Alright folks! We've reached the submission deadline, so now it's onto the judging process. Be on the lookout for a Results thread relatively soon. Thanks to everyone who made this contest a success by participating and submitting an entry! Really means a lot guys.
When do you guys reckon you will finish the judging? Oh, had the page loaded up ages and Dax's comment popped up as I posted this
Excited! Such an great contest this is.. Im already having a lot of fun building my map too. I now too see the effectiveness of making an sketch. Because normally I would wander around in forge for ages, but now I know exactly what I want to build, I never made an aketch before
Really good to hear! That's what we were hoping to accomplish with this contest, glad to see it's payed off for someone
I'm the same, it has given me an intensive to make sketches. I now see the benefit [br][/br]Edited by merge: When is this **** going down?
Yeah! Well I am on vacation for an week right now, still have some internet though. So if the results come with in these days, I probally can watch them. If you guys have an vacation, have an great one! If not, well then just have some great days
The only thing that's keeping us from posting the results right now is the possibility of another potential prize for the winners, so as soon as it's decided, we'll get to posting the results! It shouldn't be more than a few days
Take all the time you need Im not even doing this for an spectacular price, I,ve learned something and I had fun doing it, Also having fun building the map.. Hope every participant will do that. Besides that, this is the first contest I have participated in, and its an awesome one to start with, I think I will finish my map after the vacation, if school doesn't stop me
Sweet! Was getting a bit confused at why they hadn't been posted yet, but that is definitely a good reason.