UPDATE: Beta variant available (RvB, Team Slayer only). Download Link I love the classics. Nothing makes me happier than playing some old school Slayer or CTF matches on my favorite Halo maps of all time. I had done a lot of work with them in Reach and was thinking this might be the time for me to start using some of that creativity and make something original. So I was contemplating what my first Forge project should be and started flying through the canvases trying to find some inspiration when it hit me: "Ravine is shaped an awful lot like Terminal." So I started working on one just to see how far I could take it. I fully expected to hit a wall at some point where I couldn't take this map any further, but it just kept going. The terrain just fits this map so entirely well that I only had to make slight adjustments to the original layout of the map to make it work. I've become increasingly pleased with the end result and I feel like you all will as well once you all can play on it yourselves. Anyway, enough of me talking. I'll let the screenshots speak for themselves. Please keep in mind that this is an older build and is currently a work-in-progress:
Tried many different forms of recreating a train. None of them panned out. Simple solution was to place a soft-kill zone along the track. I'll probably keep trying out more ideas to see if its possible though, but I doubt it. The main focus of this remake though is to get the layout of the original down as accurately and efficiently as I possible within the framework of Ravine's terrain.
I haven't played the original but you can make a moving train if you so desire in Halo 4. There is 2 ways. Both use a track and large containers. One uses man cannons and the other uses gravity volumes. The Man Cannon version costs more budget and is a bit trickier to make, it also goes real fast and kills (it's kinda funny but looks cool). The other version with gravity volumes is easier and moves real slow, doesn't cost as much to make. Both look like moving trains and it's the best you can do with the limitations we have. I think it's a great thing to incorporate in maps but depending on how much budget and items you have left depends if you can do it or not.
Yeah, I know that there are ways of making a train, but the big unavoidable problem here is that we can't make one that travels across entire length of this track at the speeds it needs to kill players along it without it de-railing . In Reach, some people used kill balls which would sometimes kill players below the track if they got close enough. Others used soft-kill zones which seems to be the easy option, but would be very strange for anyone who had never played the original before. I'm gonna try working on some more ideas for a train replacement, but I think it might be kinda cool to just have nothing there and see how it effects the flow of the map. If all else fails though I can just stick a soft-kill zone along the track like everyone else.
The train isn't the important part. As long as the atmosphere is pulled off it'll feel like Terminal. Then, as long as it's accurate, it'll be awesome. Of love to take a closer look at this.
That train thing would be cool to have on the map, but I guess it takes too much budget which could be used elsewhere better. I just made a softkill zone on the tracks on mine. BTW JD, I´ve seen you play H2V a couple of times and there´s now a quite popular playlist that has Turf, Terminal and Headlong CTF on it. Played it on the weekend and most of the time it was full with 16 people. It´s not dead yet, although there´s never too many players on it.
I agree. The map itself is the main priority for me. Too many people focus on the train and it usually causes the rest of the map to take hits for it. That's the last thing I want to have happen here. Map first, train second. I'm working on getting more screenshots up soon. I took a bunch when I posted this, but only 1 is still showing up on Waypoint. Strange :/ Yeah, a soft-kill really is the simplest replacement for it. If all else fails that is what I'm going to go with. My main priority is still the map itself though while the train is just a "maybe" for now. You'll likely see me playing H2V again at some point as I've still got to work on the spawn system for this map and will be carefully studying it. Have tons of budget left. I don't think I've even used up half of the overall budget yet, and the map is basically done. I wasn't kidding when I said I wanted to make this thing efficient. I'm gonna try some more ideas for a possible train before I let anyone else have a shot at it though.
I always loved Terminal back in Halo 2, nice to see it's being remade! Been while since I've played though, could you post some more screenshots? (I can only see one) I'd love to see what you've done with the sword spawn and garages.
Working on it. I took a bunch of them, but only 1 has been showing up on Waypoint. Will be re-uploading them all tomorrow to hopefully get around the problem.
You don't have to make the train, I don't care either way as long as the map is fun. The other kid was the one talking about a train. I just replied because you said you would see if it was possible and didn't seem to know. I was just telling you there are two methods to make one. And yes, one of them kills and if done right it doesn't derail. I've seen it. As for how much budget it costs... probably too much. It does look pretty cool and since it goes fast it goes all the way across the map. It uses all the man cannons to create it and a bottom track and one on the top as well.
Yeah I know. I was agreeing with you that a train was possible, but I was also just simply adding that I didn't believe it was quite possible yet for a Terminal remake. Terminal's track has dips and curves in it which is what makes these current train ideas most-likely impossible. If it were flat and straight then I could probably make it work, but like you and others have stated it really isn't a must-have for this map. I'm gonna see just how close I can get with it though just in case. [br][/br]Edited by merge: More pics are up.
Holy sweet mother, this looks great! Terminal is easily my favorite one sided map from the Halo 2 era. Great to see this being remade with such authenticity. Although the pics make it seem a tad bit more open than I remember. Could be different in game, or my nostalgia laced brain deceiving me, I don't know. Just thought i'd mention it. All and all looking good so far. Defs need to get a game on this, and soon.
cool man. I never played the original sadly, but I do plan on getting Halo 2 for PC eventually. Even if it cant be played online any longer. (screw you Microsoft). Keep up the great work! If you want to check out one train that I saw made with man cannons and probably a ton of budget, it kills. Check this kid's map out, maybe it will give you an idea you can work with for trying something out. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-4-forge-discussion/142904-crow-junction.html
my son and I played on Crow's Junction too, but I never did get killed by it using a normal slayer type mode... got hit by it many times too. Even intentionally tried to suicide. But with some tweaking I could see it working. It did look really sophisticated, which is impressive. I love cool mechanics in levels to make them stand out among so many others.
really? it killed me everytime I let it hit me. in fact, I tried to survive and I just kept dying when it hit me. Although, I can't recall if I was in forge or slayer but that really shouldn't matter. what was cool about it, is it actually sounds like a train moving on tracks from the container hitting forge pieces lol. I thought that was funny. One thing is for sure, besides the fact that it uses all the man cannons, it looks really expensive budget-wise. I don't know if it actually is or not. It does look like a pain in the ass to build though. The other method for a train using the trait zones goes really really slow and obviously does not kill. Also the other issue is the objects moving along the track disappear pretty quickly because they move so slow. This method suits better for a conveyor belt.