No Man's Land

Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by Cybermat47, Mar 30, 2013.

  1. Cybermat47

    Cybermat47 Promethean

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    REVISED MAP D/L LINK: Awaiting final update.
    Revised map features more cover, vehicles, sniper towers, CTF, and more tactical options!


    #1 Cybermat47, Mar 30, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2013
  2. Art of Sound

    Art of Sound Promethean

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    Honestly, Wayyyyyyy Too Open. It Takes 16 Seconds to run from one side of the island to the other. And I'm not seeing any vehicles. I like the idea of "No Man's Land". But, I don't think it fits into Halo (At least not on Forge Island's Biggest Island). It seems it would get boring too fast just shooting across the map, because honestly, nobody wants to have to run 16 seconds to kill someone and risk dying just to be put back another 16 seconds.
  3. J DawgMillenium

    J DawgMillenium Promethean
    Senior Member

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    Aye, this may have to be posted in "Halo 4 Social Maps".
  4. Cybermat47

    Cybermat47 Promethean

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    Well, it's got more cover than Blood Gulch, and everyone loved that map. I put some trees in the centre, so anyone in the centre has some cover, and some power weapons there too, to give an extra boost. The reasoning behind this map was that the teams would have to function as an actual team (not just shooting at the same people) to win. But still, thank you for sharing your opinion.
  5. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
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    blood gulch, haemorrhage, etc, had a bump in the middle to break up LoS.

    Don't think your concept would work, sorry!
  6. Cybermat47

    Cybermat47 Promethean

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    That's what the barriers in the middle are for. They're tall enough to fully conceal a standing Spartan, but there are gaps to fire out of.
  7. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    From what I can tell, the issues with this design is that it's hardly a design. You've put two bases end to end and placed barricades in the middle. The idea is fine and all, but in execution it makes stale gameplay. How many times are you willing to spawn, shoot down onedirection, and die only to do it again? The great maps people make are this way because they are varied, they have elevation and lots of methods to do the same things. This does not have any of that. Perhaps more spiderweb styles of tunnels might fit this better, and you can still keep the flat ground. You could also add more structures between the bases. These can prove both as play spaces and LoS blockers.

    Also, Hemmorage was fun for people because you got to use a ton of vehicles. How much fun did you really have on foot? Personally, i disliked Hemmorage in general. To recreate it in any way feels like a mistake. It is the epitome of boring design. In the end, I feel like your map is simply unfinished.
  8. Cybermat47

    Cybermat47 Promethean

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    OK, I might add a few vehicles and sniper towers, perhaps even some hidden teleporters.
  9. Tombo V1

    Tombo V1 Forerunner

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    i really like your concept.

    it does need a fair amount of work though, i hope you are not deterred.

    somethings for you to consider;

    in the most vulnerable position of your map you have a shotgun. (right in the middle of no mans land) due to the wide open spaces people will not go for it. its very high risk for a close quarters weapon that you wont really have a use for.

    if you put a sniper rifle there - the best weapon for such a map scenario, you would force people to that position as it creates an advantage for your team. (people love them sniper rifles!)

    a typical no mans land suggests heavily fortified positions either side. if you were to scale up both side offering multiple routes between you would have a much better map.

    as a map for 10-16 players then you could try keeping the same island but you do need add places to go to/defend and more incentive to go these places. think rocket launchers, power ups, high ground for better line of sights.

    you also need to offer more places to respawn. (this would be in additional places you could create) as it is now, if you were to die, you would spawn in the base, offering an advantage to the opposition as they know where you will be. these points are also on top of your base meaning you would be almost always shot at the minute you pop up.

    i hope thats a start for you.
  10. Cybermat47

    Cybermat47 Promethean

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    Map has been updated with more cover, vehicles and CTF.
  11. Cybermat47

    Cybermat47 Promethean

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    There is a sniper rifle there, as well as a SAW. I guess you just didn't spot them. I doubt that I would if I hadn't made the map myself.
  12. Cybermat47

    Cybermat47 Promethean

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    Has anyone got feedback on the revised version? I don't mind if it's negative, I just want this map to be as good as possible.
  13. Tombo V1

    Tombo V1 Forerunner

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    apologies for not seeing the sniper rifle, i did see the SAW.

    from your picture you have pretty much the same problems.

    long wide open spaces, little cover.


    if we compare to coagualtion then you have no middle, and no flanking options.

    there are long lines of sights but the natural non flat terrain offers cover if you use it and the canyon walls and caves offer longer semi protected flanking options.

    the rocks and rock ridge are open but offer enough cover to traverse the map without getting shot to hell.

    there are many natural forge pieces now to create more on your map.

    its all a learning curve, trial and error.

    you can also learn a lot through play testing and getting feedback.

    have a look at other maps and see what others have done.

    i'd love to be able to offer you better advice, but im not one of the better forgers here.
  14. Cybermat47

    Cybermat47 Promethean

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    It mightn't be apparent from the picture, but I added in some cover to the no man's land section.

    Anybody, got an idea of how I could replicate this?
  15. Cybermat47

    Cybermat47 Promethean

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    OK guys, here's my new revised version of No Man's Land.
    [​IMG]Vehicles can go anywhere in the map, but they're discouraged from going near the SAW or Needler spawns by the rocky terrain in those areas. Those areas, however, are perfect for medium-range infantry combat.

    The areas around the SAW and Needler spawns could also provide a route for a flanking maneuver, or an attack from two sides in a CTF game.

    The centre is very dangerous for infantry, due to the machine gun turrets, shade turrets, and vehicles that control the area. However, anyone who gets in there will have a chance to get the rockets. And if they do get the rockets, they'll be able to quickly eliminate the enemy vehicles.

    Can you guys think of any other ways to improve the map?
  16. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    Still nowhere near enough structure. Audience said it, and it seems to still apply. A couple pieces of thin cover won't help much. Also, how are those vehicles going to get around the map if you've blocked most of the driving space in the middle?
  17. Cybermat47

    Cybermat47 Promethean

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    They fit through the gaps in the cover. I got in a warthog, drove around for a bit, then went out the other side.
  18. Tombo V1

    Tombo V1 Forerunner

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    what you have done is certainly an improvement, but there is still a lack of anything in either sides base.

    if it were ctf for example - how would you get the flag out of the base to your side without being shot at from multiple angles?

    thats not to say you want lots of cover but enough to offer some safety.

    also this 'cover' creates flow. which way will players move, which ways can they go.

    there is a great example of changing terrain in forge on this very site, in the blood gulch remake thread

    heres a pic


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