
Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by SH1FTY, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. SH1FTY

    SH1FTY Talented
    Senior Member

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    Opus is a map I started working on a couple weeks ago, and was intended to be a re-imagining of cold storage from H3. However during development my views on this idea changed and eventually resulted in a symmetrical map, not asymmetrical like Cold Storage. Opus features 3 large play spaces; The central room where Rockets and Sniper is held; And the two bases on either side of the central room. This map is also going to be my submission to the FFA forge competition, for which I think KOTH plays quite well.

    • 1x Rockets - 3min
    • 1x Sniper - 2mins
    • 2x Needler - 60s
    • 4x Frags - 30s
    • 4x Plasmas -30s
    Map Overview:








    Map Walkthrough ( Outdated Weapon Spawns) :

    Map Walkthrough : Opus - YouTube

    To Download: Start-- FileBrowser--Map Variants---Fileshare Search --- SHIFTY time
    #1 SH1FTY, Feb 27, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 25, 2013
  2. HissingWings

    HissingWings Forerunner
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    The map layout looks really cool and so do the aesthetics. The only thing I would change is the flooring. All of those stunt ramps are pretty ugly and take away from the overall look of the map.
  3. Shadowcat AZ

    Shadowcat AZ Guest

    After watching the gameplay video, I think you should leave the floor as it is. It makes for a nice variation of colors against the off white blocks. What keeps the players on the map on the backside? Kill zones?
  4. gun fer hire

    gun fer hire Promethean

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    X2 for don't change the floor. I dig it. There is only so much you can do with color i forge (unfortunately) and this map is by no means ugly.

    Also ditto on keeping players in the map on the two low railing rock wall sides... what did you use?
  5. SH1FTY

    SH1FTY Talented
    Senior Member

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    The safe zone barrier along with a kill zone is what keeps players from venturing too far from the map.
  6. derekd

    derekd Halo Reach Era
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    beautiful map; I see a lot of potential here =)
  7. Joe Mama51

    Joe Mama51 Ancient
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    This reminded me of Gemini from halo 2, and the middle brought up some nostalgia from a a firefight map from odst. Good work!
  8. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    Hey there man. Played this with you the other night and liked it, although I agreed with Tyrant on the power weapon locations. Nice that you fixed it.

    Hopefully we can play some more on this. :)
  9. SH1FTY

    SH1FTY Talented
    Senior Member

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    Haha yeah now that I think about it I don't know what was going through my head when I decided to place OS up there. I've got the next few days off work so hopefully we can get a few games on it.
  10. TRAUMAjunkie

    TRAUMAjunkie Forerunner

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    So the closest guy to the center (purple) base gets an overshield, rockets and a sniper rifle? How does that play out in an actual game? Someone with knowledge of the map would have one hell of an advantage. I would consider not putting those in a straight line all in the same base. Maybe put one rocket in the center to fight over and a sniper at each base (red & blue). Its not likely that the guy who stops to grab the sniper is gonna be the guy who makes it to rockets first. Maybe have the OS drop in about 2 minutes in or something.

    I would also consider closing off the hide-aways under the purple ramps.

    Other than that it looks really good. I would like to see some gameplay on this map. Maybe I'll DL it this week.

    So the closest guy to the center (purple) base gets an overshield, rockets and a sniper rifle? How does that play out in an actual game? Someone with knowledge of the map would have one hell of an advantage. I would consider not putting those in a straight line all in the same base. Maybe put one rocket in the center to fight over and a sniper at each base (red & blue). Its not likely that the guy who stops to grab the sniper is gonna be the guy who makes it to rockets first. Maybe have the OS drop in about 2 minutes in or something.

    I would also consider closing off the hide-aways under the purple ramps.

    Other than that it looks really good. I would like to see some gameplay on this map. Maybe I'll DL it this week.
  11. SH1FTY

    SH1FTY Talented
    Senior Member

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    Just to clear some points up for you, there is no OS on the map. Initially there was (what you see in the walkthrough video) but I removed it in order to balance the overall gameplay. The inital spawn in the walkthrough video is not correct also, since the gametype was accidentally set as teams instead of FFA and there were no team spawns placed on the map at that time. On the issue regarding 'unbalanced" FFA initial spawns, there will always be advantages and disadvantages to where you initially spawn in a FFA map. A perfect example of this was Guardian FFA back in halo 3, where one person was able to grab OS and sniper off their spawn. The way the iniatial spawns on Opus are set up for FFA ensure that their is always the possiblity for the player to get into 1v1 battle of the start in order to gain either the rockets or the sniper. Therefore a player managing to grab both the sniper and the rockets off the opening spawn would have to be quite skillfull.

    The reason why it is possible for teams to access bottom mid from under the purple ramps is because I wanted to give players a way to flank in team gametypes without being seen from top purple. Otherwise if a team was being spawn killed in their base and they wanted to push out towards the other teams base to flank around, it would be easy for one team to hold top purple and watch the openings to the base down by gold and essentially spawn trap the team.

    Hopefully this provides a better explanation for the choices I made when developing the map, and also clarify some of the issues shown in the walkthrough video.
  12. TRAUMAjunkie

    TRAUMAjunkie Forerunner

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    Gotcha. I guess its gone through some significant changes since the walkthrough. Also, I didn't realize that under those ramps (by the boulder at Alpha hill) actually went anywhere. Gonna get this map today.
  13. HissingWings

    HissingWings Forerunner
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    The new weapon layout is much better, but I think you should move the rockets to where the OS spawned. I haven't played it but to me it looks like it would be better there. It would be farther away from the sniper. Also, it doesn't seem like there would be much of an incentive to go to the old OS spawn without a power weapon whereas the other spot has a great view of the hill.
  14. TRAUMAjunkie

    TRAUMAjunkie Forerunner

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    So I checked out the map. Its absolutely beautiful. Great flow and choke points. Didn't get to play test any.

    I'm still not feeling the two power weapons next to each other. You have two rushes and they're both within the same line of sight. I really think you should put a sniper spawn in each base, high in the back maybe. That way instead of potentially one person with two power weapons, you've got three people with one power weapon each and they're not in immediate sights of each other.

    I can already see what's going to transpire. Big rush to center, huge firefight. Two men standing, one gets rockets one gets sniper. Now what? well if they're both teamates you have a pretty one sided game, if they aren't it will be an immediate firefight with the power weapons and the victor walks away with both, or both die and the weapons despawn.

    Try a red sniper and blue sniper.
  15. Hydrolysis

    Hydrolysis Forerunner

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    Just played this in Match Making last night! Honestly this map created some of the best gameplay I've had in H4 (Not to mention the map is extremely aesthetically pleasing as an added bonus)! The map has a BEAUTIFUL flow to it that I believe is unmatched by nearly every other map I've played. This map has re-inspired me to both play more halo and get back into forging! Great job man. Hope to see more of your work in the future!


    P.S. I was playing with a buddy of mine who hasn't played much Halo since H3 given that he believes Halo's glory days are in the past. Anyway, his comment was that "Opus is Halo 4's Lockout!" ;)

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