R3imagine is, essentially "the great wall" meets MLG on crack. For the love of ****ing christ, there are two versions. One for MLG one for normal weapon sets. I thought I clearly stated that, but some people, apparently can't read or think... so there you go... Download MLG R3imagine Download R3imagine This map, in my opinion, plays best as MLG and it supports all MLG gametypes. It plays well for oddball, KOTH, CTF, and team slayer. However, BR starts are best and for CTF, flag at home to capture should be turned on. It works well for 4-8 players. R3imagine has a lot of enclosed and open areas to make this map, while rather large, seem small. The space is divided by the big wall. There are only three choke points between A side and B side: The red tower, the blue tower, and the center. Red tower has three levels. Red 1 contains an overshield and red 3 has a spartan laser. This area offers the most power weapons, however, this tower isn't too safe. The top is easy to lob grenades on and has no cover, the middle level has a direct view of the first level and the first level has 5 different entrances. The blue tower, however, is more of a stealthy tower. Blue one is disconnected from blue two and three, but offers a direct path from A to B. It also contains invisibility. Blue two contains the sniper. Blue three has one of the best views of the level. There is a pathway on top of the wall that connects Blue and Red towers. The a-side and B-side are completely symmetrical. Weapon placement: 1 spartan laser 1 overshield 1 invisibility 1 sniper 1 regenerator 1 energy drain 2 bubble shields 2 sets of SMGs 10 BRs 2 needlers MLG weapon placement: 1 sniper (1 extra clip, 2.5 minute respawn) 1 rocket launcher (1 extra clip, 3 minute respawn) 1 mauler (no extra clips, 2 minute respawn) 10 Brs 4 carbines(1 extra clip, 45 second respawn) 4 plasma grenades (30 second respawn) Some Frequently unasked questions: F.U.Q. Why R3imagine? Now, I chose the name, R3imagine, for two reasons. Firstly, I'm creating a series of three maps with the R3 as the beginning title (this being the first) and secondly, because I took the idea of the great wall, reimagined it, and made it my own. This level plays nothing like The great wall. This map is entirely original. Is this map as amazing as I think it is? Yes. Do you like this map? No, I actually hate this map and am just glad to get it published. Why does this map keep falling off the first page, it's so good. Have you heard what I think of forgehub lately? This map plays horribly, I hate you, I hate your family, go burn in hell. You're wrong, I don't care, I don't care again, not yet. I dislike "x" about your map, I think you could do "y" to improve it. Cool, any other suggestions? (start conversation here). Tihs weaponz0r pl4c3ment iz teh suxxz0r... (prominent user)'s mapz0rs are 10x better. I don't care about (prominenet user)'s map, but why do you think my weapon placement sucks? Why doesn't this map look like you spent 80 hours on each box to make sure it was interlocked correctly. I'm more of a function guy, I don't consider form to be more important than function, thus my map plays well, but doesn't look the prettiest. not bad. It looks like you crowded it a lot, though. 4/10 What?! You haven't even played my map yet, play it then rate it... It plays better than it looks, again, I value function over form. This map is unoriginal... blah blah blah, something about it getting lost in a sea of clones... blah blah blah... I suck real bad. Okay, here's a challenge to your claim. Find one map with a layout even close to similar to this map. Want a harder challenge, find a map that plays half as well as this with said similar layout. I think you'll be hardpressed to fulfill either of these claims. Now, why don't you say something original or constructive. Pictures This is red tower from A-side, notice the geo-merged double box to form a ramp. This is red base from the top of the ramp, you can see red one two and three from this shot. This is taken from red 2 looking into red 1. It shows me (the blue player) headed for the rockets. This is blue tower, you can see blue 1, 2, and 3 from here... This is an image from blue two that shows the ramp up to blue 3. This is an angle of blue two that shows blue three from the underside. This shows b-side looking towards blue tower. This shows b-side looking towards red tower. This is a-side looking towards blue tower. this is a-side looking towards red tower. This shows the area between the A and B bases... but really, is anyone going to read this far? Special thanks to: Turbo gerbil: for helping with spawn issues, being there for every testing session, suggesting a layout change (that I kept) and for generally being a cool guy. Xanon and Ivory: for being some frequent testers. All the other people who tested this map.
