forge world in halo 5

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by pop, Mar 11, 2013.

  1. pop

    pop Promethean

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    i think forge world needs to return and we can get to that spire
    how do you feel about this idea
  2. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    There are two reasons why Forge World is not in Halo 4.

    1. Certain Affinity doesn't know how to make a large map (They probably don't like to either)
    2. Xbox cannot handle Dynamic Lighting for a map that large (not sure if the game engine can either)

    With that being said, if the next Xbox hardware and the Halo 5 engine can handle a forge world with dynamic lighting... then we have a chance, but it would be all up to whoever makes the forge map(s) in Halo 5. Hopefully it's someone better than Certain Affinity.
  3. StolenMadWolf

    StolenMadWolf Promethean

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    I would agree with Ghost. Hopefully the new XBOX can handle it. After that, forge world should have a few weather opitions, terrain types and new areas to explore. Maybe a remake of Death Island, or a Beach similar to Last Resort.

    Oh, and we need a bigger budget, and trees... Lots of trees...
  4. PantherineOfGod

    PantherineOfGod Promethean

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    trees would be awesome. when i first got halo 4 i played forge and i was in structure checking it out and it said natural and i said to myself awwwww sweet!, trees and other stuff but nope rock 1, rock 2, rock 3, etc. kinda disappointed but oh well i guess.
  5. AussieForger

    AussieForger Promethean

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    yeh halo 4 is lacking the forge ability where you can use the water areas. So much fun making your maps neer water. to be honest tho i think the 3 forge maps in halo 4 are generally big enough to do what you need. It would just be nice in halo4 also if the lighting budget didnt blow up when you get to a certain point of using a combination of pieces/things in ur map. Halo 5 had better have a good forge
  6. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    We wouldn't need a new Forgeworld if we'd just have the ability to manipulate the natural environment like you can in games such as Far Cry 3. I'm not even asking for a system just like that one, but at least allow us to tweak the ground, water and skin for a bit.
  7. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    The terrain is nowhere near big enough to even make a BTB map using only terrain on any of the forge maps we have in Halo 4.

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