Agreed on all counts. The Halo 4 dmr is worse than the Reach one was since bloom is basically meaningless, add in stickies and plasmas for all players and you have a pretty awful BTB experience IMO. The problem? Its by far the most populated list. How can 343 be expected to take that as anything other than a sign of a job well done?
God dammit. To busying thinking about all horrible choices they made in Halo 4 to think about how it will effect Halo 5,6,7,8,9. Make forced sprint game so small maps suffer, Make bunch of awkward 6v6 5v5 random gametypes, Most people play BTB, People buy BTB DLC(idk why anyone would want to buy halo 4 DLC but assuming its because BTB is one most people play and want more maps) Halo 5=Building off and improving all elements of Halo 4 BTB. Since it was a runaway success amongst the other gametypes. Which is worst gametype imo, coming from someone who's favorite gametype is BTB. Unpredictable personal ordnance everywhere, sprint+AA's make unpredictable people everywhere, Vehicles useless because of sprint AA's plasma's and unsupported maps. (not just because there cramped maps for vehicles, Because the initial rush and map control of vehicles is horrible!!! some teams always have advantage and can't put up a fight for initial rush and spawn locations are poor decisions to.) On exile the team spawns on this side, to rush that tank at a "competitive" level they have to use mongoose to run over a Freaking stupid annoying bouncy awkward ditch(near where tank is) and really hard to do flawlessly(compared to other team just drives mongoose there NP) Some maps if one team is rushing for a vehicle they can just get it without a fight because there team is closer.. (Probably why they choose to do personal ordnance if they can't balance vehicle spawns, weapon spawns would be impossible)
If they remove the DMR from Halo 5, I'll be a happy man (I know they won't). It is one of the worst things to happen to the franchise in my opinion. Then there is infinity slayer that turns BTB into an absolute cluster **** of power weapons.
Help. I'm drowning in 6v6 maps. Nothing against 6v6 maps when they're used for 6v6, but I get annoyed when they're shoved into 8v8 and 4v4 playlists (lolComplex).
I definitely agree. I think the DMR totally changed Halo and not in a good way. Not only did they "not improve" upon the DMR from Halo: Reach, but it's even worse now. All they did was take out crouch precision and almost totally removed bloom so it's even easier to the kill with the gun. Idiots.
I hope it will be like reach's DLC. I think it was 6v6... But anyways all of the maps were optimized for 6v6 whether it be small indorsy 6v6 or large outdorsy 6v6, they all worked. So what we got a 4v4 6v6 8v8 playlists. Whats next? 10v10 (and before you go getting your panties in a twist I know there are no more confirmed DLCs but I would like to see a remake DLC)
Halo 4: Castle Map Pack - "Perdition" Walkthrough - YouTube Halo 4: Castle Map Pack - "Outcast" Walkthrough - YouTube
Yeah.. These maps look good though. I like Perdition, but I like Outcast a whole lot more. Outcast really has a amazing skybox, especially because of the enormous ship that lands very nearby, and it is desert themed, that is something I personally like alot. Outcast is going to be good I think, Perdition too, just less for me. They both are visually impressive though. (Weird that they don't show the third map.)
I love Desert Themed maps like SandBox and Sand Trap.... but I get a **** feeling from this Outcast Map. We'll see... but from the video the atmosphere is not appealing to me at all. I do like the ship that is taking off in the background.... but a map needs more than a cool background, which certainly ashittity seems to focus more on backgrounds than anything. EDIT: I still need a 4th map pack...
Will it really affect gameplay? But it is a little bright yeah.. But you said again, where have we seent this before? (I just forgot )
Plenty of places. I think the worst is Wreckage; that sun makes it SO hard to see an entire half of the map, consisting of one team's base area.
Daybreak looks like the weakest of the three to me, but it doesn't look bad. While top mid looks powerful it doesn't look impossible to take CoughRagnarokcough! Sorry about that, allergies. Anyway, the maps look decently solid so far, I guess we'll see how they play when having to take them along side the Halo 4 sandbox.
I was actually thinking the exact opposite of Daybreak. It seems to be the only one of the bunch to have that distinctive Halo feel. What's more, is the map looks like the offspring of some wacky threesome between Valhalla, Standoff, and Beaver Creek. That's an automatic win in my book.
Yeah I'd say Daybreak looks the best, while Outcast looks the worst. Unfortunately, I doubt that I will be purchasing Castle, as the vehicular gameplay isn't very appealing to me. Though I might change my mind if the initial reception is positive.
Perhaps you and Pegasi were implying this, but if 343 only looks at population numbers (Why wouldn't they? They must have thought that what they were doing with BTB was good before it was H4 released, and they're following a trend from Reach) then they created a sulf-fulfilling prophecy by including mostly BTB maps. The population would naturally shift towards the greater-map playlist, though most players must have realized by now that it's almost always either Exile or Ragnarok. It seems like exile comes up more often than any other map, and it's always chosen when it's up. Slightly off topic: Funny that you should mention the unfair spawns on exile, I always thought it was the other way around and I wonder if we're playing the same map. You're sort of right about the scorpion, but you're somehow forgetting that the gauss hog is handed to that side on their initial spawn, and throughout the game. The rockets which spawn across the bridge near the tank are a bit closer to the gauss side, and the gauss can kill enemies trying to get rockets. I go for rockets every time with mobility and ammo, and very often manage to jump from behind a rock and fire two while they're getting in to the tank, killing one or two of them (sometimes you can do it by firing ASAP, but even if they're late it's still likely that you will get the advantage of the vulnerability of the boarding animation). If they're already in, it takes three rockets to destroy the tank. After that, it's almost impossible for the other side to ever steal the gauss without a coordinated team, a plan and accurate respawn timing, which, if only one team has it (a plan to get to the gauss as soon as it spawns), is such a superiority in strategy that any other match might as well have been decided anyway. It is almost as likely, however, for the gauss-side to get or destroy the respawning tank as it is for the other side, because the paths to camping positions around the tank are covered and not very close to either base. @FlyingShoeILR, Ragnarok's laser hill may be hard to take, but it happens to be easier to take than in H3, because the jetpack allows players to get on top of tall soft-killed mountain-like rocks and deny them more than a small patch of cover (hugging rocks). I exploit that even without the ability to aim while jetpacking, even though I don't like its cheapness.