Hopefully 10 will be sufficient. We're never really a BTB lobby unfortunately - once in a blue moon I might try to do one just for kicks, but mostly we're right in the mid-range of 4v4s and 5v5s.
You can test whatever you want. But keep in mind that there are only 10 players. I don't think people will like walking a mile to get in action. Also sometimes people leave early and your second test might be 4v4 or 3v3.
Just use your best judgement Elliot. You can run anything, but it's in everyone's best interest that the maps are alt least fun even with low player counts. Yes, but we may also try to grab some people to replace those people. So it may go right back to 10 players.
No time for this one, again. Sorry guys. I have **** stacked up to my forehead that needs to get done.
I may not make this one, at least not for 7. A friend of mine is going through something and needs the room. Sorry guys, i really didn't expect this, but I would never play Halo while he's trying to make life-changing decisions. i may be able to get on later in the night. The greatness of dorm life.
Hell, i remember a time after a party down the hall i was playin halo and my roomate was havin sex on the bunk above me...dorm life
Sorry I couldn't make it, I would have loved to, but I was needed elsewhere. I'll have to catch you all next time.
Last nights lobby was great. I especially loved Salvage, such an interesting design. I enjoyed the Beam Rifle too The long sight lines worked great and you have done a good job making sure that the lower level is both accessible and escapable.
Thank you - you're the first person to take to it that quickly, I think! The split level aspect has been controversial since I started testing it weeks ago, but I think people may be getting a bit more used to it. Once you understand where to go down there, you can navigate that space pretty quickly. I'm actually going to release it today, I'm pretty sure. Oh, and I'll be back with recappin', of course. Stay tuned!
SCATTERSHOT PRO 8 first time playing this map juanez. i really liked it, especially as i was on par for a change! i even won a round!!!!! i like the gametype, i liked the visuals, i liked how i could run the channels through the map. (i really found sprint was your friend here...) i pretty much had a blast and my only suggestion would be to make the map a little more pleasing on the eye....maybe a slightly less uniform layout. i also kept thinking that those shield doors should be teleporters... if i am on, invite me to your next testing dammit! can i try making a map for this? LIBERTAD 3.002 i am hoping it was my connection but it was laggy as hell for me... hoping not a framerate issue. i have made a few changes since last you played, Nutduster said he liked them post lobby and i do to! i havent had a lot of time for forging past fortnight, so i made a grave error in judgement with my map changes. i moved the floor of the map and left some spawn points in space...which helped cost us the map as me and some other poor schmuck were falling in space and then in suicide timeout as you ran the last flag in! i apologise. i did try nutdusters suggestion of simple ctf spawning and adding 2 zones across the map so you can only spawn in your half of the map.....but that didnt work for me once, so i dont know if that was an isolated incident or i just didnt do it right! at this point, bar suggestions/problems from this lobby and then testing koth and oddball - i dont know what else i can do with this map. WETWORK ive always thought wetwork was missing something the few times i have played it. it was one flag! it was a blast of furious chaos! i dont think anyone used the bottom of the map though.... and make the middle run a bit more difficult and you are done there! ARCHWAY i have missed a couple updates to this map. koth was a lot of fun. good lines of sight. intense battles for hills. much prefer the lift area now without the top sniper area. not sure how ctf will play now, look forward to playing again. SALVAGE another solid test, im not sure if you made any changes, i dont think so. i havent anything to add, its good! ...START i really enjoyed this game too. pick up and play at its finest, didnt get lost, things were easy to find. a unique usage of the the 2 story unsc building! battles were good too! koth played really well. the map looked nice. nothing bad to say! i had no issues here. ok, i lied... maybe add something to make the 2v2 steep a little less floaty looking on the roofs on the 2 middle structures. other than that great CAMBER 2.1 how close was this game? i was an inch from capping as it said victory... and i was (nicely) annoyed at nutduster for his damned jetpack double snipe as i was nearly safely in my side of the map and home free....! as for the map i really like the central structure. the ramps, the linking the side of the map to middle, over under around through, all well done. the map is nicely symmetrical, offering good balance. its looks pretty too. im not sure if its too open between either base and the middle....but im not complaining. PANDORA'S DREAM i love the extraction cylinders as used for lights i dont often play flood, but this is fun. (i would prefer enemy to be npc) really good use of erosion for placing your map. i only found it in forge, but how are you supposed to get the rocket launcher? i liked the routes you could take, i didnt feel parts were too easy to hold or too difficult to attack. the grimy look adds the the feel of the map. AVALON 2.2 i like a lot of things about this map. i missed most of it. the sword top, didnt go bottom at all. ctf played well. quickest way being most dangerous. i liked that someone used the shield doors, an idea i have long tried to make work. the ramps