Halo 4 Discussion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by thesilencebroken, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Skyline looks great.
  2. Ryker61

    Ryker61 Promethean

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    Okay, maybe your right about the range. But I've never had an issue with that even before the recent TU. I agree that you should be smart with dealing with corners, but staying away from corners is not an easy thing to do. The problem is that if your using a Boltshot, and your camping around a corner, your opponent can't tell if your there or not because you don't register on your opponent's Motion Tracker. Promethean Vision has become a permanent resident in my arsenal because of this. The Boltshot should have been nerfed in terms of both range and the charged shot, but we get the range nerf. Oh well, maybe next TU.

    Gonna have some fun in the new maps. See ya starside.
  3. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    I'd love the Majestic Map Pack if anybody ever voted for something other than Landfall.
  4. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    Yep, I'm glad to see the return of the "white collar" human environment.
  5. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    I mostly just meant to always swing wide of the corner when you go around one. You don't have to avoid them altogether - just try to move away from the wall to put some distance between you and whoever might be camping. It's good general advice anyway - can save you from CQC power weapons, would-be assassins or double beatdowners, and so forth. If you're leading with a regular (precision or auto) weapon, make sure you keep enough range between you and any potential enemy that you stand a chance with it.

    Funny enough, I think I dislike pro vision more than the boltshot. If it was strictly an anti-camping measure I'd be OK with it, but people use it non-stop to predict every enemy movement around the map, and it's incredibly annoying to someone like me who relies a lot on outsmarting and out-positioning other players. If the other guy always knows where I am, I transform from "pretty good" to "incredibly mediocre" in a heartbeat. I really wish they would have nerfed that ability.
  6. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Yup, Pro Vision is awesome positioning handed to you on a plate. Spawning at closed on Haven demonstrates this. A quick flash of Pro Vision, not even a full charge, shows you EXACTLY where you should move on the map to not only avoid being caught out, but to actually get the jump on enemies and head off their movement.

    Much as I love the smaller forge maps thrown in to the rotation recently, they show up Pro Vision's problems even more. I feel like the Majestic is going to suffer in exactly the same way.
  7. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    This is a tangent, but isn't it funny how the new toys in every Halo title are so often problematic, until they get nerfed in a TU or in the next iteration of the game? It seems like a couple years of us hammering on them in matchmaking is what it takes for the devs to realize that something is a problem.

    I still ♥ the Halo 2 sword though. I don't even care that it was nearly the most grotesquely overpowered weapon in the series, or that it made Lockout into an endless, swirling nightmare sometimes.
  8. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I'm worried/surprised by how many developers don't appreciate the power of creator-bias (probably a proper term for this).

    It's a basic (though still sadly infrequent) lesson for forgers here. As the creator of a map or game, you have a vision of how people should play it, and this is the basis on which you design it. But often enough you're wrong. You learn by getting it out in the wild and watching how people actually play it. It can be tough to abandon your preconceptions of how your design or idea should work, but you can't argue with the facts.

    That's why I was so disappointed with the lack of a beta. I know there were time constraints, but a public beta is the one thing I'd fight tooth and goddamn nail for in 343's position. I think it's incredibly important.
  9. Ryker61

    Ryker61 Promethean

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    It depends on how the person, who has PV, uses it. And even then, it's gonna get abused to hell and back. Look at Armor Lock from Reach. It was a great way to protect yourself from explosions and splatter kills ( I can't count the number of Ghosts I've blown up with that AA). But people started using it in CQC because the EMP shockwave it gave off would take out another player's shields, and I'll confess I've done that myself. And I use my experiences with Halo 3 and Halo: Reach MP to back up my usage of PV. I've had way too many times where I would head down a hallway, and get killed by someone camping around the corner. There were times where I would give a corner a wide birth. Sometimes it helped, sometimes it didn't. I use PV as an anti-camping measure, but even then I don't trust it, because the opposing player may be using active camo. I leave PV active when I round a corner, giving it as wide a birth as possible, to make sure there's no one there, and if there is, then he's not gonna be a happy camper when I plant a Plasma grenade to his face.

    On a side note, is Harvest in the BT Infinity Slayer play list? I've only ever played Wreckage and Shattered in the BT Infinity Slayer.
    #10809 Ryker61, Feb 25, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2013
  10. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Maybe 343i know about creator bias and know a beta would solve some creator bias and gameplay issues but not worth wasting/losing money over (by making a beta of an average game)
    Hypothetically assume 343i knew Halo 4 was going to be mediocre, sub-par, short life span, loses its novelty quickly or even just a bad game (hypothetically).

