Halo 4 Discussion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by thesilencebroken, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    Twice in recent weeks? Man, one day I have been JIPped 6 to 7 times, It happens a lot to me, and its annoying..
  2. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    I don't play much matchmaking of late. Been spending my Halo time in forge and customs. But yeah, it happens a little too often... One great moment I forgot about: I got JIPped into a 4-0 CTF game, quit out (because, why?) and then tried to find a new game - and it re-JIPped me into the same damn match. At that point I decided to just sit in a corner and wait for the game to end, which took maybe 30 seconds, but one of my new teammates decided to kill me since he saw me not moving, and clearly that was a superior choice to, y'know, trying to do anything worthwhile to help his team.
  3. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Consider yourself lucky if you aren't getting JIPped every other game you play. I just feel bad for anyone that actually cares about their win-loss.
  4. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    I do, In most every game(even had over 50% win loss in mw2 with JIP, took a lot of effort for me to do, but it was my first srs CoD game so I dealt with it) Call me old fashion but I believe the goal of a game should be "To Win" not "To statpad" I dislike games and features that promote K/D and diminish W/L. Which JIP does.

    But I just don't care about my W/L in Halo 4 its full of grinding and statpadding and the gameplay it to meh for me to endure getting JIPped to even try for a good W/L ratio(aka try to win games)
  5. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Am I the only one that still plays games just to have fun and does not give a **** about any stats other than perhaps the commendation completion?
  6. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Fun is subjective. Some people have fun playing hyper-competitively, some people feel intense gratification when the game tells them that they've accomplished something on their service record.
  7. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    They are not interested in addressing the feature, but our impression of it.

    I quit it now out of principle. Some say, "good luck getting banned". To that I say, "what difference does it make? It is out of principle." I would rather not play for an hour than to play knowing that I was taken advantage of by JIP.

    The more I think about it the more pissed I get.

    I try to get out before JIP kicks in, but a couple times I didn't make it, so I quit immediately.

    I haven't been banned yet, but I spent ten minutes getting out of JIP before it let me start a game from the beginning.

    If 343i truly want to be honest with themselves, they would give everyone the option to avoid it entirely. The would see that less than 5% would keep using JIP, and we would safely be able to assume that they use JIP because they just don't know that the option to avoid it is available. But 343i won't do that, because the truth hurts too much to accept.
    #10847 MrGreenWithAGun, Mar 6, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2013
  8. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    I play both, styles. Depends what for lobby I have. If I have an Clan fighting me, I try my hardest to own them, and sometimes in Flood or with an Ok-lobby, you can have some "fun". Competitive is also a lot of fun, IMO.

    Though, I dislike the JIP-System pretty much. Even if i get JIPped into an BTB match, and it is 20-30. (Out of 1000 of course) I already feel an disadvantage.
    #10848 SpartanPeter, Mar 7, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2013
  9. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    I've lost all ability to play competitively with others in the latest fps games, I have a few week period where I can hold my own then I don't win anymore. So minigames, and infection mostly keep me afloat. Though I miss halo 2 style zombies :(
  10. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    Hey guys, I'm throwing a community poll together on Halo 5. It's a multiple part series. You don't have to be a member of THC to vote. Hope you can take the time: LINK
  11. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    Hey guys, I'm throwing a community poll together on Halo 5. It's a multiple part series. You don't have to be a member of THC to vote. Hope you can take the time: LINK
  12. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    True but in a game as broken as halo 4 and as uncaring as 343 is about player experience can you really have fun competitively anymore?

    I will admit there is one playlist that I do care a little bit about winning more and that is SWAT. But the other playlists too much depends on who can use the most glitches or who gets the best ordinance drop and which team are you on to really try to be serious.

    On a side note, Halo 4 has even managed to ruin swat on lockout for me. Horrid frame rate and bullshit camp spots that were never there in the last two versions.... That was my favorite swat map in Halo 2 next to Ivory Tower
  13. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I still have a lot of fun playing competitively with a party, and Throwdown would be fun if it weren't for the friendly only radar in Ghost's settings. Hoping Bravo makes moves to tweak it soon, though I'm not a massive fan of Gold Pro and Orange is ruled out until we get no sprint without mods. I agree that the game has taken a serious hit competitive-wise, but so did Reach and there was still a lot of fun to be had there. It's still miles better than any other big console shooter for small team competitive play.
  14. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Some people value stat's diffidently, Like i couldn't care less about my K/D or commendations and to me the only stat I care about is W/L because in my opinion is more then just a stat it shows how good you are at the game. (Regardless of crappy teams, getting Jipped, unbalanced game,etc)

    I find fun from knowing I'm doing my best and beating someone who's doing there best, If there someone who would be like "I wasn't even trying" while there strafing trying to shoot me grenading getting behind cover to kill me. Then I enjoy killing those people who say "wasn't even trying" or there been an idiot so i get free kills mild satisfaction from that.

