
Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by Wack, Mar 15, 2013.

  1. Wack

    Wack Promethean

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    Map Description
    Symmetrical, Peanut-shaped

    I have added 2 more variants of this map built for 4v4s; one is for CTF and the other is for KoTH/Ball. Labeled as: Peanut Flag and Peanut King Ball. I have high hopes for these gametypes on this map. The original remains 2v2 for the sole purpose of the initial spawns.

    Blue/Green Top

    Top Mid

    Red/Purp Bottom

    Red Bottom 2

    Low Hall

    Top Red/Purp


    Top Blue/Green (Note Symmetry, Blue is on same side as Red)


    Bottom Base (Also Symmetrical)


    The map layout is brutally simple.

    WARNING: Some players may be allergic to this map. In the case of an emergency, throw your controller at the nearest wall. 2v2 or 1v1 Slayer supported in this variant
    #1 Wack, Mar 15, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 24, 2013
  2. Rookie

    Rookie Forerunner

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    The ceilings look fairly low and the map placement looks weird with the bright floor and the dark walls and ceiling. haven't given it a D/L yet though.

    Just my two cents.
  3. J DawgMillenium

    J DawgMillenium Promethean
    Senior Member

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    That + overlapping floor/ceiling + no theme + names of locations were provided

    While I have yet to play on Peanut, the factors listed above act as deterrents for me to want to. It seems you have some of these problems on your map Fervor 2v2.

    P.S: Do not take any of that harshly. My criticisms are simply input for you to improve. Also, I will cut you some extra slack for being new to Forge. :)
  4. Wack

    Wack Promethean

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    I would love any ideas on how to eliminate overlap, while retaining overall map shape. Object thickness is a factor. and of course bashing 343 for not giving objects optional skins and having them be completely texture-less otherwise is not helpful.

    Oh and downstairs you can not hit your head without nade or double jumping and upstairs the same holds true even off the objects. it's anti-jetpack at it's most simple and effective.
    #4 Wack, Mar 19, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2013
  5. Hydrolysis

    Hydrolysis Forerunner

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    This map looks like it would be fun for some chaotic-CQC casual matches! That said, it would be nice to get an overview of the map. From the pictures I can't really get an idea of what the map actually looks like.

    Haha, and I couldn't agree more with the fact that
    343 really made a mistake when they over-hauled every other aspect of the game but left Forge virtually untouched.
  6. Wack

    Wack Promethean

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    I did a reasonable job of an overview hydro, though I did it through halo screenshots. The map is simple so it should make sense.
  7. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Basing my assumptions of the screenshots, the initial concern that jumped out was object usage in that nearly every piece used was of the same shade. I had trouble grasping the layout because I could not differentiate between objects due to this. The problem is only emphasized with this being built on the Erosion pallet, hahaha. I would suggest shooting for dark walling in conjunction with light flooring in the future. Regarding the design, I feel it has strong potential that's being wasted on the fact that the map is symmetrical. I would love to give you some suggestions in game if you're willing. Good stuff overall, man. It looks a tad small for 2s, so I will try to run some 1v1s tomorrow and come back with some concrete feedback if I'm feeling up to it.
  8. Wack

    Wack Promethean

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    I apologize to anyone who has played this map thus far there was a critical spawn error due to it being an older version. Also, I added a loadout camera. The tweak is almost unnoticeable except in game.
  9. Wack

    Wack Promethean

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    Game variants added as well as 4v4 functionality.
  10. Knight Of 0rder

    Knight Of 0rder Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I had a lot of fun on this map a few nights ago in Hulk's lobby. The map felt really fast paced and required a lot of team communication. I like that. The only problem that I had with the map is that it was too cqc. There were too many walls, mainly in the top middle. IMO a good way to fix this would be to get rid of some of the walls and maybe replace a few of the walls with thicker blocks. The thicker blocks would make it so that players can't run away as easily. Other than that problem I had a lot of fun on this map. Keep up the good work.

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