What's there to discuss? As long as Microsoft's "official" stance is no modding, it doesn't matter what one employee's "unofficial" statement is. This changes nothing.
@PacMonster1 -- I think you misunderstood. I wasn't implying that this has to change ForgeHub's stance or anything of that nature. I just think it's cool that a 343i employee takes notice of these and thinks they're cool. It's neat to see the community get recognition from someone who put heart and soul into the game.
In the practical sense it changes nothing, but it's interesting nonetheless, since in principle it paints an interesting picture. On that basis, there's a fair amount to discuss. The fact that it doesn't change the rules doesn't mean there isn't anything to discuss at all. I've always held the same view as DelHoyo is voicing, that modding and cheating are fundamentally different, and I hold that they should be treated as such. What's interesting about this is that DelHoyo feels comfortable enough voicing this view despite the practical upshot of it directly contradicting the ToS. I wonder how his bosses directly at 343, and more importantly up top at MS, feel about this, since it arguably could be viewed as dissent in some form.
Iirc it wasn't met with a full ban, just with a fileshare ban. I know plenty of people who had modded gametypes on their shares for ages and never had anything happen, but I think quite a few people got hit. I remember hearing about a pro getting banned for hosting the octagon gametype or something similar, though that could well have been made up.
what was the octagon gametype? Plus, if 343 were really fussed about modding they would take the changes made and then officially release them. They are good, well needed gametypes (i.e. no sprint). Besides which, you must definately not go to that website and look at the gametype modding thread under the halo 4 modding section. It would also be very wrong of you to see and download gametypes such as no sprint, give the zombie a weapon, 500% bigger zombie and such evil gametypes. You must not do such a thing. -_-
Octagon was a small practice map first used in Halo 3, basically just an empty octagonal room. The gametype was Sniper and BR starts, modded with instant respawn.
what i so wrong with no sprint for a mod we had it that way for a long time we just have been spoiled by halo reach and 4 because of armor abilatys now a 500% bigger zombie just means that you can kill them easyer because they are now easy to hit!!!! angry face
Not sure tbh. Octagon was so popular that it was probably the most FSd modded gametype in 3. It lost popularity in reach cause proximity spawning chanyes messed with it, and also MLG itself declined then. As such I haven't really been thay aware of many modded gametypes or how they're dealt with since I don't use them much.