Sante' III Port Forged By: Noise "As the War Began, the People of the Mainland Soon Forgot About Sante' III Port. Leaving the Citizens to Fight for Themselves." Sante' III Port is a 2v2 Slayer | CTF Map who's Setting is on an Abandoned but Still Populated Shipping Port. Weapons: Sniper | x1 | 120 Sec. Incineration Cann. | x1 | 145 Sec. Turret | x1 | 45 Sec. Overshield | x1 | 115 Sec. Thruster Pack | x1 | 115 Sec. Shotgun | x1 | 45 Sec. Boat Dock Shipping Dock Center Bridge Island Overshield Spawn Back Island Sniper Spawn Shotgun Spawn Clothesline Towards Center Overview From Lighthouse
wow. just wow. this map is so original and unique, the boat is gorgeous, ive actualy been thinkin on how to make a boat like that well more of a dingy but thats gorgeous, that ramp part, i thought if that was a BTB map or even 4v4 with warthogs that would be so fun and good use of the pieces, i like how youve used the wires for wiring up high tangling down, the bench is brilliant, i usualy make benches completely differant to that but that looks alot better with the green colour it makes it stand out alot better!! the street lights are brilliant (same as the ones i make) but there really effective aesthetic way, and youve put the crates together very well, i know its not a big job or anything but most people put them in a very unusal way, where there just spread out and there like oh ill just chuck one there and one there but youve gone no ill place one there and a couple small around it, ill fancy it up a bit with tid bits and it looks like a main part of the map now even though when your playing you might not take much notice, but take them away and that section wont feel right, its that sort of piece that youve done there, aesthetic wise theres pieces here that are gorgeous which are the bits that ive pointed out, playing wise im not sure really, id have to see gameplay or play it to see if it plays well or not, but congrats on those points, very well done
Thanks Mate. I try very hard to make my maps Aesthetically Pleasing to the Eye. That Boat Took Me about 20 Minutes to Make and as for the Crates, I thought of how it would look if I were on a Shipping Port and they were getting ready for Transport. The Lights is an Idea I Got From Fenix Hulk, and the Bench is just something I thought of one day. Now as far as Gameplay goes, I'm not so sure yet. It hasn't been tested, but I'm hoping to get some tests in today at somepoint. If not, there is always tomorrow. But I appreciate your appreciation of my map I started it yesterday and finished it up this morning, so for a quick job, it looks pretty decent!
well i can assure you aestheticly wise its very pleasing yeah i think thats the guy i got the idea from aswell wow i might have to use that bench idea one day if you dont mind oh okay well if you want someone to help you then im happy to help, GT: SlashedTortoise thats okay, yeah, how long in general did it take you?
It took me about 8 hours in general. Most of my maps don't take me any longer than 4 days. But yeah definitely man. Add me on Xbox. GT: HgT Noise
wow haha thas very long for me but overall thats not that... long maybe i should take longer on my maps yeah sure, im on holiday but i get back tomorrow so ill add you up, i could show you a couple of my maps and see what you think cos im still learning, well i guess us forgers are always learning new ways and techiniques but yeah id definatly love to see some of your maps
hey man id be real interested to test this map out, aesthetically it looks amazing and id love to see how it plays, add me gt: A R C A S I U S
Well done Noise, we tested this out last night. It plays great, I got into several fun confrontations around the island and arched bridge. The map allows for ease of movement, it is obviously how to get from one area to the next. I never had the thought, ‘how do I get up there’ Which is a simple thing but also is a necessity for any good map. I enjoyed our game and your map was memorable. Which is the highest complement really.
Awhhh Shucks (**Blushes**) That's the Nicest thing anyone has said to me man! Haha But seriously, thank you for the compliment, it means alot to me that people love my maps as much as I love making them! I love the fact that my Map is Memorable!
It's times like this that I wish I could forge asymmetrical maps, this is beautiful. And I looks like it would play pretty well, I'll give it a DL and get back to you. EDIT: Nvm, it's not on your fileshare? Can you fix that, I really want to see it in person
I will definitely put it in my fileshare. I just have to make some final tweaks on it. It should be up by 2pm EST
Very beautiful map. You seem to be knocking out maps faster than myself and the quality of maps around here has grown tremendously within the last few weeks and feels like many forgers have just felt overwhelmed to even produce anything lately. I'll run a lobby tmrw, we need to get some videos going here, I'm behind.
Wasn't a big fan when we tested this out yesterday. BTW, Elliot dropped out because of connection issues. Part of the issue is the sniper. On top of the ex-lighthouse platform, it's ridiculously powerful and there's no reason to move. At the moment there is also an overload of weaponry in general; I would advise removing a few weapons and decreasing timers on the remaining ones so that players are not bombarded with a ton of ordnance drop indicators at the beginning of their game. There were also areas near the bottom of the map that saw literally no usage throughout the match. Either incentivize them more or remove them entirely to streamline the design. Spawning was also an issue - while I had the Sniper at the lighthouse, I would repeatedly spawnkill enemies in the other two buildings, which is strange because I would have expected them to spawn in the aforementioned bottom areas. My suggestion is to make the currently offending platform inaccessible. This will help reduce the power of the sniper and will reduce camping as well.
This map has some freaking sweet artistic work. I think Forge Island is just flowing with some of the greatest creativity I have seen yet. Love the motor on the back of the boat, the plasma big screen, etc. Just loving it!