rock walls leftover? I think the look of the map would benefit from this. Overall a nice remake. You have my download.

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