I try to update my maps as I play them, I posted it because I felt it was good in its state. That doesn't mean it can't be better and so far the only tips I receive are, "Oh the map is good." Just looking for any criticisms. And thanks if you decide to play the map, Fenix
reserve me, i havent had time to do much forging so have nothing currently to test...but i still enjoy playing but dont deserve a slot for nothing, but if you require plus one invite me.
The Journey: Part I GT: Shadow KryPTiiC and HornetAssassin5 Gametype: The Journey Map: The Journey: Part I Tested: Yes Finished: Yes but open to suggestions The Journey is a linear flood series that follows a group of humans as they escape the flood. The first part starts in the city, the second part takes place in the sewers, the third is also in the city, the fourth part or finale is a secret. Their is initial and personal ordanance on the map as well. For download go to my fileshare. On each map their are four rooms and this map, as well as the rest of the series is very fun. Will be posting other parts of the series soon. Shoutout to my forging clan Mk25 for helping me and Hornet test the map. https://www.halowayp...le&startIndex=0 The First room The Second room The Third room The Final Room, Look for the manhole that hints the humans are next going into the sewers. Thanks and please download.
Considering that it's now EDT here, would this be running at 6EDT rather than 5? Edit: Nevermind, i probobly cant make it. Too much else I have to do. Sorry guys, I wanted to play.
I don't know what will be happening with BIOC. I got 2 sign ups on HaloCustoms.com and two here. I just don't see the point at this present time.
Are you still getting the numbers you require without these threads? I'm thinking that they wouldn't be bad to keep going, but it looks like you guys invest a lot of time into them. It's great to see that you care, but maybe until you have more viewrship you should just have the basics like 'this is happening at this time, and we're playing Flood'.
We got the numbers a few weeks ago. But this round, just no one is interested. Yeah we put a lot of time into it so its frustrating when we can't play. We are working on a YouTube channel with someone which will hopefully help us out.
I'd like to play along with you guys, but looks like all the slots have been taken up. If you need extras you can hit me up. I've looked up the times and I'm pretty sure I've got the calculations correct of when your times lines up with my times. Quick question though, I'm guessing you mean EDT as in North America EDT? The times I've got are New York times, being GMT-4 hours.
So i renamed My map on erosion to convent and my map on impact to vanguard I did some substantial editing to convent and removed the sniper because it seems overpowered on the rooftops and i wanted to keep the rooftop access available. I also added another ramp to the roof as well as made the main roof more accessable. I really like the way it played in a 8 person ffa i had this weekend. I set up extraction for convent and ctf for vangaurd and look forward to testing them on tuesday.
If you need someone to help test, I'll jump on. I don't have anything myself but i'm willing to be a filler.
Pull me, I have to focus what little free time I have on testing my latest 2v2 map, 'Rendezvous.' I kind of pulled the map out of my a## and forged it in less than 2 days time but I personally like it better than 'Curb Stomp.' I start my move on Friday and won't have any time from then until the Dust-Up map deadline to test, so now is of the essence to get this thing tested and submitted.
My suspicious squint knows all! List updated, and I should have a new map for tonight if all goes according to plan. I'm hurriedly putting some final touches on it - actually working from home today just so I can finish up the map over lunch...