Smallsylum It's Asylum, but half the size. Plays just fine with regular-sized people (though you can get from one flag to the other in a single sprint!), but for maximum yuks, look up a gametype that I won't link to here due to site policy, called "Kiddy Slayer." 4 foot tall spartans are just about the right size for this map to be basically a remake of Asylum... with very large guns. Download link Get it here Weapons/ordnance - 2 snipers - sword - 2 shotguns - other stuff that was on Asylum, but not the needlers. Screenshots (Note: a couple small tweaks have been made since these were taken, including adding the missing railings to the sides of the ramps that go into both bases.) "I'm huge!" "I'm not so huge!"
Love it... looks beautiful too. I'm not positive but with Kiddy Slayer, they didn't slow down the movement speed or alter the jump height did they? If not, what modifications should be made to kiddy slayer to make the movement compensated for the size of the player, do you know?
I'll have to check what I set it to. I found a combination I was happy with but I can't remember exactly what it was. Speed was definitely 75%; not certain about jump and gravity off the top of my head, though I know that 50% jump felt way wrong.
It's crazy. Run around an exact scale model of asylum but it's small and you are small and guns are big and it plays exactly like asylum but you feel wierd and turned inside out but it's all good.