Would this scare people? Forge filter ghost town or black out, Dark as you can go. Good invisibility for zombies. You can't see anything, and you have no radar, BANG zombie hits you. Would you scream?
No i would complain about how stupid the map is,quit and put the maker on my personel blacklist. How would it be fun at all if all it is is wandering in blackness until you die?
Yeah but your saying the zombies are invisable which frankly is a recipe for disaster on any map. Player:God damned why am i playing this,i cant see anything and even if i could the guys are invisable sword noise Player:God <expletive> damn it,how the <expletive> is anyone supposed to get any <expletive> kills in this <expletive> things?!<expletive>! You get what i mean. To be honest mate you cant even make it that dark. This guy i saw claimed he "cleverly" mixed th filters so it was really dark By clever he meant he threw onall the dark ones at once...clever. It jsut looked like a sepia gears of war and the actual map sucked :S The darkness maps arent really that good,ive played a few of them and by and large its just whoever has the clsoe combat weapon wins since you cant see the ones far ahead of you :/ zombies with swords would slaughter everything
it would b fun if ther was light for 1 minute and the humans find a hiding spot waiting util its light again
Yeah but you cant make things filters go away. I suppose maybe youd be able to place mancannons grav lifts and other "lights" all over the place to spawn later but i dont think it would work well
Like Supa Midget said, I'm pretty sure this wouldn't work out. It may be better (still not great) if the zombies had a forced colour of 'black', rather than being invisible. They would still be difficult too see, but not impossible. Also, come on. At least a 10m radar...