Forge Glitch on Erosion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Xun, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    I think I've heard about this somewhere before, but not on Halo 4. Basically, I've been forging on Erosion for the better part of an evening and when floating around my map to check things out, I noticed some of the pieces started turning green. It's not a luminescent glow from the green goo stuff either, as I'm in the building, more the pieces have a green tinge to them, which is more noticeable in shadows.

    It's only with certain pieces, too, and it's annoying because they're pieces I want to use. I tried deleting and replacing the pieces with new ones, but they still stay the same colour.

    This is getting really irritating, so if anyone knows why this has happened, and/or how to fix it and/or avoid it in the future, please help, because I need sleep now. Thanks.
  2. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
    Senior Member

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    any way you can post a screenshot?
  3. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    Sure, take a looky-loo at these.



    I just realised that I should have named the thread better, but since it was after 2am when I posted it, I wasn't thinking and I just wanted to get some sleep. :\
  4. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Hmmmm. Maybe you could try setting their spawn time to 1 + spawn at start: no to see if the lighting affects them?
  5. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I think it might be because you're forging in the colisseum. But that's just a guess.
  6. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    I just had a fiddle around in the map and got it to stop doing it. Basically it was because I had too many high-poly objects (large walkway covers) and I'm guessing the lighting system didn't like it, so it had a hissy fit.

    This could serve as a lesson to others who may have this problem too, so I won't request a thread lock/delete. Thanks for the input though, guys. :)
  7. Robster95

    Robster95 Forerunner
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    I know its an annoying glitch an all but thas so cool xD
  8. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I guess it's just easier to tell when the lighting breaks on Ravine or Impact.
  9. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    It's the nuclear reactor that turned the water green as well...

    If that effect is predictable and replicable, then it is a nice find.

    Does it also show green in game? Or just in forge?
    #9 MrGreenWithAGun, Mar 6, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2013
  10. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    It shows green in Forge and games, until you remove said high-poly pieces.

    It's doing it again. I'm just about finished my map and random bloody pieces have decided to turn green again. It's getting really irritating, because I'll swap the green pieces for ones that haven't turned green, think everything is cool when they don't go green, Forge a bit more, then come back later to discover they've turned green. It's starting to get really aggravating because I've pretty much removed all the big pieces I'm willing to remove, but it's still being a *****. If Halo 4 were a person, I'd have punched it in the nose by now.
  11. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    very interesting... it seems like a nice feature if it is only specific blocks that you can then use only for flooring or only for walls to make the two differentiated.
  12. Elite Warrior5

    Elite Warrior5 Forerunner
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    It's back from Reach!
  13. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    Well, that was an experience. I managed to finish walling in my map without any greenness happening again (so far). This thread helped me out a lot, as I think the problem had something to do with the dynamic lighting not being able to light so many objects, so a big thanks goes out to Warholic.

    If anyone runs into this problem, use that guide in Warholics' thread to get around it.
  14. A R C A S I U S

    A R C A S I U S Promethean

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    It is a dynamic lighting glitch that happened ever since the new forge update a week or 2 ago. I havnt forged on erosion myself as I hate the pallet but I have the exact same problem on impact although instead of green the pieces have a bright orange glow. It also has to do with where on the map you are forging. The lighting in general may not be broken and after the new update I think the dynamic lighting budget has been put close to infinite however it has created a whole host of problems like this one. We all feel your pain bro, but dont be fooled it IS a dynamic lighting issue. try deleting all the pieces that are not suspect and see if those pieces are still green. obviously dont save the map tho
  15. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    Yeh, I managed to finish the map without having the problem again. It was because of some of the pieces I used, so I had to delete them and replace them with other lower-profile pieces. All-in-all, the biggest thing I took away from it was it made me think outside the box in terms of piece usage.
  16. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
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    Go back to reach comrade, and enjoy a forge that works
  17. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    If you can figure out which ones turn green, this could be used to deliberately pull off some really interesting aesthetics...
  18. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    I assume that when this green glitch happened, it was coinciding with a very fast rendering of lighting? When you switch from monitor mode to player mode, does it try to render the lighting? My guess is no.

    So you should always know WHEN you've hit the limit, and it maybe that the piece you just placed was high light-budget piece, or it could be that it wasn't, but was the straw that broke the camels lighting... or sumthin'
  19. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    It seemed a bit random, but the main ones that turned were WALL DOUBLE, RAMP 2x2, BLOCK 3x3 FLAT, BLOCK 2x2 FLAT, RAMP 1x2 SHALLOW, BLOCK 1x1 TALL, all the pipe pieces, and possibly a few others I can't remember at the moment. Only thing is, you need to have fairly high piece usage so you may not have enough budget left to make something good enough.
    It would still render light normally, maybe it took a little longer than normal actually. But once I deleted a few objects to see if it would stop glitching it would do a fast render and everything would be hyper-coloured until I went back to Monitor mode then back to player mode quickly. May have been the engine compensating for the big pieces I just deleted and basically hulking out until it realised I had deleted the pieces. :p

    It's hard to tell when you've reached the lighting limit, because as I said before, it seems a bit random. Unless someone experiments with this further, I guess it'll be a mystery.
  20. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    But why those blocks? What is it about those blocks that makes them green? Is it because you use a lot of them? or just a few of them? What if you used more of another block that wasn't green? Would it turn green?

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