STtortoise Forge: Hold-Out

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by Robster95, Apr 8, 2013.

  1. Robster95

    Robster95 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    hi all, here to show another teaser pic for a map that i made, this is just a small pic of one base, the size of the map (which you cant see) will be made a bit smaller as ive ran out of pieces and its too open for my liking so it might change in the slightest but im going to try and keep it as the same as i can :)


    the map is currently in re-construction and then will be in beta stage
    please tell me what you think and ask any questions you want, a question from me, do you like the style of this base?
    reason i ask is cos im wondering is i should make the other base the same or differant :) thanks


    okay heres some new pics, now please keep in mind that these are due for a make over and this is not how they will be when 100% complete, im making the map smaller, and the bases will have more stuff done to them :) thanks


    ^^ okay this is part of the other base, its more of a natural base where the other one is more of a UNSC adaptation and added onto base to the forerunner buildings or structures already there :)


    a very small glimpse of the middle strcture, it extends quiet alot on the back, and thats what took up alot of pieces, grav lift from the inner part to that top section with the sand bags :)
    think i got a little too carried away with that structure, but will hopefully be better when the maps re-done :) the middle structure will NOT be changed just the bases which will be brought in closer to the middle structure :) thanks
    #1 Robster95, Apr 8, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2013
  2. Crimson Eclipse

    Crimson Eclipse Promethean

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    In the one pic it looks like you've used quite a few pieces from the 'Decorative' section. I'm just wondering how the framerate holds up. Other than that though, if that tower thing is a large cannon as I think it is, then perhaps you could use less Forerunner-y themed decoration/cover for the wall? Maybe have an inaccessible building set high against the wall, and have the brace larges as supports under it. That way you could keep the same playable area, but it would fit more with the theme that I think you're going for. That's just my thoughts, hope it's useful to you.

    For the second base though, have the same sort of thing except perhaps don't have a turret on the platform, maybe have a radar dish or an AA-gun or something, just to mix it up a little.
    #2 Crimson Eclipse, Apr 9, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2013
  3. Robster95

    Robster95 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    yeah i have, mainly for the bases, the problem is that ive used alot of pieces for the main middle which ill be showing on thursday or friday, which is a large forerunner piece, and i wanted to make the bases look forerunner but then have pieces of UNSC, which is why that MAC turret is there, but because of the colouring of the pieces its very hard to accomplish this, i cant remember if i have any building pieces left, i dont think i do but ill check when im home from holiday, but im going to be bringing that whole section and more and the same the other side at the other base in close to the middle, not much but enough so i can make it less open and then itll give me more pieces that i can use, as i dont have any money left, i used the exact amount, also i did want to add like a ghost each base aswell, so if i had the budget it would look ALOT better but odviously i cant, but yeah, ill try other things out and try new colours if i can :) thanks
    P.S. im not sure about the frame rate in a game yet, i havent had a chance to test it, i literaly made it in 4 and half hours (my longest build yet) and then the next morning i was off on holiday to cornwall so yeah, but ill test it in a game when i get to beta testing :)
  4. Crimson Eclipse

    Crimson Eclipse Promethean

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    Right, I suppose you built the center structure first then realised that there was hardly any budget left?
  5. Robster95

    Robster95 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    yeahh... ammature mistake but i got a little carried away with the middle structure, looks good though :p
  6. Crimson Eclipse

    Crimson Eclipse Promethean

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    Yeah, I would probably just stick with the one theme, Forerunner or UNSC, most likely UNSC (due to the textures). But that's just me. Also, can you give me a general idea about the size of the map?

    Oh, *amateur :p

    EDIT: Ooh! New pictures!! Yay:)
    #6 Crimson Eclipse, Apr 9, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2013
  7. Robster95

    Robster95 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    yeah the problem is that 343 havent got the hang of, varied coloured pieces, there either all forerunner or all UNSC... well there usualy just forerunner :p ill try and make the map more UNSC at the bases as the main structure is forerunner, which is going to be hard to change :p
    ermmm hmmm id say about the size of valhalla atm, if you layed it out at the moment, it goes from one side of the large island to the other length ways and then nearly to the sides of the large island width ways, so it is pretty big...
  8. Robster95

    Robster95 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    EDIT: Ooh! New pictures!! Yay:)[/QUOTE]

    oh yeah i found them lurking around in my recent screen shots, dont show a good part of the map but it shows a little more :)

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