Did you know Indestructible Vehicles is enabled in the Dust Up 2.0? Are vehicles allowed? I was wanting to know because I will be submitting a map that will house 2 mongooses. The default warthog can work well in 2v2 given the right environment and conditions, just was wondering what the stance was on this and most of the time vehicles are outlawed in 2v2.
The No-Ordnance-Waypoints gametype plays really well for this. If I could find a version with instant respawn fixed I think it would be worth considering an exception to the various rules. The ordnance shows up on your radar, like normal, but the waypoints don't show up. Not an issue of course, seeing as Dust-up is no-radar. That would let power-ups drop seamlessly with weapons and open up a much wider range of respawn timer options across the board. I have a Beam Rifle that spawns at 4 min with ordnance, but 3 min is the limit for normal weapon drops so my Dust-up variant plays somewhat differently than the ordnance variant. That said, I'm not trying to start **** and I don't expect any changes to the gametype for the tourney. Just voicing my thoughts.
I just found a post on se7ensins.com on how to remove instant respawns, but technically its a modded gametype, and FH doesn't allow these. :C waah-waah.
I wonder, if enough of the FH big-wigs wanted a modded gametype for a tourney, if 343 would produce a legit version. I mean, it would take as much effort as publishing the St. Patty's Day gametypes, and I doubt St. Patty's merits very much expenditure so I'm guessing it's a reasonably simple process. It would be nice if they were willing to support the community in that way, seeing as the custom gametype options are somewhat lacking.
A legit, no instant-respawn gametype already exists: Doubles Pro. I did this a while ago - I downloaded the Doubles Pro gametype off my Temporary History (after playing Matchmaking) and simply changed the settings on it to make my own gametype. I also think that no instant-respawn is included in Dust-Up Slayer 2.0...
I think he's just being cheeky - it was modded (and therefore taboo) up until the 2v2 playlist launched.
Is there any lobby that we can join to playtest maps. I have a couple but it is virtually impossible to playtest them and I would really like some more feedback on them.
Look around the Community Customs, lately there have been a bunch of 2v2 lobbies popping up. If you don't find one that works for you, you can always make a lobby in there yourself.
So pretty much all of the submissions look amazing this time around. Good luck judges, gunna be a tough call. Seriously though, good job FH. I take a look through the submissions page and lose confidence in even getting on the podium.
I agree. I've played quite a few, many though their testing phases, and many are great contenders. I'm looking forward to seeing which are chosen.
I know the feeling. I had two maps to submit but after checking the sub thread I felt like only one of them had even a slight chance