making the black looked different as los blockers and i couldnt work out what they were until forge told me! the majority of people spawn and move forward - this is true. i am not in the majority. a couple of times i spawned and strafed to my death! i enjoyed the middle crate hiding the ordnance making you have to destroy it to get it. making you unable to defend yourself, but for an overshield? maybe rockets would be better? a nice concept, look forward to how this progresses MOBILIZE a much more fluid experience for me now i am familiar with the layout. its nicely forged, plays well. i just wonder if you could do a bit more than a container for the cap point in ctf? i didnt get to the bottom of the map at all, maybe some more incentive for players to go down there? i only recall one person down there (and thats cos it was nutty and i killed him!) other than that it is really solid. DIAMONDBACK relentless action! only now i am in forge can i appreciate the nice touches you have made to the map. well forged and played well. i dont know what to add OCTAVE another good map by you...i wanna see a bad one! this map really lends itself to oddball. so many routes, i havent learnt most of 'em without playing more i havent anything to add as it seemed really good. .SMILEYTEST i only just saw the smiley face in forge! i liked the concept of this map. there are some nice lines of sight and lots of verticality. the mantis wasnt overpowered. and i liked the link of natural scenery and your creations. i did feel the map could be a bit tighter and some of the ramps seemed a little too steep for my liking (my, being personal preference - so take it with a pinch of salt ) maybe put soft kill zones on the roofs to offer less powerful positions to jet packers LCG ETERNUM 1.2 first impressions were a good recreation of interchange, but it didnt look as nice. and thats not me being a **** its still a very solid map, and i believe juanez said is intended as a 2v2, which i imagine would play better. but as its essentially the same map scaled down i compared it to interchange, which i am a big fan of. CONDEMNED is a very nicely forged flood map. its very open and deceptively large. i like the watch tower and bridge, looks a part of the map. the road looks realistic and the door on the bottom level adds a belief there is more to the playable area. only i wish there was there is a warthog and a mongoose, but i have no idea what you would do with either, as there is nowhere to go! as to how good a flood map it is, i dont know! but i had fun. think thats another wall of text over and done with. it takes a long time when you check all the maps again in forge!
Scattershot Pro - I think you've got a bite on a good idea here, although I will say that once the initial rush of "This is crazy!" wears off, a couple specific things about this starting to bug me. One is something you can't do much about: the scattershot is just random as hell, and very often I would expect a kill-trade and end up dead while the other guy waltzed over my corpse... oh well. Nature of the weapon. The others, in order: 1. I'd like to see you rebuild the map so that maneuvering through it is easier and less likely to get you caught on corners. Gorilla's old Grenade Launcher Pro seemed to have fewer hard corners as well as more long lines of sight (that's basically all it was) that let you determine your position within the map; I feel like this take on it makes it harder to get around and also leaves me disoriented at times as to where I am, and where my opponents might be. And 2. turn jump back on, please. Maybe it's just personal preference but jump is a major tool in my arsenal as a player, and without it I don't find the game to have as much strategy. // Positives: Pulse 'nades worked excellently. And all that pink is so, so pretty. This is fun, it just needs massaging, IMO. 3.002 - I had no framerate issues, Tombo, at least not that I recall. I like the changes you've made and I hope you've found our feedback useful. I feel like this map plays pretty damn well now. It does still have one basic weakness in the design, which is that basically it's just three parallel corridors with openings between them; once you realize how it fits together, it doesn't have the same challenging complexity and strategy of something like Interchange. Assuming you're not interested in majorly overhauling the layout, you might just push it a bit more toward vehicular play; I find that simple designs work best for vehicle-heavy maps, and it becomes less important to have all kinds of flanking routes and side-corridors for infantry to outmaneuver each other. Just a random thought! Anyway I enjoyed this game the best of any match on Libertad so far, and it's gotten to be very visually appealing as well. Wetwork - This game was cray-cray. Lots of killing and it was hard as anything to stop flag runs. I'm glad we tested 1-flag but I think what you have here is basically a slayer map for 4-8 people, not a flag map for 10. But it looks and plays nice, even on a non-optimal gametype. I did enjoy myself with the sticky det on flag defense, too. Archway - I'm reaching that point of having not too much to say about this map, having played it and commented on it so often. I think the changes to the middle are good ones, the passages behind the bases were seldom used and probably won't be missed, and basically this map is playing nearly as good as it looks - which is saying something. Time to release..? Salvage - is now a thing you can download. Appreciate all the testing and feedback, guys! ..Start - Very easy-to-understand layout, and attractive. It plays KOTH well. I liked the battles for the lower room - that was my favorite area of the map. Also enjoyed