Not sure if this is known or not, but I couldn't find anything on google and haven't heard of it before now. If you charge the Boltshot in to the "grace period" (the short time once the prongs on the side are fully extended, but before it forces you to fire, when you can let go at any time to fire it) you can throw a nade and sort of store up the shot, or rather delay it until after the nade has been thrown. It's not a huge delay, so you can't go storing up charged shots for any real period of time, but if you need a split second extra before firing you can chuck a nade and delay it for a split second. Not gamechanging or gamebreaking, but it happened to net me a kill when I discovered it by accident on Friday. I'll try to put up a video soon but I got rid of my capture card so anyone who wants to help out will have my sincere appreciation. I also want to experiment more with it to see if there are other actions which can be used to delay it further. I'm kinda surprised that no one discovered this already considering the much more complex glitches that people worked out, perhaps people have and saw it as inconsequential. If there's any way to delay it further then it's probably worth finding out ASAP so 343 can patch it. The last thing the BS needs is to be any more useful/exploitable.
You should give your findings to someone who can influence 343i's decisions, like the owner of the Certain Affinity YouTube channel. If you let us, the community, know more, we will likely spread and abuse these glitches.
I'm gonna forward it to Bravo on THC as well, he's generally receptive to community contact and is in a position to report this directly. I was just wondering if anyone else had experienced this, and whether there are any further dimensions to the glitch in terms of possible other actions which can increase the delay etc. Gathering as much information as possible before reporting it is probably beneficial.
Certain Affinity cannot really do much, they stated in the past that everything lies in 343i's hands. Oakley HiDef told me this after he spoke with managers of 343 to hand over the list of complaints BIOC had compiled about Flood, which I had given to him.
I think he meant that they're a good choice for something getting to 343i's attention quickly, rather than them being able to fix it themselves. I'm not very good at precisely timed combos tbh, but I can't find anything much to use this for apart from a slightly faster time between charged shots (might not even be a shorter time overall, from starting to charge the first shot to firing the second, because of the added time to throw the nade). I was thinking it might have some sort of use for reloading or double melee, but I can't get anything like that to work. At least it doesn't look very damaging, if it is a bug.
Just like with Oakley HiDef and the list, they're not really doing that. And I can understand that you can't really ask them to, or even force them, if they have nothing to stand on.
The glitch exists with the charged Plasma Pistol, too. I noticed it in a custom game a while ago, but never really thought it was useful so I haven't tried using the trick to my advantage. Perhaps the glitch works with other charged weapons as well, such as the Railgun?
Worth trying, but the railgun already has the glitch where you can fire earlier on anyway. It gives you such a small charging time that it's not really necessary delaying your shot: you can just boost up a new one with ease after letting go your previous charge.
I have known this existed since very early in Halo 4's lifespan, but didn't see it as a big deal because I haven't been able to use it to my advantage yet.