Hi guys! This is my first post in Forgehub and I hope to make some awesome forge maps. My hope is that one of my maps could make it into MM, but until one is totally done, I ain't going to go crazy over getting that, yet. I just have a small problem with respawn points. There are no neutral respawn points in my custom map; only team respawn points. I decided to test the map, by myself, to see if the Ordnances and spawning was okay. First off, in the second round, it spawned me at a respawn point, instead of an initial spawn point. Then, if that wasn't odd enough, it spawned me at a respawn point for the enemy team! Does anyone have an idea why this is happening? I figure it's because I'm playing by myself, but still... I don't have any available XBL friends to test the map with and the respawn points are really the only odd thing. Thanks for any help!
Welcome to Forgehub, man. Regarding the problem, I can think of two reasons as to why this may be occurring; there are some nuetral respawns points that were overlooked, or the ones placed were designated with an object color instead of a team color. As for the initial spawns not functioning, you could possibly just be playing with a FFA variant by accident. If those aren't the problems, add me on XBL and I'll run through it with you some time. EDIT: Out of curiosity, is the design meant to be competitive? If so, I would recommend using just nuetral respawns anyway. It makes the spawning system less predictable and doesn't force a team to spawn in certain positions throughout the game.
When you say second round, what was the gametype exactly? In round-based games the teams swap sides between rounds.
When I say second round, I mean in both General Forge (No Specific Gametype) and Team Slayer (Inf Slayer with Teams ENABLED) I think I may have fixed the RE-spawn points with respawn zones. Only problem is, NOW, the people don't start the games at their Initial Spawns, hardly at all (only on occasion). Is there a viable fix to THIS? Keep in mind I also have respawn zones over the Initial Spawns.
Instead of using respawn points and then setting them to team colors, use respawn zones. Respawn zones will take all the spawns inside it's resizable zone and make them whichever team you want. You don't have to change any of the game specific settings either, just change the team to either red or blue and make the zone span over their respective sides. I usually overlap the team spawn zones so that spawn killing is a little less ridiculous. Once you start using spawn zones though, you might need to use anti, weak and weak anti zones for your spawning system to work properly.
This isn't true. Zones are not strong enough to ensure this behavior in Halo 4 (in Reach the Respawn Zone was strong enough). Firstly, when a new round starts, blue team will use red team assigned zones and points, and red team will use blue team assigned zones and points. Secondly, I believe that at the start of any round the initial spawn points should be used. If not, I would like to download your map and check it out myself to see what you are doing differently. Also, initial spawn points do not need to be in a zone to be used as the initial spawn for a player. It is a bit complicated, and the behavior was never documented by bungie, 343i, nor CertainAffinity. Finally, spawning doesn't behave in forge as it should. I would never test my setup in forge. Let us know if you put the map on your file share for us to look at...
I found that my problem was that I accidentally used object colors instead of team colors. I changed the objects so that their TEAM colors were correct and that actually fixed the whole issue! I just need to add some objective markers and then you'll see this map in my file share. when it's there, please feel free to test it as I'd like feedback for how the map feels.