Wow, that was fast. Yeah they all look big, unfortunately. I hate vehicle gameplay in Halo 4, so I might actually pass on these.
Looks like 1 med map, 1 large map, & 1 BTB map It looked like a reimagined version of beaver creek...
Wow, I barely had time to get used to the majestic map pack and they bring out this? I wonder what's making them release these so fast...
Why the hate, guys? Big Team is ****ing sweet. ...wait, right. This is Forgehub. I totally forgot, sorry.
It's just a trailer, the maps aren't coming out for another month or so, which is what they've planned on doing from the start. Anyway, these maps look gorgeous. I've been pretty satisfied with the map packs so far and after seeing this trailer, it doesn't look like that'll be changing anytime soon.
It's not that. It's that the map compliment already did more for BTB at release, in terms of average quality as well as quantity, and yet only one of the 3 map packs really did anything to address the dearth of small arena maps, with the other two bolstering an already strong BTB compliment.
Awesome, bigger maps with heavy vehicles. Missed the heavy vehicles in Crimson, not counting Shatter with the lag on splitscreen. When I play matchmaking with friends, we usually go BTB with 5/6 people. These maps would make some great variation in our online map rotation. (which is usually Exile, Exile, Exile, Meltdown, Exile, Exile, Vortex, Exile, Wreckage, Exile, Exile, Exile..)
Then they face the same problem as Harvest. Designing maps for 6v6 seems really odd when the vast majority of actual Halo is formed of 4v4 or 8v8 playlists. It's all very well putting in a specific playlist for them on release, but what happens after it's gone? Maps need to fit in to the regular rotation well, which 6v6 generally doesn't. Also, at least one of them looks like BTB as well, rather than 6v6. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the first map pack's playlist 6v6 as well? And 2 of those were straight up BTB maps. If this is the case again, that diminishes my above point in that hopefully the maps should fit well enough in BTB when they get there, but it certainly looks like at least one is 6v6 friendly, a la Harvest.
You're forgetting Ragnarock [br][/br]Edited by merge: Yeah the playlist for the first map pack was 6v6. These maps look way too big for 4v4 so it looks like they will be shoved into BTB. How many maps is there in that playlist now. Something like 8 now...
6v6 again?!?! *facepalm* I've had it with Certain Affinity. Almost everything they do pisses me off in some way.
I'd be more excited for these maps (seeing as I've loved BTB more than anything else since Halo 2) if there was a throwdown-ish playlist for BTB. I wish they'd force all players to have a loadout like BR + pistol and have a fixed ordnance for BTB, then maybe wide open maps would be pretty playable.
I was a huge BTB fan in Halo 3 and even Halo: Reach even though that is when it started to take a turn for the worst with the DMR, I still had fun with it. Now in Halo 4... I can't even stand it. There is something seriously wrong with BTB if I don't like it. The major problems is the DMR loadout weapon, the loadout combination of plasma pistol as secondary weapon and stickies as grenades, personal ordnance, and DAT DAMN CERTAIN AFFINITY and their small 5v5 BTB maps. God-Mind gimmie strength!!