Went back to Reach

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by The King of Hearts, Mar 15, 2013.

  1. The King of Hearts

    The King of Hearts Promethean

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    I have decided to quit Halo 4 completey because to me it just doesnt feel like a Halo game but more like CoD with shields. It just, to me, doesnt feel right and whenever I go back to Halo Reach, I can feel what it is like to be a real Spartan rather than a Marine "Spartan".

    I know people wont miss me but honestly I dont see Halo being Halo anymore. Unless 343i actually reverts back to the core of Halo with minor upgrades to the game.
  2. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Promethean
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    Have you played any of the official competitive settings? They are just beginning to make their way into matchmaking. Things like Throwdown and Doubles Pro are just hints at the playlists/settings to be added soon. They actually promote controlling weapon and powerup spawns, movement throughout the map, etc.
  3. Berb

    Berb Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It's a bit late to revert to the proper Halo formula now, I think. The damage of 343's incompetence has by and large already been done.
  4. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    People will come crawling back I think as the more improvements are added. I mean where did they go... the only competition is CoD and GoW... both are not much better and actually worse in my opinion.
  5. Berb

    Berb Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    They simply stopped playing. I know lots of people, some senior members of this forum, that just couldn't find time for videogames after quitting H4. Many of the people who bought H4 on release bought Blops 2 and play that instead. H4 never really cut deep enough into the CoD pie to compensate for the classic Halo players turned off and disappointed.
  6. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    Yea I can see that. It's not no where near dead but population is definitely taken a beating. What did people expect though with a hand-off like this with a project as big as this? I think if 343 gets the improvements out that are needed to Halo 4 they will be on the right track for Halo 5. It's a live and learn situation for them and if they make the same mistakes twice, it can sure be the death of halo. But, if they get theirs heads right and take Halo where we want it to go (Especially with the new console), we may have yet to see the best halo yet.
  7. The King of Hearts

    The King of Hearts Promethean

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    I have tried and played the competitive playlists and what they have added. Yes I do like what they did with some of the things but thats very few though of what they added. I think that they tried to make something it isnt.

    Also reverting back to the way Halo use to be like moving slowly no Im alright without it being like that but more like Halo Reach and Halo 3 combined. Return equipment and blance them between AA. Return all previous helmets including ODST rather than having that apparent upgraded one they have in Halo 4. Forge needs to return to its formal glory like it was in Reach. Campaign was amazing but needed Skulls to find while traveling through each mission. Previous gametypes need to make a return. Invasion, stockpile, headhunter, etc. More custom options along with custom power up and Active camo and overshield. Some of the previous weapons need a return, referring to Brute weapons (before you say that their weapons didnt play a part, the Gravity Hammer was one from the Brutes and not the elites). Being able to view fileshare before and after MM games was great, needs a return. Just minor things that were left out from the previous games is what I think needs to return along with a visal ranking system and the aim assist nerfed.

    Also remove those damn soft kill barriers and return what Halo 3 had with the normal barriers, Im sure people like to explore OUTSIDE of the map rather than what there now. Those things have screwed up Forge alot and its pretty bad IMO.
    #7 The King of Hearts, Mar 15, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2013
  8. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    If only their populations weren't tiny. The problem with the whole "things will pick up" attitude is that even when it does, the majority of the people will gravitate towards the playlists that stink of 343's terrible choices and the huge chunk of players that gave up don't come back.
  9. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    Are we really going to do this?
    "CoD with shields"?
  10. StolenMadWolf

    StolenMadWolf Promethean

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    And BattleField.... Which is brilliant...

    Anyways back on topic, KingofHearts I'm going to say that I respect your choice with going back to Reach, but Im just going to say this, you can still play 'classic' Halo in H4. Just give it time to come into matchmaking or go and play some customs (sort of) on classic set up gametypes and maps. I for one actually make maps that forgo Ordidence and instead place weapons normally.

    No offence, but really you need to give 343i a chance. If they make the same mistake twice then we can truely start pointing fingers. But otherwise, give it time. Check Waypoint out everyso often, cos who knows? Maybe H4 has got a huge competitive playlist waiting for us? Or they may have done something stupid. It's worth checking.

    But either way, I respect your choice. Good Hunting in Reach.
  11. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    I know this wasn't directed at me, but I feel the need to reply to this...

    I was skeptical about 343i when I first learned of their upcoming existence around the time of H3: ODST. I think it's fair to say we've given them enough chances.

    First they developed Halo Waypoint (the app) which initially was buggy, ugly, and most of the time not very functional at all.

    Then, we finally got a taste of their game making skills... Sort of... They made Halo: CEA. It was alright, but I personally ended up disliking it. I played most of the game through in classic mode, only switching to the new graphics when I needed to nab a terminal or a skull. For the most part it didn't feel like the artistic changes they made for the newer graphics fit with the actual game. Also, the messy retcon they spliced into the game with the terminals was confusing and annoying. (I played through it in co-op with a friend of mine and the terminals completely confused her as to the underlying story of the game)

    By this time, I was ready to sign them off for good, but I was coerced into being optimistic again. That is, until the handover of all things Halo from Bungie to 343. I was completely flabbergasted at the fact that 343i was completely unprepared for the data transfer. Online file sharing was down for a long time (I believe 2+ months) and when it came back it was clunky, hard to use, and had much fewer features than the previous Bungie.net system.

