Great job on this and It is great to see a project undertaken with an attention to detail. It looks large and a lot larger than other versions I have seen made in the past. The plans are very curvy and I like curves and would love to attempt this, but it's your map and idea so I wont. would be nice to see the curve of inside of ship like plans but as you state full budget I guess this ship takes a lot more pieces than it looks. I would say that if it is a full budget you will most certainly have framerate issues in gameplay . Also the back engines are more curved and would probably look better made out of dominion shields. these are 10 bucks each and look more accurate than man cannons you used that are expensive and hammer framerate. This is a great looking ship... impressive, most impressive
lesser nerds would not have caught timmy's darth vader quote what you say about full budget is half true, depending on the layout of the pieces. Yes, enclosed areas with intricate shapes indeed use up lots of pieces. A lot more than would be obvious by just looking at the overal volume or square footage of the map. But depending on how many pieces are visible at once, such as the corridors I created for another map, you don't get the framerate problems. Certain areas of a map can cause some splitscreen issues, but you CAN make a full 10,000 budget map that does not cause framerate lag -- it's just very hard to do so and takes a lot of reworking and testing.
I agree and have seen it done , although have never managed it myself. But I do know from experience of making aesthetic maps , that they suffer the worst, usually. Obviously piece usage and angles play a large part of framerate.The more complicated the design the harder it is for the software to render.
I checked out the updates done. You missed one spot of z-fighting on the floor near the cockpit inside the ship. I think you should also use a trait zone with low gravity and higher jump heights outside of the ship.
lol well ya don't have to but I think it would be cool. timmypanic used traitzone outside of his Clarity of Faith ship so it's a really cool idea to give the effect that you are outside of a ship and it's in space. I see the lighting trick doesn't show up in Forge... I didn't realize you did it until I loaded a custom game. It looks pretty good, not sure if it could be done more aesthetically pleasing or not. what's up with certain ashittity and those damn concrete barriers? they always look messed up in our maps by half of them being dark and the other not. I tried using them a few times and it did that.
lighting trick does show up in forge, but not after you go into player mode and it renders lighting again. you have to load it up and then just fly ar ound until you are done checking out the lighting changes you've made. I also support the use of at least a little less gravity and more jump height when outside, as I tried to do with LaForge prior to needing to delete the entire outside section of the map.