The UNSC utilised these rocky structures to create a symmetrical War Games arena New Life is my upcoming 5v5-6v6 quasi-inverse-symmetrical map featuring a prominent vehicle track and two Warthogs. 'Hogs can traverse around the main ring, under the centre and through each base. The flat ground and open bases make driving smooth and rewarding. Infantry encounters occur mainly in the centre structure that provides a lot of cover but also some long sight lines thanks to its elevated position. The map is playing great for Slayer, with awesome vehicle gameplay. I now just need to work on getting CTF, King and Extraction set up correctly and tested. My main source of testing is the TCOJ lobbies so if you want to help out, sign up there on Fridays. Update: Widened the tunnel Reforged side bases added bridges from side bases to centre
Looks like a smexy map. You pumping out all these competitive maps really makes me wonder if I shouldn't try it sometime too, if only I had more time to forge. I always like a good teambased game. Can you also post an overview of the whole map? (Bird view)
Yay, you added that bottom mid tunnel It should probably be taller and wider to accomplish the purpose we mentioned earlier - it's still going to be really hard to get through when some guy's standing in there with plasma 'nades + a plasma pistol in his back pocket.
I did indeed. It is as large as it can be without any major structural changes and it didn't seem to be too small in testing. But, I will keep an eye on it.
Hahahaha, Don't worry little Cheezy, next Tuesday at the very latest. But I'll try and sort something out just for you.
playtested this on tuesday, and I definitely enjoyed it. not sure if any other cover in that outside ring/square was added since then, but that was my only desire for a modification. great map
Thanks man. It is something I am working on, but it is difficult because I am really short on budget. I am literally at 10000 right now because of all the rock 4's and rock 5's.
Out of budget... will be a common phrase uttered by FOrge Island cartographers, but that's a good thing. 343i seem to have correctly slotted the "heavy" items with a higher budget so maps should be less laggy.
True, it will help stop the newbies from creating such laggy monstrosities. I wish I could have just a few hundred more though, just not enough
Man this looks like a really nice vehicle cicuit. Vehicle pathing is sometimes difficult to pull off but I think this works because it's so simple. It looks like a better Exile. Nice to see some larger competitive maps coming from you as well.
Oy, elliot makes competitive maps now? This looks pretty solid from the screenshots. I'd love to test it out, maybe I can manage to hop into the TCOJ sometime and play. If not, I don't suppose I could download it anyway?
yea, i"d say that he had two competetive maps in the Dust-up submissions... Citrus and Apollo are both good in my book. Not too flashy, and just down to business... not that there's anything wrong with flashy
Why yes, I do Duck. Thank you, I will be attending TCOJ on Tuesday, but I will pop it in my File Share for you to do as you will with it.
Yup, just those. They're okay, just rushed. I don't have a deadline for my current projects so expect biggerand much better things.