    Everyone loves dicking around but that not the bulk of the fun I get from a game. I enjoy competition (which I can't really get in Halo 4 to my personal preference but you can still muck around even though that's not as fun when you know its not really a competitive game because then it doesn't feel as naughty.)
  15. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    I think K/D is a better metric of skill than win/loss. You can be the best member of your team with 20+ kills and still lose. Even in FFA games winning doesn't necessarily mean being better. The K/D ratio is a better portrayal of how good you are in an fps.
  16. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    If you consistently play with a team then W/L>K/D. If you run MM on your own like most people do then yeah, W/L basically means nothing. K/D is a very questionable stat for actually judging players, but still more reliable than W/L when playing with randoms, definitely agree there.

    But how is it not valid in FFA? The only reason that W/L isn't a reliable stat in most of MM is that you have to rely on others to help you win, so it doesn't reflect just your skill. That's not true in FFA, where W/L is solely reliant on how good you are. How does K/D better represent your skill in FFA, rather than just your ability to statwhore? Also, objective games completely undermine K/D being a good judge of skill.
  17. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    But in the example of playing with a (for the sake of argument a "good") team, then W/L is only a portrayal of how good your team is, not how good you are as a player. Maybe you led your team in kills a few games or maybe you sucked for a bunch, the W/L ratio doesn't give any more information than simply who had the highest number at the end. The kill/death ratio is a very accurate metric. Even if you suck for 10 games in a row, if you've played 200 games that ratio will barely take a hit, but if you're consistantly good and averaging like 20 kills a game that shows your skill level much better. I mean there are a plethora of other stats that go into it but if we're comparing just W/L to K/D I don't see how W/L can portray anything useful in a game where wins and losses aren't even the most important thing (not with people dropping in and new players being added last second and everyone getting points regardless of result).

    I'll grant it is more useful in FFA than it is in team games but it still dependent on trends. If you lost by 1 kill 10 times in a row but still had 20+ kills does that mean you are a bad player because that is what is reflected in the W/L ratio? What if you only died 1 time in each of those matches?

    I will agree K/D doesn't matter much in objective gametypes but I wasn't talking about them and win/loss still doesn't necessarily imply being better even in those games because they are still subject to how well your team is doing, not you specifically.

    I'm talking about what shows skill better to an individual here.
    #10857 PacMonster1, Mar 7, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2013
  18. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Whilst that's very true about it indicating how good your team is rather than you specifically, I think you're overstating how accurate K/D is. Say you play with a team, but you lose all your games because you're stating and not helping your team. You're being a bad player in competitive terms, simple as, but by your logic you only look at K/D and you look good.

    K/D is far from reliable. It's dependant on what playlists you frequent (a 1.5 for someone who plays mostly Throwdown is worth more than a 2.0 for someone who plays mostly BTB). It's worth significantly less in objective gametypes. It's a very rough estimate of how likely you are to win a battle, but even then is tricky because often tells more about what kind of battles you allow yourself to get in to than how good you are in any given circumstance.

    FFA W/L has a top 33% stat. If you come second, you get recognised for it. Going 10-0 in FFA gives you a +10 K/D, but you weren't even close to actually winning. This is why K/D is seriously unreliable in FFA, and why I agreed with Bungie's choice to weight number of kills rather than just K/D in Reach's ratings. If you're only dying once and coming second then maybe you should be pushing more and getting those extra kills. An extra death or two < a win.

    I was talking about FFA objective in that sense, since I brought it up in the paragraph discussing FFA.
    #10858 Pegasi, Mar 7, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2013
  19. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    But "not helping your team" is your qualifier. That is not linked to the W/L ratio unless you set that condition. Now you are making a judgement that being a team player is more important than individual skill level, so even if you didn't have the highest kills in the match, if you covered your teammates, or just were helpful in general than your skill level is higher. While all that might be true, it still doesn't better portray the individual's skill moreso than knowing their K/D for that match or in total. You're talking about an intangible skill that isn't tracked, how helpful someone is and how that might impact the resulting win/loss ratio. In an FPS (not counting objective again) your skill as compared to the others around you is based on the amount of kills you obtained in a single match, right? That is where most of the points come from in any given game (not counting objective).

    There is a K/D ratio for every playlist, there are stats of that, there isn't just 1 K/D, so it is still a reliable metric per the playlists I'm talking about. Also I don't know what you mean by comparing weight of K/D ratio for slayer type gametypes. Regardless if it is BTB or 2v2 arena gametypes, killing more often than you die is generally solid proof you are better than people who die more often than they kill.

    I did say it is less useful in FFA but like I said, it is still dependent on trends. If I go 10-0 in a match, multiple times I'm still thinking I'm a pretty good player compared to the guy who won going 25 and 30 (or whatever the winning number is, forget off the top of head), once but then didn't do as well the next game.

    By the way, just to clarify, when I talk about K/D I'm going with the assumption we are talking about more than 100 games. I realize it is unreliable for someone who just got the game and might have only died 3 times while they killed 100 people. Even in this early sense, W/L still doesn't portray the skill of someone who just got the game or started playing multiplayer.
    #10859 PacMonster1, Mar 7, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2013
  20. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    Nice poll WARHOLIC! Voted!
    One thing though..
    Master Chief's face is already shown on Legendary. I was amazed and shocked at the same time, we already knew for the most how he looked like, but not his face. I still agree, he should be a mystery, everyone has to have his/her own view of him as an hero, their ultimate hero.
    #10860 SpartanPeter, Mar 7, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2013

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