I will call you what I want. And that thing is a weird pronunciation of HgT. Therefore, your new name is Higgit. Oh also, welcome aboard! Since I'm not friends with you on Live, please message me and/or xAudienceofone around start time on Tuesday to request an invite.
Sign me up. The gamertag is the same as my user name. If I do not have enough time to make Crazy Shapes, I will improvise with a double Clung.
Hmmmm.. I presume the name Higgit can be arranged. I don't care what your goldfish says, I'll Be There!
Sign me up please if there is still a spot. So since I'm out of the loop of news and what not...forge island is out already? or no?
I'm sure I wont get 16+ sign ups, but hopefully I will get a fair few from Halo Customs. Thanks for joining in!
I would like to get in on this list someday. I probobly won't ever be on before 5 pst though. Is there a way to jump in later or is there some other lobby for west coast? I would prefer to play with this group though.
We pretty much always start at this time, but I'd be happy to put you in reserves and then we'll invite you in when/if someone else leaves. We usually lose at least a person or two before the lobby is over and then we either find a replacement, or run smaller games; I definitely prefer the former.
Sign me up. Even though I already RSVPd on HaloCustoms. Come play flood maps with us Forge Hub! We need you.
kinda a heads up. as it'll be late and i'll probably be on make as little noise as i can instruction. so wont be able to tell you before "round start" for this weeks test i plan on running 1 FLAG ASSAULT. its completed untested so could fail miserably! so for those playing, this is what i hope happens. its a round based, linear map. one team just defends. the other team has to fight to and collect the flag, then push further up the hill to capture it. i'll probably run straight ol' slayer to acclimatise to the play area and then with my second slot see what happens in the 1 flag assault variant