Spaz was originally inspired by a user created Quake map. It's asymmetrical, and made for 2v2 Slayer. Overshield - 1 Min. Railgun - 90 Sec. Sniper - 2 1/2 Min. There's an assortment of other weapons on the map. Grenades are on Random Ordnance (45-60 Sec.) I will be very grateful if someone could check it out and tell me everything that's broken about it. Overshield Spawns on the bottom right. Railgun on the right. Download Spaz Edit - Embedded video walkthrough
Your use of pieces to create a clear different between the floor and walls is really interesting. It looks really nice, I look forward to seeing the map progress.
I rather like the look of this, although the lighting looks screwy in a few of those shots (I've not used the screenshot feature yet so perhaps I'm missing something). Your texture use looks great, your weapon setup sounds great and I expect the layout to be great. I'd like to play this some time if you're willing.
Hey, it's Spaz. I can't believe I haven't played this map given how long ago I saw your screenshots..1 min overshield and 2 min sniper sounds like it could be an issue, given that whenever snipe spawns overshield also spawns... it'd be tough to get both weapons and players could respawn on the other weapon after dying.. but then again, I have no idea how close they are. I like the lighting use on this one Oh, and no speedboost? I vaguely remember some jump you were trying to incorporate a speed boost in front of.. what happened to that?
I was planning to have a speedboost, working under the hope that a no sprint option would be part of the title update. The idea was that the speedboost would allow jumps that were not possible without it, thus making it extremely valuable. Now that the TU is out and we don't have a no sprint option, I've decided to leave out the speedboost, since all of the jumps are already possible with sprint. I just decided to make sure some of the jumps are extremely difficult so there is somewhat of a risk/reward factor. The weapon set, times, and placements are still very much up in the air. Currently, OS and Snipe are pretty far away from each other, and I can see that being a problem also. Perhaps I'll change the Sniper time to 150 seconds so that they spawn at different times. I always prefer to use the fastest timers I can without breaking gameplay, but it's probably a good idea to have the Sniper spawn a bit slower anyway, considering how much ammo it spawns with. Any suggestions at all regarding weapons are welcome. Also, I should point out that there are 3 jump pads on the map. If you see a capture plate on the ground, there is a jump pad there. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Finally figured out how to embed the walkthrough. Updated version is in my fileshare with Sniper now spawning every 2 1/2 minutes. Also made some changes to dynamic lighting. Tweaked some weapon placements and clip sizes. Spaz - YouTube
So I played this a good few days ago, but have never gotten round to giving feedback on it. So here goes. Aesthetically, the map looks nice. As others have mentioned, you've done a good job of helping players differentiate between floors and walls. However, I did notice that you ran into the first stage of the lighting glitch - shadows only generate when you get nearer to objects. You could be more conservative with your piece usage to try and remedy this problem. Gameplay was pretty sound. I like how you have the Overshield spawn on the bottom level frequently, as it constantly forced players away from the higher levels (e.g. Railgun spawn) to grab it. I think you could even get away with relocating Overshield's spawn to a more vulnerable location... Although in its current location it is more susceptible to grenades, so you may not want to change it. I did notice that you used two bridges side-by-side, in some areas. You probably know this already, but the bevelled edge of bridge pieces creates bumps when walking the wrong way across them. You could maybe switch out these bridge pieces for standard blocks or inclines to prevent bumps. Apart from that, I really enjoyed the game I played on this. Good work.
after seein the walkthrough, I can see that the layout is really good. couldn't tell much about it from the screenshots. I love your lift design. I too used those inclines w/ the triangle shape to indicate where players should jump up. seems to be pretty obvious to the player.
Thanks for the feedback guys. Since I posted this, I've already made a few changes. I'm working on some more changes. Turns plays 4v4 probably better than 2v2. I've added color to assist with callouts. I've refined the jump pads to make them more consistent. Weapon timers have been adjusted. Based upon feedback I've received, I may change up the jump pads. Man Cannons, Grav Lifts, and Tele's are all possibilities. I'm also considering a ramp up to the Railgun spawn. Weapon and powerup locations are still not set in stone. It is possible that I may move them around, but there haven't really been any complaints other than the fact that the Railgun was to difficult to get to. I'm aware of the issue with the raised edges on the bridge pieces. Believe me, I tried every piece I could think of in that spot and I had to choose between using those bridge pieces and maintaining the aesthetic, or using something else to eliminate the slight bump cause by the bridge pieces. I obviously decided to maintain the aesthetic, as I didn't feel the gameplay was really affected by it, but that decision is not set in stone. As for the lighting situation, dynamic lighting is disabled on the map, aside from a few pieces that I wanted to cast shadows to add a tiny bit of atmosphere. If the shadows prove to be distracting, then I'll just disable the dynamic lighting altogether. Once I get a sufficiently updated version finished, I'll update the thread again.
sometimes that's all you can do, really. It's not the type of bump that will cause a player to get stuck on it. It's just a little contour. Is perfectly smooth better? sure. But not at the expense of having to rebuild everything just for a tiny bump.