If any of you ever played Halo 3 and were around for FrogHub's 1v1 Conflict tournament, this map may look somewhat familiar to you. One day I was scrolling through all the old Conflict map threads, reminiscing on all the great 1v1s that came from that tournament. I was trying to gather some inspiration, but then it hit me - why not spare myself the trouble and just do an exact remake? So I wiped the dust off my Halo 3 disc, loaded up forge mode and started jotting down some dimensions for one of my favorite 1v1 maps, Carbon by Lights and Squidhands. I take zero credit for the design of the map, that all goes to Lights and Squidhands; I was just lucky enough to resurrect it to Halo 4. The map is just about 100% true to the original. The only major change from Halo 3 is the weapon layout, which actually turned out to be quite a robust change. I really wanted to experiment with a unique weapon set for this map while at the same time staying true to Carbon's style of play from the days of old. When playing the map, I've concocted some recommended gametype settings to use. If you feel so inclined, go download my gametype made specifically for 1v1 maps, Heads Up Slayer. But if not, here are the settings that best suit the map: BR starts, no radar, no personal ordnance, no personal loadouts, and no AAs. Thanks a ton to everyone who helped in testing this map with me - Auburn, Behemoth, (Running) Chron, Fragsturbait, Kazerra, Spincycle, Urban Myth, xAudienceofone, and all you random matchmakers out there. Also a special thanks to Audience for that sexy banner.
A great 1v1 map. I've played a few times and it's always great fun. The weapon set works well in Halo 4, and sets it a bit apart from the original, while the layout is basically the same thing. What changes were implemented were good ones, and the map plays spectacularly. I'm glad you did this, since I missed seeing Carbonite in Halo 3.
So Dax got permeeshunz to finish it looks like. Well Dax. If I ever get on H4 while you are on. (I know its bound to happen eventually) I will drop my party and hit me up for a game or too K? This way you can win easily if you are having a bad day and make yourself feel better.
Hope that Speed Boost plays well. I actually just thought about using an Overshield there. Still counters the autosentry but is more useful apart from that.
Me and Dax tried that in a test and it didn't work out. Basically, whoever picked it up first, upon spawning, was guaranteed the first kill due to the brief invincibility the Overshield grants you. The Speed Boost was powerful, but didn't guarantee kills. Anyway, Dax, this map was a nice little project that went by rather quickly! I'll be running through the final version for any aesthetic mishaps, haha. I'd like to get another game on this some time.
This thread needz moar toasts. Seriously though, as a big fan of Carbon in Halo 3, I am very happy with the job you've done with this map. The changes that you've implemented (the weapon set, for example) have worked out tremendously and the piece usage is some of the best I've seen since Halo 4 launched. Great work on the map, Dax. I can't wait to see what you come out with next.
Thanks a lot guys. I've updated the map this morning, purely aesthetics. Kazerra wouldn't stop bugging me about a few tiny details so I finally caved. -Cleaned up the bits of z-fighting in pictures 2 and 4 -Smoothed out the lip between the two bridge pieces in picture 5 -Cleaned up the structure on the right side of picture 5
Have you guys tried the static Overshield that doesn't spawn at start? There's a glitch that does that..
Big thanks to a Chunk for the gameplay video. Keep in mind, I'm not too skilled when it comes to competitive play, I just happened to snag someone from matchmaking who was much, much worse. Let me know what you guys think! And Spin, I don't think I know of that OS trick, but you'll have to show me sometime soon.
Spawns seem just as tricky as the original. Finished the video. Pretty cool to see the old design in a new palette. Nicely done.
As someone who watched the original being created and tested it many times, and having played this one, it's beautiful. It really took me back to the H3 days. It felt just like the old one with an updated play style and a little makeover. Great job Dax, I'm sure you didn't let down lights or squid.