1. Doneky Kong Country 1,2,3 - SNES 2. The 7th Guest - PC 3. Final Fantasy VII - PSX 4. Zelda: Ocarina of Time - N64 5. TES IV Oblivion - 360 --------------------------------------- 6. Halo 3 Commander Keen and The Incredible Machine were awesome games for some old school PC action.
1. Gears Of War 2. GTA IV 3. Halo 3 4. Guitar hero 3 5. COD 4 Sorry but i find Assassins Creed, i found it very repetitive.
User your words =] I have no idea what those last two games are... 1] Halo SERIES, because they would be my top 3 otherwise 2] Age of Empires series 3] Ragnarok 4] Sims 2 5] Grand Theft Auto IV
Based on time spent over amount of fun I got. i.e. (time/fun) (13/13)Zelda OoT (11/12)Mario Kart 64 (9/12)Roller Coaster Tycoon 1 (4/14)Earthbound (low time spent because I'm still playing through it lol) Tie: World of Warcraft or Diablo II (13/9) Runners up Worms Armageddon (6/10) Halo 2 (12/9)
I remember when one of my best friends used to play that... He loved it so much, he never left his computer.
What a variety! Had to change mine: 1. Doneky Kong Country 1,2,3 - SNES Just plain fun. 2. The 7th Guest - PC Seriously, if you have played this quote and post. Best PC game ever, so ahead of its time. First game to be released on CD. 3. Final Fantasy VII - PSX 4. AOK:TC - PC (Age of Empires 2, Age of Kings: The Conquerors expansion. Great map making community memories.) 5. TES IV Oblivion - 360
1: Jet Set Radio Future 2: Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind (GOTY Edition) 3: Rayman 3 4: Star Wars, Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy 5: Halo SERIES Notice how only one game on the list is 360... Sorry, but the original Xbox games own the schnitzel out of everything 360, which sadly has some pretty **** games... Heck, the OP has some bad taste himself.
Listed by replay value (and of course time spent): 5. Call Of Duty 4 4. Super Mario SERIES (64, Sunshine, Galaxy) 3. Star Fox Adventures 2. Portal 1. Mass Effect