Nice interlocking and merging, I really like the fence ceiling, but I don't really see any thing that pops outs in your map to make it unique.
i don't see what you mean when you say the map doesn't look great as far as interlocking and such. cuz this seriously looks better than some maps who's makers do value that more. the map looks very good i can definitely see the value of function in this map. nice description nice post. overall good job.
Like I saw a few posts up (caMOfo), there's nothing that says "DOWNLOAD ME!" here. Overall, I'll definitely say that the merges are clean, and the walls are held all pretty-like. It just lacks a certain finess. For one, I don't think your pictures do it justice. You showed a few spots of nice merging, but never anything to give a view of the entire map or several pictures that cover the map step-by-step. Applying a few of these things could maybe help it a tad, but that's just me. Honestly, it's not a bad map and I'm not saying it is at all. 4/5 anyday, my friend.
Don't jump to conclusions. It doesnt make sense to rate a map so great like this badly wihtout playing it. I would give it an 8/10. Great layout, he only interlocked and merged when neccessary, which is fine. And gameplay as I said was a blast, I had some of my best ever KoTH games on this. SO please, I urge all of you to download this and ACTUALLY play it, you will love it!
Thank you all for your downloads and comments. To address what camofo and flymingo said: I thought that the big wall in the middle was enough to make it stick out, personally, I mean, I didn't make any eye-catching gimmick, but gameplay-wise, it's definitely enough to set it apart from many maps... also, flymingo you say it doesn't have an MLG feel, vicious vice said the same thing, but neither of you have really played it. Everyone I've played it with has said it plays really well and supports the MLG gametypes very well. I mean, sure it doesn't have the "onslaught" or "amplified" feel to it, but do all MLG maps have to feel like those two? Why can't one take ideas from maps MLG uses and make something original? Thank you, also brute captain, I'm glad you enjoyed it!
I agree with your statement completely except... Dude Onslught sucks big time. That is one of the worst maps around, even MLG said they were very dissapointed with it, I would MUCH rather play this map in matchmaking MLG than Onslaught...
I disagree with a lot of posts on this thread. Imo, from what I see in the pics, this looks like an extremely good map. It's got combat from all ranges, good interlocking, well-thought out structures, and it seems HUGE. I hope it'll remind me of the old days, chugging towards Blue Base on Blood Gulch for an hour and capping a 9 in many an ass of fools along the way. Btw, the first description you give and the Q & A = hilarious.
I agree, it lacks WOW. It does look good though. I hadnt completely scrolled down and I was prepared to blast you for the weapon placement because you'd said it was good for MLG but when I scrolled a little further I saw that you'd made an MLG variant, so I relaxed, and didnt do it. It doesnt help when you talk into your ass about your map. Yeah, say its good but let everyone else decide whether its amazing. I know that you said that you focus on playability rather than looks but you should focus on both. Your a bit like me. I used to not fix those little bumps because "it plays fine how it is" I've got a map that I've spent ages on and it was ready to post weeks ago but I am now re-editing it, fixing all the little bumps, making it look neat. It helps a lot, with both aesthetics, comments and gameplay. The map looks good but it looks very sloppy. It may play and/or walk good but it doesnt look good. Also Brute Captain, dont get grumpy when people judge maps when they haven't played on them. If they dis gameplay when they havent played on it, then abuse them but as I've said before when you post a map on Forgehub your map will be based on what the map maker shows us in the post, and they have to be prepared for that.
In the end there is no point in contuniuing this argument. Some people judge from looks, other more wisely base off gameplay, so be it.
Yes it is better to judge gameplay but I'm saying thats what a majority of people judge maps on. I prefer maps that play rather than look better. But sometimes looks cross over into gameplay, like when nades get caught. That can be frustrating, when I'm map-making I try to make sure weapons and everything work, as well as it looking good. Aesthetics do help gameplay, not drastically but it could be the difference from of winning by 1 or losing by 1.
Good map Good map. I think you could do better if you set your mind to it. I like though and I think I am going to download.