
Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by Nutduster, Mar 28, 2013.

  1. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Pavilion is my attempt to tackle two things that I seldom muck around with: a true and completely asymmetrical map that still is balanced for two-sided gametypes, and a more real-world architectural approach. The map's theme is a bit urban and a bit aesthetic, with the theme being a partially-constructed open-air museum and parking garage connected by roads and scenic pedestrian walkways. It's easy on the eyes, but as with all of my maps gameplay took priority, and hopefully it shows.

    It supports 2v2 comfortably - I recommended the Dust-Up version of the map for a superior 2v2 weapon set - as well as 4v4, and can be played for slayer, KOTH, oddball, CTF, and even extraction.


    Weapons and ordnance

    Regular version:
    - 1 rocket launcher (3 minutes)
    - 1 sniper rifle (2 minutes)
    - 2 shotguns (2 minutes)
    - 2x frag grenades (60 seconds)

    Dust-Up version:
    - 1 railgun (4 shots, 2 minutes)
    - 1 sniper rifle (8 shots, 2 minutes)
    - 2x 2 frag grenades (60 seconds)












    Download (regular version)

    Download (Dust-Up version)
    #1 Nutduster, Mar 28, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2013
  2. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I had a blast testing this map with you Nut. The two goals you set yourself with this map have been met perfectly. Its beautiful, yet also has realistic architecture, a truly amazing feat. The map is really well balanced, I love how the two bases are well defined, I really feel as though I am assaulting an enemy base as I push into one, if you get what I mean. Although it has a very asym layout, it is really well balanced, I like how you tackled the power of that balcony with the fusion coils (remember that winning kill? :p) The sight lines are great too, they make the Sniper really fun to use.

    We should host a Dust Up submission lobby sometime, I want to play this along with the other submissions while we wait :D

    Congrats on getting this ready in time and to such a good standard!
  3. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the kind words! I definitely know what you mean - the design is basically two builds connected by roads and the pavilion of the title, which is all middle-to-low ground, so that definitely creates a clear separation of red territory vs. blue territory vs. neutral. But hopefully those three overlap in interesting enough ways that it doesn't become boring, and the power weapon placements tend to draw you out a bit.

    Yes, unfortunately. You bastard. :)
  4. Art of Sound

    Art of Sound Promethean

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    I have been waiting for a map that uses the Stadium Lights in such a way, that it doesn't take away from the map at all. And you sir, nailed it! It does not take away from gameplay and it adds a nice aesthetic feel to the map. I am going to assume your 2 goals were to "Use the Stadium Lights In Some Way" and "Make A Realistic Looking Map, Something Different Than the Halo Look"
  5. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Pretty much! At first I was just playing with one of the lights to see if I could build a hallway with that as the centerpiece. After I came up with something I liked, I started thinking up asymm designs that would fit well around one of the lights that has a rotation close to 45 or 90 degrees flat (there are only a couple of them - most of the stuff on that asteroid, including the main building, is rotated to very weird angles). Then I just took some different architectural structures that I like the look of - recessed roadways, domed roofs, columns - and started putting it all together.

    Anyway I'm glad you like the look of it - if you get a game on it at some point, let me know how it goes.
  6. leegeorgeton

    leegeorgeton Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Such innovative uses of forge objects (and the canvas map) to create beautiful architecture. The map's layout (regardless of the asymmetry) is easy to figure out so that almost anyone can jump in and feel relatively effective at combat and objective gameplay. That's also a very impressive overview image. Nice job on the map, and you did it so quickly as well.
  7. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Thanks Lee - from our resident architect (of the actual variety) that's very nice praise.

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