Hey guys, I need to make a Haunted Mansion map for a custom Flood gametype I am creating. The gametype is a paranormal/horror theme so the Haunted Mansion is a map that would go perfect with it. I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas or advice when making a Flood map so the gameplay is fun. All I really know is that I should have areas that humans can hold out in? I chose to make it on Forge Island just so I can make a cave outside and a forest. Is there anything I need to know before I start forging? I have a bad habit of not pre-planning good enough and my maps suffer gameplay from that and end up being more aesthetic than anything else. I really want to go all out for this map because the gametype is really unique and if it's done right, I think it will be amazing. So basically all I have planned is this... Huge Haunted Mansion on the big island (Forge Island) - 2 stories with an attic and possibly a basement Warthog parked outside with another mongoose or two Forest outside Cave outside I guess I just need some ideas or knowledge on what makes a Flood map fun. I'll release more info on the gametype in the future once the map has been started. If any quality aesthetic/flood forgers would be interested in Forging it or co-forging as a team, that is also a possibility I would consider because forging takes a lot of time and I'm not the fastest forger so the quicker I can get a map done the better. This way the gametype can come out soon. Thanks for reading!
Just PLEASE don't ever consider making it on erosion. that canvas looks so terrible on most maps seriously. And all flood maps on the canvas look really generic and you cant see alot of the details implemented into the map. Basically on any flood map you need to have hold out positions, unless its a linear flood map. but I hate that term so ill call them "camping positions". They can be in your cave, on your second floor, first floor, wherever. But you have to make sure they are balanced and there is still the posibility to get infected. Meaning don't make rooms have 1 entrance because this is a gamebreaker. just surf the internet for random pictures and get ideas. I always google futuristic buildings/ cities and thats the inspiration for most of my maps. For you id suggest looking at things like Mansions or greek or italian villas etc to get inspiration for a floor plan down. Also info about the gametype would be a big help as well as map layout depends on the gametype as well in a lot of cases. I don't specialise in flood maps but I suggest you watch some videos on mr pokephiles channel on youtube. search AirsoftXX theres some good stuff on there even though it all seems to be from the same forgers. flood in matchmaking is ridiculously unbalanced and the flood are overpowered. they can swipe too quickly in succession, the thrustpack is op, and they're too strong. So i suggest making the humans 2 or 3 melee kills or making the flood 1 shot kills. I suggest the latter as I F***ing loved infection in Halo reach. Some complained that it was a tad frustrating being infected but it forced you to play strategically. Maybe balance this by making the flood move faster or have poor cammo. But whatever you do please dont use the default flood gametype lol or even a slight variation of it.
Thanks for the info ARCASIUS. Nah, it definitely won't be on Erosion. It was going to be on Impact due to the dark sky but Forge Island came out and I'd like to make a forest and have a nice big terrain for the warthog. As for the gametype, it will not be anything like default Flood. I didn't want to give too many details yet, but I also haven't decided which weapons I am going to give Flood and Alpha Flood... well, I do know the Flood will have their Flood Talons (Sword) but the Alpha Flood might have Hammers and something else. I haven't decided on movement traits and armor abilities and all of that just yet but it won't be like default Flood. Unfortunately, the gametype will not be permitted to post on Forgehub but the map will be. I'll check out the stuff you mentioned... however, if rooms in the Mansion need more than one entrance, I'm not sure how I will be able to pull that off for every room unless I can somehow put holes in the walls and ceilings... that's gonna be tough though. The Flood and Alpha Flood are actually going to be two different types of enemies with different weapons and traits... as well as they will look nothing like each other. After the gametype is done I will have to play a bunch of full lobby games and balance everything out. You are welcome to help if you'd like. I don't think I'd be able to balance it out perfectly on my own.
You might consider making *inside* of one of the islands on Forge Island. I don't know specifically how it affects the lighting gadgets, but the darkened rocks/mountains in the background and the seemingly heavier fog inside the island gives a really nice 'dark' feel.
Mansions are normally holdout style Flood maps. Typically, you want the players to bunk down in the building and hold off the Flood until the end of the round. I think adding vehicles would compromise this typical style, unless you want the focus to be less on the mansion and more on the whole map to create a free roam map. But, I recommend aiming for a Holdout map, it would fit the theme a lot better. If you are going for a Holdout style map, the forest is definitely a good idea. One thing you want to do with a holdout map, is to make the outside very dangerous. I would make the forest quite dense which will convince the players to holdout inside the building. A dense forest would also have another function; it would keep the Flood relatively safe from the humans when they are planning a direction of attack etc. It isn't fun for the Flood if they are just being picked off from windows and balconies shortly after spawning. The forest would give them decent cover to move through while contributing to a cohesive and immersive atmosphere. The cave, also a good idea, could hold a weapon and/or some ammo. It would be a pretty cool risk vs reward feature where players need to risk their lives going through the forest to grab it. I can see a small group of players setting out to get the weapons and ammo but getting jumped by the Flood or something. It would add so much to the experience. As for the mansion itself, aim for a complex design to keep gameplay fresh. Try to balance out every room so there is not a spot better than the rest of the building, otherwise players will constantly be going for that spot, which isn't as fun as it could be. I hope this gives you some decent ideas to make a cool mansion. Good luck!
