DURANGO Hello all, welcome to a preview on what I've been working on recently. Built on Ravine I wanted to take advantage of the sun and shadow and lighting and try to utilize the natural surroundings and bridge structure. The map is a castle like structure with arches for most doorways, with a very simple design with 4 v 4 - 6 v 6 in mind. There are 5 vehicles, 2 Ghost, 2 default Warthogs and a central Mantis. 2x sniper on base spawn central rockets spartan lazer back mid 2 x dmr (no way point) 4 x plasma & genades Comments appreciated Thanks for looking!
Oh my goodness, those arches! However, could you make the tops of them either all pointed or all rounded? Right now they conflict visually. This looks really good, but the areas outside the structure seem a bit forgotten about.
It looks amazing except for the very middle, that half circle of bridges seems a bit lazy or uncreative for your standards timmy panic.
Thanks. I didn't really have a plan when making this building and it is failing in places. The arches are different widths. I did use a round incline to get the 2 building arches but swapped for the pointy arch. There are 3 for building and 3 for tunnel. I would have liked more round arches but I am out of pieces or walls/blocks needed. I agree outside the base is very simple and could use a little more cover. Thanks for feedback Edited by merge: Thanks. I agree the round building is difficult to tie into map and maybe I should look at a better way of structuring inside of the building. There is a height veriation from one end to other that I need to balance fairly. Thanks for comments, has helped me improve on my first version. The central structure is tied in better now and I have made a way to the top now too. I will have to get some testing to see how it plays.
looks sick Tim. it's not easy using the Forge map terrains since Certain Affinity doesn't like making large maps. nice work, I look forward to seeing the finished product.
I've been waiting to see someone create a really good castle structure and this could defeinitely be it. to me the outside area of the castle looks too plain and I really hate to see huge c-walls used with nothing else there to merely keep players confined. if you can't do more w/ those walls to make them look more interesting or provide more gameplay advantages to being in that area, I believe people will avoid it. IT may be better to remove those walls and find some other way of confining players, even if it is a soft-kill to warn players to turn around. in other words, don't make something aesthetically awesome and surround it with something dull, as it just takes away from the initial awesomeness
Thanks. Yeah the terrain is difficult to use. The bridge in map is 2 degree one way 19 degrees the other way and the whole map is on a 9 degree angle. This also makes the large structure look of center. It shouldn't be much longer now. There are a few small things I need to improve, mainly between spawning base and the castle structure. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Thanks for feedback. I agree the walls don't look good but they keep the map looking as one map and not having the large forerunner building looking out of place. It may look better without and I will definitely try and see. I have soft kills in some high places and behind walls. The main problem I have is the cover between the spawning bases and castle structure. It is a fair distance away. I have tried barricades and boxes that look ok I guess and should provide some cover.The other problem is there are 2 back routes to each base + tunnel meaning more battles away from the castle structure and I worry It may not be used as intended. Perhaps I need to make 2 buildings on either side of castle that are closer to where they spawn now. I have only done a little 1 v 1 test on this and need to get some 4v4 testing done on this asap.