From what I can see, I'm likin the changes tombo, can't wait to test it again. I've made a few changes on Zinc: -The center now has a few more LoS blockers, but not enough to drastically change the gameplay. -The bottom level of where rockets spawn now has a path that you can take to the other side and this is now a new hill for KotH (I'll test it this lobby tonight). -The power weapons now start off as initial ordnance drops and then spawn the "old school" way. I wanted to keep the ammo limited as much as I could and now people will know where the weapons are (And now I can get some feedback on the weapon setup). -The big LoS blockers on the platform where rockets spawn are now game-specific to CTF. This is supposed to reduce camping up there in most game types, while still providing a semi-viable running route for flag carriers. -There is now a "roof" to prevent unwanted movement. This is provided by a trait zone. Unfortunately, these changes have, for some reason, substantially increased the lighting problems. Hopefully it will be overlooked though
pop it in your fileshare i'll offer a fresh pair of eyes if you want i probably wont be on tonight....missed sign up and too tired for losing sleep tonight! but i could check it out tomorrow
Well the offer is appreciated. I may just do that when i get on the box. It's mostly the center and crossing between sides. Also the whole map I don't like. I'm sure after about five more rebuilds I'll be happy perhaps. sigh.
I would also like to take a peek. I could mess with it and then put it back in my fs for you to look at.
Recap for Tuesday the 5th There were tears, laughs, and tip of your seat tense moments. However, in all honesty, my roommate took my controller and played (poorly) during some of these and a friend of mine got on the mic while there wasnt much to say. I also may have played some pokémon during this time. Regardless! The games were fun and each map was pretty darn nice. That last small interchange by Lee was pretty darn impressive and I'm still rather impressed by this guy's maps. Anyway, I'll be posting my feedback later. It was good playing with you guys tonight, and we even wrapped up a bit sooner than normal despite extra people.
Yes. Also on reviewing. I am pretty frustrated with the framerate issues on my flood map and the non working lift on my slayer map. I think nutduster will agree that the lift system in halo 4 forge maps. SUCKS
Lifts are a pain in the ass. I'm going to be spending time AGAIN in the next couple days trying to fix the lifts on Octave, at least as much as possible. Framerate also is a pain in the ass, though I've been lucky enough to dodge that bullet in Halo 4 thus far. At least in fullscreen - won't be testing anything I make any more in split, it's just not worth it to me. Please lord let Halo 5 have better framerate..! And finally, really great lobby last night, guys. Sorry I had to go early but that's why I've got a co-host! Played plenty of excellent maps before that point anyway, and I'll get back with a recap as soon as I can carve out time to do it.
Let me know if you need assistance. I'm no lift guru, but two minds are often better than the one. The lift system is shotty, but it is tame-able. Look at Salvage's moster lift! We worked that one out to perfection. Also, I love you Gorilla.
I've probably spent more hours working on lifts than anyone in Halo 4. Not bragging... as my initial ineptidude was probably why it took so many hours! BUT through all of that struggle has born a pretty good understanding of some tricks to use to make lifts more consistent. Morpheus and La Forge both have a unique lift design, and if disected may provide some solutions for you all. LaForge is not up on fileshare but will be soon. It has a system that provides both up and down in the same lift. Invite me to a forge session if you want me to take a peek and offer some pointers on lifts... But basically, here are some of the things to remember when doing a lift: run speed has a lot to do with distance of the jump, and often the trajectory of the jump. angle does too. trait zones with reduced gravity can assist a poor jump to be successful trait zones with increased gravity can arrest a jump which is too powerful using traits of increased jump height and/or increased player speed may also be beneficial at times. one-way shield (orange face up) along the jump surface provides a larger jump surface. because you cannot guarantee how a player initially hits your jump, those two trait zone techniques allow you to bring the jumps which are too powerful AND the jumps which are too weak to a healthy medium that lands on point every time.
In a sense that was an easier task though - easier to control the ways people could possibly approach it, and easier to enlarge or change the place the lift goes to. Ultimately I did a lot of both to get that working. Octave has my hands kind of tied because players have to shoot through a fairly small window, and the spot the mancannon sits doesn't give me as much control over how people choose to walk, sprint, or jump on to it. I think my next stab will be just adjusting the 2x2 corners I've already added - aligning them exactly with the sides of the mancannon, and its overall rotation angle, to force players as much as possible to walk down the "spine" of the lift, which should work 99% of the time. I could also add a mini trait zone to disable jumping, maybe; I don't know if anybody unconsciously hits jump when lifting, but it doesn't help things. Still need to watch the film though and see exactly how people were getting killed last night. We all do!