Very good advice Elliot...thanks a lot. As for the Warthog... I basically wanted a Free Roam AND Holdout Map all in one for more diverse gameplay and tactical choices. I guess I'm just wondering how to make the rooms in the mansion with more than one entrance. I dunno, maybe this is too complex for my skill level. Making a mansion that looks good is one thing, but then balanced out for gameplay is another. All I can do is try though. If I fail, at least I have this sick gametype for someone else to make a map for. If anyone is interested in making a map for this gametype, I can give you details. So far I am calling it Ghosts N' Goblins because the Alpha Flood are little goblins/monsters (or whatever) and the regular Flood are actual ghosts, and they look like ghosts too (think of how a ghost looks in real life http://www.jonco48.com/blog/ghost1_small.jpg). I have the lime green human color removed so it defaults to your spartan's loadout colors. The ordnance waypoint icons are removed and regular map weapons are also enabled. I was thinking of giving the Alpha Flood (midget Goblins) a Concussion Rifle (Primary) and a Gravity Hammer (Secondary) and keeping the Ghosts using their Flood Talon (sword). As far as loadouts for armor abilities, I am probably going to remove Active Camo from both human and flood loadouts. Anything else hasn't been decided yet but all ideas are welcome.
Want to clear this up first: That's incorrect. You should not hurry on a map because it can do nothing but harm to it. Always make sure to work and work and work on your maps until they're as close to perfection as they can get. Now about your question: Elliot already covered a lot of the important basics of creating a Mansion-styled Holdout map. Googling is also a good idea like Arcasius mentioned. Do not use Grav Hammers for the Alpha Flood players though. That's usually a no-no, it's extremely hard to balance.
Thanks for the reply. Well, as far as setting the gametype up to be balanced and unique, this is another area I need help with as I don't have a ton of custom Flood experience. What would you recommend, weapon-wise for the Goblins (Alpha Flood) and the Ghosts ... as well as the Humans? Map weapons are enabled for the humans and they also have one warthog. The reason I was thinking about Gravity Hammers and Concusion Rifles for the Alpha Flood Goblins is mainly just to fit the theme of them being little goblins. I didn't want to give the Regular Flood any weapons because they are Ghosts and it will look like ghosts flying around with a weapon, just wouldn't look right. I could reverse it so the Alpha Flood are the Ghosts and the Flood are the Goblins as well, if that makes gameplay better. I'd like this to really be something special and the best it can be. So the more people who contribute ideas the better. I also agree that taking time on a map is how it should be done... but I really take too long to make a map as I'm never satisfied completely with my own creations. I'll get a picture of the gametype up soon and edit the OP.
Definitely a holdout map, ****-zombie-esque. You should maybe consider only having 2-3 rooms the humans must holdout in, maybe a basement, kitchen, and foyer (or something of the like). Every room would have at least 3 entrances, whether they be through wall, window, or drop-down, keeping the gameplay tight and intense would suit the theme best. A cave into the basement sounds like a cool idea, as well as a forest outside which zombies use to get into the kitchen entrances exposed to the outside. If you want any help, msg me on the box.
This is one of those occasions where it's better to focus on solid gameplay than on fitting the theme by means of the gametype and changing up settings for the players. If you want to make the Infected Flood look like Ghosts, you can also give them a special armor effect such as the Overshield, combined with active camouflage. Remember that once Alpha Flood are killed, they will also become normal Flood anyway. But at least make sure to test the map with a regular Flood gamemode too if you are pushing this customized gametype through, so you'll be able to make it work no matter what.
Thanks Berb... I'll keep ya posted if I need help and stuff. Good ideas about the few rooms and kitchen. It's tough to plan it out but I'll keep thinking.
I did a workaround for making them look like ghosts by stumbling upon something on accident through hex modding. It's similar to your idea but it doesn't use active camo. Yeah I want the map to work for regular Flood as well as the Ghosts N' Goblins. I'm just not sure what weapons I should give alpha flood and regular flood and which flood will be ghosts and which will be goblins. I also want to mess around with damage/health/shield settings since humans will have other weapons at their disposal on top of the warthog... I should probably make the Flood stronger. I didn't think the Hammers from Alpha Flood would be an issue since that was their secondary weapon and the primary was a Concussion Rifle. But, nothing is set in stone and I think it's going to need quite a few games of testing before it's setup correctly. I'd just like to get the basic setup done in one shot so I don't waste people's time when testing the first match.
i like the ghost but that walking buttmu...i mean flood is kinda creepy that is good but the ghosts just look coolthat is good too so great job
thanks. I'm probably just going to focus on the map for now and see if I am satisfied how it progresses. I'm just gonna make it for default Flood so most flood variants should work with it. EDIT: Seems like the Big Island is too big for a Haunted Mansion, Forest, and a Cave. There aren't enough trees and rocks to spread around and fill empty space. I'll probably try to do something on the middle island.