    Then, after all that, people called me a childish whiner when I said I simply didn't expect anything good from 343 or Halo 4. Even after release I was simply labeled a fanboy and my arguments were dismissed.

    Now it seems most generally agree with me. I mean, seriously. It took them almost 6 months to get online file sharing up and running. And supposedly 343i cares about it's community more than Bungie did? Not having that up for launch day shot every Halo community out there in the foot. Especially ForgeHub.

    There is absolutely no reason for anyone to wait on 343 anymore. For anything.
    They should've had the game ready on launch. That was six months ago.
    #11 stickmanmeyhem, Mar 16, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2013
  12. StolenMadWolf

    StolenMadWolf Promethean

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    Now I have just seen the error of my ways when it comes to forge and file share...And hence I hang my head in shame :p.

    In the meanwhile I'm leaning back to see what 343 decides to choke up next. Purely out of curiosity...and a little bit of hope, just on case...
  13. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Let's all go back to Halo 3!
  14. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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  15. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
    Senior Member

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    But seriously, H3 was the best Halo game to date. If they released it on PC after the next Xbox launches, I will forever love Microsoft. It's also the one redeeming thing that 343i can do in my eyes.
  16. WhackyGordon

    WhackyGordon Forerunner

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    Except Se7ensins. lol

    Rant in spoilers:
    Seriously though, the issue with 343 is priorities. I think Bungie had their product and their fans foremost in mind when they were developing Halo. The level of detail the games have had is a big part of what makes it so immersive and addictive, and despite the various bugs and glitches, the games always felt deep. 343 are pretty clearly more focused on their shareholders and playing corporate games. Trying to upstage CoD would have been a poor decision for Bungie, but for a fledgling studio with a team of lone wolves and a half-baked product releasing on outdated hardware that can barely even run it, that's just straight up ****ing retarded.

    The only logic that could drive that decision is the logic of the shareholders. They don't give two ****s about Halo or video games or any of that ****. They care about getting rich quick so they can live their lives in resplendent luxury on the backs of the working poor. Same **** that's been ruining anything of value for as long as people have valued things. Greed and the desire for power over others. It's our shitty society full of shitty human beings. It's just human nature. Shitty, shitty human nature.

    Se7ensins is the only chance of anything actually getting fixed in Halo 4. They fixed instant respawn. They've already fixed sprint and ordnance too. I imagine in a couple month's time 343 will publish those fixes too.

    The era of developers like Bungie is over. All we have left now are the pricks that drove Sega out of the console market and their like-minded contemporaries. It doesn't pay well enough to be a nice guy now that video games are a serious market. Ethics cost money. Values cost money. Video games are going the way of manufacturing, animation, and agriculture. Everybody's racing to be Monsanto and China.

    I don't blame 343 or feel negatively toward them though. They're just people doing what people do. I do, however, look forward to the rise of the machines. Maybe then we'll see a decent Halo title.
  17. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Did good to get that point across without mentioning the 1000's of bugs and glitches and there talent to somehow screw up pretty much every aspect of the game in some way.

    I gave them a chance for Halo 4 (even after ruining Reach for me, Even in places other people that where looking forward to Halo 4 didn't give them, Flag Dropping,etc) but time and time they disappoint, So now there at a point where they have to actively impress me to get any more chances.
    I would of went back to Reach if 343i didn't ruin the matchmaking in Reach for me (and other people, Well they admitted to screwing up Halo 4 with plenty of time to prepare and the TU was basically done on a whim in comparison)

    If they just adjusted matchmaking in Reach to suit casuals/MLG/competitive players/Bloom and AA lovers/Bloom and AA haters it would be pretty dam good matchmaking, But they wont because if they did I believe Reach would over shadow Halo 4/5/6(and they can't make money from Reach like they can with Halo 4/5/6)
    #17 WWWilliam, Mar 18, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2013
  18. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    It's funny you say that, because the only thing I've heard about the Reach TU was how much it benefited the game. It's an opinion that I share with many people. For me Pre-TU Reach was a massive disappointment and it's something that I hope the series never returns to.

    In my opinion, even with it's issues Halo 4 is still a much better game than Reach. That's all I wanted out of Halo 4 and I'm glad that they achieved that. The game does have some things that I'd like to see changed (slight DMR nerf) but I'm enjoying the game as it is now and I'm sure I'll enjoy the next two titles.
    #18 Chron, Mar 18, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2013
  19. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    What is Se7ensins? They fixed instant respawn, sprint and ordnance? Am I missing something? What was even wrong with sprint and ordnance?
  20. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Se7ensins is a modding site. Members from there put out modded gametypes to enable instant respawn back in Halo 3 and Reach, and allowed it to be disabled in 4 since it was broken before. Also they did a no sprint gametype, not sure about ordnance.

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