using the ghosts, though it was on the verge of being too cramped for them. Two criticisms: I found it hard to understand how to get to the shotguns; don't think that narrow little area adds a whole lot either, how about making that solid and just placing the shotty outside of it? And also, I didn't really like the look of the diagonal walls in the downstairs room - not aesthetically or anything, they just seemed to only be there for cover and without any clear structural purpose. Might you try extending them up to the ceiling? That would give them a little more of that classic Halo look, I think. Camber - Yay, Camber! Pandora's Dream - I didn't understand the rocket launcher location either. Can you get to that without dying..? I landed right on it as a human and died instantly. Luckily (or not, for the flood) I respawned as a human again - is that supposed to happen? It seems like a possible exploit you could use to dodge flood and get an ammo refill. The map was interesting, very atypical kind of layout for flood; I liked the use of the Erosion natural geo (I did some similar things on a map I made before, but not for flood) and I liked how the flood seemed to pop in from nowhere so often. Kept me on my toes for sure. Avalon2.2 - Pretty wild arena-style mayhem! I did fall into the death pits frequently - realize that's kind of the point of a map like this, but you might consider some railings here and there, as Halo players aren't used to watching where they walk like in older arena shooters. CTF was intense. I didn't have a problem with the top middle, by the way - I know we were talking about that. In general, I really enjoyed this and thought it was a marked improvement over the version we played last time, to the point that it barely seemed like the same map. Mobilize - Oh flag, you cruel mistress. I had ten kills in about one minute in that ghost and STILL couldn't stop your flag run or get your flag out for our team to score it... oh well. This map is tasty, Cyborg, and I think it's about ready to go, pending tests of a few other gametypes. Diamondback - I enjoyed this game for sheer hectic chaos, but fundamentally I think I have some gripes about the layout of this map. The sometimes narrow, sometimes steep, sometimes both ramps are not my favorite; generally I feel like if you find yourself putting a 1-unit-wide ramp at a 45 degree angle, you should try to replace it with a better ramp, or a lift, or just rebuild the map to allow more space for a beefier structure. My recommendation is ramps should almost always be at least 2 units wide and at an incline of no more than 30 degrees (default ramp bridges and 2x2 ramps are at about 26 degrees, for reference). Anything skinnier or more severe than that is uncomfortable to play on, unless it's a trick jump sort of thing. I also find the whole middle a bit too chaotic and deathtrappy - nice idea, but in practice people that venture into that lift/grav zone/shield door contraption usually seem to end up dead. This game was better than the oddball match before, and the changes you made seemed to be good ones, but I do think this still has a way to go to rival your other map. Octave - holy crap PURE CHAOS. I think this was too many people for the map (should be 8 max) and the respawn timer needed to be set higher, I think, which added to the feeling of "OH MY GOD I'M ALWAYS FIGHTING WITH EVERYONE AT ONCE." Despite this I think the map held up OK, I had no awful spawns, and I'm ready to push this out into the universe. .Smileytest - What is with the name? Ha! I really liked the look of this (especially those sexy stunt ramp rooftops - I'm still totally gonna steal that), and the basic idea of having these elevated buildings with walkways between them. Reminded me of the H3 map Ghost Town in a vague way, though the layout is entirely different. In practice I did find that when I spawned down low I had a hard time getting up high - that might be partly due to lack of map knowledge on my part. MAybe another big, very visible ramp or two, and/or a very visible lift or two, would help to let people get to the upper levels and rooftops more easily? Fun game, promising map. LCG Eternum 1.2 - This game lasted 2 minutes 40 seconds. I'm gonna need at least twice that to say anything useful about it. Condemned - Nice-looking map. Don't have much to say about the game though, it was typical flood shenanigans. I'd like to play a more competitive gametype on it to see how that goes.
I'll be going though all the games in theatre when I get home, I will write up feedback for every map as I do.
awesome! glad I could offer a suggestion that someone liked. I would love to see the finished version of this published so that I can replace the unfinished one I saved from temp files last week. nuther suggestion: If some want jump, would something like a less severe jump work? I hate it when players do nothing but hop around, but I agree it would feel restrictive to not be able to. So, maybe 75% jump? 90%? Increase gravity? Some type of combination of the two?
I think the separation between the two levels of the map - not the fact that there is one, but that it's so vast - kind of throws a lot of people until they get used to it. The upper level is also designed deceptively; we've tested CTF on this a lot and in the earliest games, people tended to only run the flag through the ship, because it looks like the quickest route; it takes a while to become clear that the outer ring and the lower level are just as fast, and have their own advantages. But anyway, I'm really glad you liked it! Personally I think it's the best map I've made in Halo 4 - the most unique idea, the best aesthetics/clearest visual theme, and that it plays pretty well doesn't hurt.