    Making a demo loses sales
    specially if its a average to bad game like Halo 4 is(hypothetically) what incentive do they have to make a demo/beta? I can't think of any.

    I know there is a difference between beta and a demo, (Beta is designed to improve the game and demo is to showcase, You want a Beta so that it will improve gameplay. That is irrefutable, personally I want one just as much as any other player) But for all intents and purposes a demo and beta are equal in my point they both provide gameplay before the game is actually released. Which is what directly leads to the result of lost sales if the gameplay is average to bad.(regardless if its a beta or demo)

    Hypothetically if 343i knows Halo 5 will be average to bad or not have much longevity what incentive do they have to make a beta for it?
    #10810 WWWilliam, Feb 25, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2013
  11. DC

    DC Ancient
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    Well it doesn't matter to 343 because they still racked in a good amount of dough just from these couple months, even with decreased population.

    Having a beta would have been beautiful, I could have waited till now or later to get a polished game rather than a rushed one.

    Also, on an added note I ****ing hate AA's in general. I think bungie was dumb to include them in reach, especially due to the fact reach is in the past. Doesn't even follow canon.

    I played a game of landfall today, and just got absolutely wrecked by someone using camo. I put on camo and got a perfection the next game. I shouldn't beable to do that in a game like halo, or atleast in a game that use to not allow me to gain advantages just by changing my loadout, basically because there was no loadouts.

    My gripe isnt with loadouts though, its just with AA's. Theres absolutely no way to balance them, because someone will always exploit one to gain advantage.

    Thruster pack= easy assassination if timed right
    AC= This use to be a power up, 'nuff said
    Pro V= you see through walls, 'nuff said
    Sentry gun= Literally horrible AA, just makes everything else seem better, any usefulness is just a worse choice than another AA
    Regen field = This is just annoying as ****
    Jet pack = Jet jump when strafing, and jet pack + rockets= unstoppable

    I'm just ranting about this because these suck, theyre game changing, map-dependent, abilities, and can never be balanced, the only thing that made AA's worse is letting us choose which one we want with whichever gun we want.


    Other than that the maps looks good. Played one game of monolith and raged quit because a guy got the beam rifle, and was using AC. Skyline is pretty fun, except I dislike SWAT on it. Landfall is imbalanced as **** in my opinion.If you get shotgun and you have AC, you can literally survive the whole game easily. Also, there seems to be alot of power weapons, although they could have been ordinances, i got killed by someone with railgun and snipe just a few minutes into the match.

    TL;DR: War Games is annoying to play because I get pissed off at AA's so much. Maybe It's just me, but **** those things.
    #10811 DC, Feb 25, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2013
  12. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
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    Crysis 3 had an MP open beta, and personally, I love it
  13. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
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    Some pretty exciting, yet non-concrete news I just discovered. Check out this tweet by bs angel from 9 hours ago: https://twitter.com/bsangel/status/306271428565663744

    It sounds to me like she's hinting at online file browsing going up in the next few days! Since that was what they said in mid January...
  14. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    More than hinting, she flat-out says it's coming online this week near the bottom. Oh baby, this is so overdue.
  15. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
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    Oh lol I guess I missed that part. Good to hear:)
  16. DC

    DC Ancient
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    I'm actually pretty decently excited for this. I'm horrible at making maps, mostly because I never finish them, but I enjoy taking screenshots thoroughly.

    I hope 343 features groups, like bungie favorites, it was awesome seeing people I've met online and myself up on there
    #10816 DC, Feb 26, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2013
  17. DC

    DC Ancient
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    I'm actually pretty decently excited for this. I'm horrible at making maps, mostly because I never finish them, but I enjoy taking screenshots thoroughly.

    I hope 343 features groups, like bungie favorites, it was awesome seeing people I've met online and myself up on there
  18. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    I'm going to laugh hysterically if they say "oh, nvm. File Shares next month! Woo! ...please don't hate us" for like the fifth time.
  19. DC

    DC Ancient
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    Well, they've never said it in the basis of weeks, just months, so this claim seems stronger.
  20. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Just played some games on Majestic... the amount of AR, Boltshot, and Plasma grenades that are are encouraged killed several brain cells...

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