This is actually amazing... HOWEVER... I would like snow... or desert... Maybe have a hill..? I don't care I already have a remake in mind! IM SO PUMPED TO MAKE IT! [br][/br]Edited by merge: Perfect opportunity to make the remake of my dreams
If we're lucky, they've added Weather FX orbs of some kind Hoping to god they did something revolutionary for a change.
how sick would a rain one be?! Sandbox gave us new objects, light orbs, and a ton of new forge revolutions. I really hope we get something like that. New natural objects maybe? Rocks, trees, bushes? That would be entirely too cool...
I think you guys are expecting too much. I don't think it will be anything more than the regular forge pieces with new skins and maybe a couple of new objects under a "forge island" section much like the Ravine, Impact, and Erosion sections. I can promise you right now there will be no weather effects, but that would be amazing to have in the next Halo if they can pull it off!
I just hope the handful of objects under 'Forge Island' in the menu are reasonably useful. Something anywhere near the Impact sub-palette would be mind-blowing. Even an Erosion scale sub-palette would be nice. *crosses fingers*
This. They're not going to add anything too fancy. I'm guessing we'll have to wait until Halo 5 for them to do that. But personally I've never really had a problem with the Forge pallet in Halo 4, so it wouldn't really bother me if they haven't changed anything.
I posted some of my thoughts on the map here along with my own interpretation of how this could have been done. I'm happy for the free canvas and some flat space, but honestly the other 2 flat islands are a waste of space. There is nothing that can be built on them that can't be done on the big island. They are also far too disconnected, so far apart that only a racetrack or Montaska map will bridge the gap. Like I said, I show my design for this on the page I linked. Still happy for it, but still think it could have been much better.
Forge palette could be a lot worse than Halo 4. In my opinion, it's fine. Remember reach pieces? You either get shitty grey or shitty blue glass that makes frame rate. I'm happy with the textures as is. The color of them slightly changes on each canvas, and they are all simple, clean looking. They really should stop doing invisible walls on pieces though. Round edges, wall coliseum lip, the random two slits on a 4x4, etc.
Not quite true, something like Ascension/Pinnacle would be easier to make with them. Not just a remake, but any map using that principle of a central, circular landmass. Hardly a very extensive use, and I take your point, but they're not entirely pointless.
I have come to see that the smallest island could have some plausible uses, though I hold firm that the middle one offers no advantage that the other two don't do better already, as well as that the distance between islands was a poor design choice. I'm sure I'll use the maps, I like a lot of parts of them and I think they do add to the overall forge pallet, but this feels very representative of decisions 343i makes: Good for the most part but with some incredibly obvious oversights.
I plan on using the middle island to make a medium sized map. If I did this on the big island I would have to wall it off which would be a waste of resources. I just hope we can go near water this time around.
I don't see the harm in the repeating shape. It gives you a decent set of options and won't get in the way as much as a mountain range or whatever might. It kinda makes sense to me, in that it gives you a canvas with decent terrain (imo) for any map - small medium or large. I mean, if they made them different I'm sure somebody would complain because the size they want doesn't have he features they want, and "why does the only useful surface only fit XvX maps?!?!" would flood the forums. A big flat circle is pretty much what I've been looking for for my 4v4 maps. I'm sure the same is true for a lot of BTB forgers and 1v1/2v2 forgers. Sounds to me like they're doing a decent job of pleasing everybody. I mean if you want lumpy bumpy rocks, there is always Erosion, Ravine and Impact. Y'know what would really blow my mind though? If the islands were forge objects. :O (Probably not, but I can hope)
The only thing I find distasteful about that bock is the black lines on it. When used with other blocks with "other lines" they never match or work together, making a visually noisy and messy map. I am confused about what you speak of... What divots and why do they matter? [br][/br]Edited by merge: I tend to agree with your assessment entirely. I would take it a step further and say that there is only one thing I look forward to by the shape of these lobotomized mushroom rocks - you can fly the banshee below the cliff and shoot up elsewhere to surprise the enemy, like on Standoff. Otherwise, they look way strange to even think of building on.
Im just hoping that the islands are close enough that a multi-island city can be created. cause if they are Ive got an amazing idea.
I remember how we all complained about the gray.... the endless gray... What I would give to have these palettes go back to mostly gray again...
If that happened, many maps Forged in Halo 4 would look bland. Reach's Forge complemented a certain style of Forge. I think Halo 4's complements a different style, and it's always good to have variety.
It seems like they have become grayer or at least less white which is going to make the maps be able to blend in better with terrain! Im so excited!!!
To me, they look way too far apart to do that and have any budget left for anything else on the actual islands themselves. I guess we will have to wait and see.
They said you could connect them together... but why would you? They aren't even the same elevation from each other... I wonder if the sky box allows a run for cover from Zeus game? That would make it worth it!