Never heard of that website before, Very unofficial righting style, Doesn't have any citation's or confirmed sources, This comment: "Call of Duty: Black Ops II online leaderboard champion BlackWid0w commented on this story saying, “There is a reason our clan motto is 80% luck 20% skill.” I dunno but I don't think I'm gonna trust a random website's random post that relies on a random on the blackops 2 leaderboard about the development of Destiny. Even if this is a real quote(that's not cited or sourced) that doesn't mean there will be a 80% hit ratio, Blogger says After starting the blog with Freely interchanging "latency issues" with "gameplay mechanics", That's not part of the Bungie quote it's his setup for the quote setting it up in a negative fashion. MMO's use drop loot which is random that's all it could mean or something else who knows. This is a bit suspicious(if you trust this blog) but doesn't mean 80% chance to hit though. Maybe when fighting AI you have a chance to crit or something maybe there is a chance to miss. I'm sure bungie knows how competitive games work and randomness isn't preferable so if they did something like that it would be in the campaignish style mode and not in the competitive arena modes (Even if they did put it in arena modes it wouldn't be "Halo with random miss and crit chance" they would of carefully balanced it in some weird way)
Yeah I'm in the same boat. What race and class are you guys leaning towards? I'm thinking Human/Hunter would be badass.
And same here. The class I have decided for now is Exo/Titan. Normally I wouldn't choose the soldier over the wizard or stealth hunter. But, they remind me of Spartans, and Spartans are awesome.
Protip: Wizards > everything. I've watched the new trailer about 10 times now, and I'm even more hyped up than I was before. I seriously cannot overstate how ****ing psyched I am.
Ah, I agree. Its mostly so in games. But, it isn't always that way, and I like if it isn't so I always will have hard choice to decide which class I am going to take.. Man, if this game comes out, would certainly be cool to play with you guys. I've never been so excited for a game! (Except Halo, they are on a tie ) Nah. I think he did just right, just listen to the man speaking.
Everyone should see this trailer, its pretty good. I'm really looking forward to June 10, it will be awesome!
I really hoped for something else, as this is the same gameplay as shown at E3. But on the other side, we finally got to see Destiny gameplay! And we haven't even discussed it yet. It looked pretty awesome, huh? So many amazing things.
For those of you wondering what's in Destiny, you might want to check out the latest Mail Sack from Bungie Bungie : News Things of note are that there are competitive multiplayer gamemodes A type of Warlock called a Male Awoken Warlock A game mechanic about "feeding on energy"